Daniel R. Sheldon


Efficient and private marginal reconstruction with local non-negativity by Brett Mullins, Miguel Fuentes, Yingtai Xiao, Daniel Kifer, Cameron Musco, and Daniel Sheldon, NeurIPS, 2024.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo inference of marginalized linear mixed-effects models by Jinlin Lai, Daniel Sheldon, and Justin Domke, NeurIPS, 2024.
Gaussian process bandits for top-k recommendations by Mohit Yadav, Cameron N Musco, and Daniel Sheldon. NeurIPS, 2024.
Human-in-the-loop visual re-ID for population size estimation by Gustavo Perez, Daniel Sheldon, Grant Van Horn, and Subhransu Maji. ECCV, 2025.
Sample average approximation for black-box variational inference by Javier Burroni, Justin Domke, and Daniel Sheldon, UAI, 2024.
Joint selection: Adaptively incorporating public information for private synthetic data by Miguel Fuentes, Brett C Mullins, Ryan McKenna, Gerome Miklau, and Daniel Sheldon, AISTATS, 2024.
DISCount: Counting in large image collections with detector-based importance sampling by Gustavo Perez, Subhransu Maji, and Daniel Sheldon, AAAI, 2024. Best Paper Award, AI for Social Impact Track
Using spatio-temporal information in weather radar data to detect and track communal bird roosts by Gustavo Perez, Wenlong Zhao, Zezhou Cheng, Maria Carolina T. D. Belotti, Yuting Deng, Victoria F. Simons, Elske Tielens, Jeffrey F. Kelly, Kyle G. Horton, Subhransu Maji, and Daniel Sheldon, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2024.
Challenges of COVID-19 case forecasting in the US, 2020–2021. by Velma K. Lopez, Estee Y. Cramer, Robert Pagano, John M. Drake, Eamon B. O’Dea, Madeline Adee, Turgay Ayer, Jagpreet Chhatwal, Ozden O. Dalgic, Mary A. Ladd, Benjamin P. Linas, Peter P. Mueller, Jade Xiao, ..., Daniel Sheldon, ..., and Michael A. Johansson, PLOS Computational Biology, 2024.


Artificial light at night is a top predictor of bird migration stopover density by Kyle G Horton, Jeffrey J Buler, Sharolyn J Anderson, Carolyn S Burt, Amy C Collins, Adriaan M Dokter, Fengyi Guo, Daniel Sheldon, Monika Anna Tomaszewska, and Geoffrey M Henebry, Nature Communications, 2023.
Real-time mechanistic Bayesian forecasts of COVID-19 mortality by Graham C Gibson, Nicholas G Reich, and Daniel Sheldon, The annals of applied statistics, 2023.
A machine learning classification of meteorite spectra applied to understanding asteroids by M Darby Dyar, Sydney M Wallace, Thomas H Burbine, and Daniel Sheldon, Icarus, 2023.
Automatically marginalized MCMC in probabilistic programming by Jinlin Lai, Javier Burroni, Hui Guan, and Daniel Sheldon, ICML, 2023.
U-statistics for importance-weighted variational inference by Javier Burroni, Kenta Takatsu, Justin Domke, and Daniel Sheldon, Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2023.
BirdFlow: Learning seasonal bird movements from eBird data by Miguel Fuentes, Benjamin M. Van Doren, Daniel Fink, and Daniel Sheldon, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2023.
Reconstructing bird trajectories from pressure and wind data using a highly optimized hidden Markov model by Raphael Nussbaumer, Mathieu Gravey, Martins Briedis, Felix Liechti, and Daniel Sheldon, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2023.
Quantifying long-term phenological patterns of aerial insectivores roosting in the great lakes region using weather surveillance radar by Yuting Deng, Maria Carolina T. D. Belotti, Wenlong Zhao, Zezhou Cheng, Gustavo Perez, Elske Tielens, Victoria F. Simons, Daniel Sheldon, Subhransu Maji, Jeffrey F. Kelly, and Kyle G. Horton, Global Change Biology, 2023.
Long-term analysis of persistence and size of swallow and martin roosts in the US Great Lakes by Maria Carolina T. D. Belotti, Yuting Deng, Wenlong Zhao, Victoria F. Simons, Zezhou Cheng, Gustavo Perez, Elske Tielens, Subhransu Maji, Daniel Sheldon, Jeffrey F. Kelly, and Kyle G. Horton, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2023.
Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of covid-19 across european nations by K. Sherratt, H. Gruson, R. Grah, G.C. Gibson, E.L. Ray, N.G. Reich, D. Sheldon, Y. Wang, N. Wattanachit, ..., J. Bracher, and S. Funk. Predictive performance of multi-model ensemble forecasts of covid-19 across european nations, eLife, 2023.


Kernel Interpolation with Sparse Grids by Mohit Yadav, Cameron Musco, and Daniel Sheldon. NeurIPS, 2022
AIM: an adaptive and iterative mechanism for differentially private synthetic data by Ryan McKenna, Brett Mullins, Daniel Sheldon, and Gerome Miklau. VLDB, 2022.
Variational Marginal Particle Filters by Jinlin Lai, Justin Domke, and Daniel Sheldon. AISTATS, 2022.
Parametric boostrap for private confidence intervals. by Cecilia Ferrando, Shufan Wang, and Daniel Sheldon. AISTATS, 2022.
Population-level inference for home-range areas by C. H. Fleming, I. Deznabi, S. Alavi, M. C. Crofoot, B. T. Hirsch, E. P. Medici, M. J. Noonan, R. Kays, W. F. Fagan, D. Sheldon, J. M. Calabrese. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2021. [preprint]
Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the US by Estee Y. Cramer, Evan L. Ray, Velma K. Lopez, ..., Daniel Sheldon, Graham Casey Gibson, ..., Jo W. Walker, Rachel B. Slayton, Michael Johansson, Matthew Biggerstaff, and Nicholas G. Reich. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(15), 2022. Our model, UMass-MechBayes, was the most accurate individual (non-ensemble) model according to several overall performance metrics.
The United States COVID-19 Forecast Hub dataset by Estee Y. Cramer, Yuxin Huang, Yijin Wang, Evan L. Ray, Matthew Cornell, ... , Nicholas G. Reich and the US COVID-19 Forecast Hub Consortium, including Daniel Sheldon. Scientific Data, 9(1):462, 2022.


Relaxed Marginal Consistency for Differentially Private Query Answering by Ryan McKenna, Siddhant Pradhan, Daniel Sheldon, and Gerome Miklau. In NeurIPS, 2021.
Sibling Regression for Generalized Linear Models by Shiv Shankar and Daniel Sheldon. In ECML-PKDD, 2021.
Winning the NIST Contest: A scalable and general approach to differentially private synthetic data by Ryan McKenna, Gerome Miklau, and Daniel Sheldon. Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, 2021.
AI for conservation: learning to track birds with radar by Z Cheng, S Maji, D Sheldon. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 2021.
The Spatio-Temporal Poisson Point Process: A Simple Model for the Alignment of Event Camera Data by Cheng Gu, Erik Learned-Miller, Daniel Sheldon, Guillermo Gallego, Pia Bideau, ICCV, 2021.
Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center by Benjamin M. Van Doren, David E. Willard, Mary Hennen, Kyle G. Horton, Erica F. Stuber, Daniel Sheldon, Ashwin H. Sivakumar, Julia Wang, Andrew Farnsworth, and Benjamin M. Winger. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(24), 2021.
Faster kernel interpolation for Gaussian processes by Mohit Yadav, Daniel Sheldon, and Cameron Musco. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2021.
Near-term ecological forecasting for dynamic aeroconservation of migratory birds by Kyle G. Horton, Benjamin M. Van Doren, Heidi J. Albers, Andrew Farnsworth, and Daniel Sheldon. In Conservation Biology, 2020.
A weather surveillance radar view of Alaskan avian migration by Ashwin H. Sivakumar, Daniel Sheldon, Kevin Winner, Carolyn S. Burt, and Kyle G. Horton. In Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1950):20210232, 2021.
A place to land: spatiotemporal drivers of stopover habitat use by migrating birds by Emily B. Cohen, Kyle G. Horton, Peter P. Marra, Hannah L. Clipp, Andrew Farnsworth, Jaclyn A. Smolinsky, Daniel Sheldon, and Jeffrey J. Buler. Ecology Letters, 24(1):38–49, 2021.


Permute-and-flip: A new mechanism for differentially private selection by Ryan McKenna and Daniel Sheldon. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
Advances in black-box VI: Normalizing flows, importance weighting, and optimization by Abhinav Agrawal, Justin Domke, and Daniel Sheldon. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
Real-time mechanistic Bayesian forecasts of COVID-19 mortality by Graham C. Gibson, Nicholas G. Reich, and Daniel Sheldon. medRxiv preprint, 2020.
Ensemble forecasts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S. by Evan L Ray, Nutcha Wattanachit, Jarad Niemi, Abdul Hannan Kanji, Katie House, Estee Y Cramer, Johannes Bracher, Andrew Zheng, Teresa K Yamana, Xinyue Xiong, Spencer Woody, Yuanjia Wang, Lily Wang, Robert L Walraven, Vishal Tomar, Katherine Sherratt, Daniel Sheldon, Robert C Reiner, B. Aditya Prakash, Dave Osthus, Michael Lingzhi Li, Elizabeth C Lee, Ugur Koyluoglu, Pinar Keskinocak, Youyang Gu, Quanquan Gu, Glover E George, Guido España, Sabrina Corsetti, Jagpreet Chhatwal, Sean Cavany, Hannah Biegel, Michal Ben-Nun, Jo Walker, Rachel Slayton, Velma Lopez, Matthew Biggerstaff, Michael A Johansson, and Nicholas G Reich. medRxiv preprint, 2020.
Detecting and tracking communal bird roosts in weather radar data by Zezhou Cheng, Saadia Gabriel, Pankaj Bhambhani, Daniel Sheldon, Subhransu Maji, Andrew Laughlin, and David Winkler. In AAAI, 2020.
Phenology of Nocturnal Avian Migration Has Shifted at the Continental Scale by Horton, Kyle G., Frank A. La Sorte, Daniel Sheldon, Tsung-Yu Lin, Kevin Winner, Garrett Bernstein, Subhransu Maji, Wesley M. Hochachka, and Andrew Farnsworth. Nature Climate Change, 2020.


Differentially Private Bayesian Linear Regression by Garrett Bernstein and Daniel Sheldon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019.
Divide and Couple: Using Monte Carlo Variational Objectives for Posterior Approximation by Justin Domke and Daniel Sheldon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019.
MistNet: Measuring historical bird migration in the US using archived weather radar data and convolutional neural networks by Tsung‐Yu Lin, Kevin Winner, Garrett Bernstein, Abhay Mittal, Adriaan M. Dokter, Kyle G. Horton, Cecilia Nilsson, Benjamin M. Van Doren, Andrew Farnsworth, Frank A. La Sorte, Subhransu Maji, and Daniel Sheldon. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2019. [pdf] [press]
Three-quarter Sibling Regression for Denoising Observational Data by Shiv Shankar, Daniel Sheldon, Tao Sun, John Pickering, and Thomas G. Dietterich. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2019.
A Bayesian Perspective on the Deep Image Prior by Zezhou Cheng, Matheus Gadelha, Subhransu Maji, and Daniel Sheldon. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019.
Graphical-model based estimation and inference for differential privacy by Ryan Mckenna, Daniel Sheldon, Gerome Miklau. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019.
Migratory flight on the Pacific Flyway: strategies and tendencies of wind drift compensation by Patrick B. Newcombe, Cecilia Nilsson, Tsung-Yu Lin, Kevin Winner, Garrett Bernstein, Subhransu Maji, Daniel Sheldon, Andrew Farnsworth and Kyle G. Horton. Biology Letters, 2019.
Computational sustainability: Computing for a better world and a sustainable future by Carla Gomes, Thomas Dietterich, Christopher Barrett, Jon Conrad, Bistra Dilkina, Stefano Ermon, Fei Fang, Andrew Farnsworth, Alan Fern, Xiaoli Fern, Daniel Fink, Douglas Fisher, Alexander Flecker, Daniel Freund, Angela Fuller, John Gregoire, John Hopcroft, Steve Kelling, Zico Kolter, Warren Powell, Nicole Sintov, John Selker, Bart Selman, Daniel Sheldon, David Shmoys, Milind Tambe, Weng-Keen Wong, Christopher Wood, Xiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Amulya Yadav, Abdul-Aziz Yakubu, and Mary Lou Zeeman. Communications of the ACM, 2019.
Probabilistic Inference with Generating Functions for Animal Populations by Daniel Sheldon, Kevin Winner, and Debora Sujono. Chapter 10 of Artificial Intelligence and Conservation, Cambridge University Press, March 2019.
Automated detection of bird roosts using NEXRAD radar data and Convolutional Neural Networks by Carmen Chilson, Katherine Avery, Amy McGovern, Eli Bridge, Daniel Sheldon, and Jeffrey Kelly. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservtaion, 2019.


Importance Weighting and Variational Inference by Justin Domke and Daniel Sheldon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2018.
Differentially Private Bayesian Inference for Exponential Families by Garrett Bernstein and Daniel Sheldon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2018.
Inferring Latent Velocities from Weather Radar Data using Gaussian Processes by Rico Angell and Daniel Sheldon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2018.
Learning in Integer Latent Variable Models with Nested Automatic Differentiation by Daniel Sheldon, Kevin Winner, and Debora Sujono. Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018.
SolarClique: Detecting Anomalies in Residential Solar Arrays by Srinivasan Iyengar, Stephen Lee, Daniel Sheldon, Prashant Shenoy. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (ACM COMPASS), 2018.
Navigating north: how body mass and winds shape avian flight behaviours across a North American migratory flyway by Kyle G. Horton, Benjamin M. Van Doren, Frank A. La Sorte, Daniel Fink, Daniel Sheldon, Andrew Farnsworth, Jeffrey F. Kelly. Ecology Letters, 21(7):1055–1064, 2018.
Statistical inference for home range overlap by Kevin Winner Michael J. Noonan Christen H. Fleming Kirk A. Olson Thomas Mueller Daniel Sheldon Justin M. Calabrese. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(7):1679–1691, 2018.
Correcting for missing and irregular data in home‐range estimation by C. H. Fleming, D. Sheldon, W. F. Fagan, P. Leimgruber, T. Mueller, D. Nandintsetseg, M. J. Noonan, K. A. Olson, E. Setyawan, A. Sianipar, J. M. Calabrese. Ecological Applications, 28(4):1003–1010, 2018.


A Probabilistic Approach for Learning with Label Proportions Applied to the US Presidential Election. by Tao Sun, Daniel Sheldon, and Brendan O'Connor. Proceedings of International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2017.
Exact inference for integer latent-variable models by Kevin Winner, Debora Sujono, and Daniel Sheldon. Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017.
Differentially Private Learning of Undirected Graphical Models Using Collective Graphical Models by Garrett, Bernstein, Ryan McKenna, Tao Sun, Daniel Sheldon, Michael Hay, and Gerome Miklau. Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017.
Kálmán filters for continuous-time movement models by Christen H. Fleming, Daniel Sheldon, Eliezer Gurarie, William F. Fagan, Scott LaPoint, and Justin M. Calabrese. Ecological Informatics, Volume 40, 2017, Pages 8–21.
Robust Optimization for Tree-Structured Stochastic Network Design by Xiaojian Wu, Akshat Kumar, Daniel Sheldon, and Shlomo Zilberstein. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2017. Best Paper Award, Computational Sustainability Track


Probabilistic inference with generating functions for Poisson latent variable models by Kevin Winner and Daniel Sheldon. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2016
Distinguishing Weather Phenomena from Bird Migration Patterns in Radar Imagery by Aruni RoyChowdhury, Daniel Sheldon, Subhransu Maji and Erik Learned-Miller. CVPR workshop on Perception Beyond the Visual Spectrum (PBVS), 2016.
Innovative visualizations shed light on avian nocturnal migration by Judy Shamoun-Baranes, Andrew Farnsworth, Bart Aelterman, Jose A. Alves, Kevin Azijn, Garrett Bernstein, Sergio Branco, Peter Desmet, Adriaan M. Dokter, Kyle Horton, Steve Kelling, Jeffrey F. Kelly, Hidde Leijnse, Jingjing Rong, Daniel Sheldon, Wouter Van den Broeck, Jan Klaas Van Den Meersche, Benjamin Mark Van Doren, and Hans van Gasteren, PLoS ONE, 11(8):1-15, 2016
The implications of mid-latitude climate extremes for North American migratory bird populations by Frank A. La Sorte, Wesley M. Hochachka, Andrew Farnsworth, André A. Dhondt, and Daniel Sheldon.
Quantifying non-breeding season occupancy patterns and the timing and drivers of autumn migration for a migratory songbird using Doppler radar by Andrew J. Laughlin, Daniel R. Sheldon, David W. Winkler andand Caz M. Taylor. Ecography 39: 001–008, 2016.
Consistently Estimating Markov Chains with Noisy Aggregate Data by Garrett Bernstein and Daniel Sheldon. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2016.
Approximate Inference Using DC Programming For Collective Graphical Models by Thien Nguyen, Akshat Kumar, Hoong Chuin Lau, and Daniel Sheldon. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2016.
Robust Decision Making For Stochastic Network Design by Akshat Kumar, Arambam James Singh, Pradeep Varakantham, Daniel Sheldon. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2016.
Optimizing Resilience in Large Scale Networks by Xiaojian Wu, Daniel Sheldon, Shlomo Zilberstein. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2016.


Seasonal changes in the altitudinal distribution of nocturnally migrating birds during autumn migration by Frank A. La Sorte, Wesley M. Hochachka, Andrew Farnsworth, Daniel Sheldon, Benjamin M. Van Doren, Daniel Fink, Steve Kelling. Royal Society Open Science, 2015. 2:150347, 2015.
A hidden Markov model for reconstructing animal paths from solar geolocation loggers using templates for light intensity by Eldar Rakhimberdiev, David W. Winkler, Eli Bridge, Nathaniel E. Seavy, Daniel Sheldon, Theunis Piersma and Anatoly Saveliev. Movement Ecology 3:25, 2015.
A characterization of autumn nocturnal migration detected by weather surveillance radars in the northeastern US by Andrew Farnsworth, Benjamin Mark Van Doren, Wesley M. Hochachka, Daniel Sheldon, Kevin Winner, Jed Irvine, Jeffrey Geevarghese, and Steve Kelling. Ecological Applications. In press.
An Optimization Framework for Merging Multiple Result Lists by Chia-Jung Lee, Qingyao Ai, W. Bruce Croft and Daniel Sheldon. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2015). To appear.
A Fast Combinatorial Algorithm for Optimizing the Spread of Cascades by Xiaojian Wu, Daniel Sheldon, and Shlomo Zilberstein. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
Bethe projections for non-local inference by Luke Vilnis, David Belanger, Daniel Sheldon, and Andrew McCallum. In Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2015
Message Passing for Collective Graphical Models. by Tao Sun, Daniel Sheldon, and Akshat Kumar. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2015.
Migration timing and its determinants for nocturnal migratory birds during autumn migration by Frank La Sorte, Wesley Hochachka, Andrew Farnsworth, Daniel Sheldon, Daniel Fink, Jeffrey Geevarghese, Kevin Winner, Benjamin Van Doren, and Steve Kelling.Journal of Animal Ecology, 2015.
Inference in a partially observed queueing model with applications in ecology. by Kevin Winner, Garrett Bernstein, and Daniel Sheldon, In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2015. [supplementary material]
Scheduling conservation designs for maximum flexibility via network cascade optimization by Shan Xue, Alan Fern, and Daniel Sheldon. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 52:331–360, 2015
Inference in a partially observed queueing model with applications in ecology by Kevin Winner and Daniel Sheldon. AAAI 2015 Workshop on Computational Sustainability, 2015


Stochastic network design in bidirected trees by Xiaojian Wu, Daniel Sheldon, and Shlomo Zilberstein. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2014.
Autumn morning flights of migrant songbirds in the northeastern United States are linked to nocturnal migration and winds aloft by Benjamin M. Van Doren, Daniel Sheldon, Jeffrey Geevarghese, Wesley M. Hochachka, and Andrew Farnsworth. The Auk 132 (1), 105-118.
Reconstructing Velocities of Migrating Birds from Weather Radar—A Case Study in Computational Sustainability by Andrew Farnsworth, Daniel Sheldon, Jeffrey Geevarghese, Jed Irvine, Benjamin Van Doren, Kevin Webb, Thomas G. Dietterich, and Steve Kelling, AI Magazine, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp.31–48, 2014.
Rounded Dynamic Programming for Tree-Structured Stochastic Network Design by Xiaojian Wu, Daniel Sheldon, and Shlomo Zilberstein. In Proceedings of the 28th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2014.
Gaussian Approximation of Collective Graphical Models by Liping Liu, Daniel Sheldon, and Thomas G. Dietterich. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2014.
Behavioral drivers of communal roosting in a songbird: a combined theoretical and empirical approach by Andrew J. Laughlin, Daniel R. Sheldon, David W. Winkler, and Caz M. Taylor, Behavioral Ecology, Mar. 2014.
Dynamic Resource Allocation for Optimizing Population Diffusion by Shan Xue, Alan Fern, and Daniel Sheldon. AISTATS, 2014.


Marginal Inference in MRFs using Frank-Wolfe by David Belanger, Daniel Sheldon, and Andrew McCallum. NeurIPS 2013 Workshop on Greedy Optimization, Frank-Wolfe and Friends.
Stochastic Network Design for River Networks by Xiaojian Wu, Daniel Sheldon, and Shlomo Zilberstein. NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Sustainability (MLSUST), 2013.
Message Passing for Collective Graphical Models by Tao Sun, Daniel Sheldon, and Akshat Kumar. NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Sustainability (MLSUST), 2013.
Dynamic Resource Allocation for Optimizing Population Diffusion by Shan Xue, Alan Fern, and Daniel Sheldon. NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Sustainability (MLSUST), 2013.
Collective Diffusion Over Networks: Models and Inference by Akshat Kumar, Daniel Sheldon and Biplav Srivastava. In Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2013.
Approximate Inference in Collective Graphical Models by Daniel Sheldon, Tao Sun, Akshat Kumar, and Thomas G. Dietterich. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2013.
Approximate Bayesian Inference for Reconstructing Velocities of Migrating Birds from Weather Radar by Daniel Sheldon, Andrew Farnsworth, Jed Irvine, Benjamin Van Doren, Kevin Webb, Thomas G. Dietterich, and Steve Kelling. In Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2013. Best Paper Award, Computational Sustainability Track
Parameter Learning for Latent Network Diffusion by Xiaojian Wu, Akshat Kumar, Daniel Sheldon, and Shlomo Zilberstein, In Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2013.
Discrete Adaptive Rejection Sampling by Daniel Sheldon, Technical Report UM-CS-2013-012, School of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, May 2013. [code]
Integrating Information from Geolocators, Weather Radar and Citizen Science to Uncover a Key Stopover Area for an Aerial Insectivore by Andrew J. Laughlin, Caz M. Taylor, David W. bradley, Dayna Leclair, Robert G. Clark, Russell D. Dawson , Peter O. Dunn, Andrew Horn, Marty Leonard, Daniel R. Sheldon, Dave Shutler, Linda A. Whittingham, David W. Winkler, and D. Ryan Norris. The Auk, 130(2):230–239, 2013.
Hamming Approximation of NP Witnesses by Daniel Sheldon and Neal E. Young. Theory of Computing, 9(22):685–702, 2013.


Machine Learning for Computational Sustainability by Thomas G. Dietterich, Ethan Dereszynski, Rebecca A. Hutchinson, and Daniel Sheldon. International Conference on Green Computing (IGCC-2012), 2012. Full open access version without IEEE copyright.
Scheduling Conservation Designs via Network Cascade Optimization by Shan Xue, Alan Fern, and Daniel Sheldon. Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), 2012.
Elevated Summer Temperatures Delay Spawning and Reduce Redd Construction for Resident Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) by Dana R. Warren, Jason M. Robinson, Daniel C. Josephson, Daniel R. Sheldon and Clifford E. Kraft. Global Change Biology, In press, 2012.
First Passage Time of Skew Brownian Motion by Thilanka Appuhamilage and Daniel Sheldon. arXiv:1008.2989, to appear in Journal of Applied Probability, 2012.
Data Intensive Science Applied to Broad-Scale Citizen Science by Wesley M. Hochachka, Daniel Fink, Rebecca A. Hutchinson, Daniel Sheldon, Weng-Keen Wong and Steve Kelling. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2011.11.006.


Collective Graphical Models by Daniel Sheldon and Thomas G. Dietterich. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2011.
LambdaMerge: Merging the Results of Query Reformulations by Daniel Sheldon, Milad Shokouhi, Martin Szummer and Nick Craswell. Fourth ACM Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) 2011.


Maximizing the Spread of Cascades Using Network Design by Daniel Sheldon, Bistra Dilkina, Adam Elmachtoub, Ryan Finseth, Ashish Sabharwal, Jon Conrad, Carla Gomes, David Shmoys, Will Allen, Ole Amundsen and Buck Vaughan, Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2010.
Spatiotemoral Exploratory Models for Broad-scale Survey Data by Daniel Fink, Wesley M. Hochachka, Benjamin Zuckerberg, David W. Winkler, Ben Shaby, M. Arthur Munson, Giles Hooker, Mirek Riedewald, Daniel Sheldon and Steve Kelling, Ecological Applications, 2010.
A Method for Measuring the Relative Information Content of Data from Different Monitoring Protocols by M. Arthur Munson, Rich Caruana, Daniel Fink, Wesley M. Hochachka, Marshall Iliff, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Daniel Sheldon, Brian L. Sullivan, Christopher Wood and Steve Kelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2010.


Manipulation of PageRank and Collective Hidden Markov Models by Daniel Sheldon, Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University, 2009.
Manipulation-Resistant Reputations Using Hitting Time (Extended Journal Version) by John Hopcroft and Daniel Sheldon, Internet Mathematics, 5(1), pp. 71-90, 2009.
The eBird Reference Dataset by M. Arthur Munson, Kevin Webb, Daniel Sheldon, Daniel Fink, Wesley M. Hochachka, Marshall Iliff, Mirek Riedewald, Daria Sorokina, Brian Sullivan, Christopher Wood, and Steve Kelling. Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, Ithaca, NY, June 2009.


Graphical Multi-Task Learning by Daniel Sheldon. NeurIPS Workshop on Structured Input and Structured Output, 2008. [Extended technical report].
Network Reputation Games by John Hopcroft and Daniel Sheldon. Cornell University Technical Report http://hdl.handle.net/1813/11579, 2008.

2007 and earlier

Collective Inference on Markov Models for Modeling Bird Migration by Daniel R. Sheldon, M.A. Saleh Elmohamed, Dexter Kozen, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2007.
Manipulation-Resistant Reputations Using Hitting Time by John Hopcroft and Daniel Sheldon, Workshop and Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW), 2007.
Green's Functions on Fractals by Jun Kigami, Daniel Sheldon and Robert Strichartz. Fractals, 2000.


Inferring moth emergence from abundance data: A novel mathematical approach using birth-death contingency tables by Daniel Sheldon, Evan Goldman, Erin Childs, Olivia Poblacion, Jefftey C. Miller, Julia A. Jones and Thomas G. Dietterich. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting: Session on Ecological Applications of Machine Learning, 2011.