CS 685, Spring 2025, UMass Amherst
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Readings should be done before watching the corresponding lecture videos. See this page or this page for materials (videos / slides / reading) from the Spring 2023/2024 offering.
Week 1 (2/3-5): introduction, language modeling
- Course introduction (last year) // [video] // [slides]
- HW 0 released here, due 2/14
- Final projects:
- Organize into groups of 4 by 2/14. If you do not know people, you can post your interests in Piazza to find partners. Once decided, please send an email to cics.685.instructors@gmail.com telling us your team members (please sending only one email per group).
- Proposal due 3/7 on Gradescope, use this Overleaf template