Charles Weems

Grants and Contracts

Total awarded, including collaborations: $27,019,916; Total UMass portion: $14,293,777


Grant recommended, in award process

Role: PI with Neena Thota, and Univ. of Texas San Antonio, Univ. of Maryland, Louisiana State, Tennessee Tech, Knox College, Collaborative (UMass sub to U. Texas, San Antonio)

Amount: $172,802 (UMass portion of $1,000,000)

Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-ACI

Role: PI with Neena Thota, and Univ of Texas San Antonio, IBM, Univ. of Maryland, Georgia State, Louisiana State, Collaborative (UMass sub to U. Texas, San Antonio)

Title: Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium:Broadening Adoption of Parallel and Distributed Computing in Undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering Curricula

Amount: $160,006 (UMass portion of $1,000,000 total)

Duration: 9/1/2020 - 8/31/2024


Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-ACI

Role: PI with Neena Thota, IBM, Univ. of Maryland, Georgia State, Louisiana State, Collaborative (UMass sub to Georgia State)

Title: Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Conceptualization: Planning a Sustainable Ecosystem for Incorporating Parallel and Distributed Computing into Undergraduate Education

Amount: $36,814 (UMass portion of $505,050 total)

Duration: 8/1/2019 - 1/31/2021

Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-ACI

Role: PI with Arny Rosenberg, Neena Thota, IBM, Univ. of Maryland, Georgia State, Louisiana State, Indiana University, Collaborative (UMass lead)

Title: CyberTraining:CDL: Preparing Instructors to Offer Experimental Courses in an Updated PDC Curriculum, and Broadening Participation

Amount: $376,269 (UMass portion of $500,000 total)

Duration: 9/1/2017 - 8/31/2020

Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-CCF

Role: Sole PI

Title: SHF:Small: Solving the Problems of Scalability and Portability while Maximizing Performance of Multiprecision Scalar and Vector Arithmetic on Clusters of GPUs

Amount: $400,000

Duration: 7/15/15 – 6/30/19

Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-ACI

Role: PI with Arny Rosenberg, IBM, Univ. of Maryland Collaborative

Title: EAGER: Collaborative Research: Developing a Parallel and Distributed Computing Concepts Curriculum Enhancement for the Computer Science Principles Course

Amount: $227,950 (UMass portion of $300,000 total with U. Maryland)

Duration: 9/1/15 – 8/31/17

Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-CCF

Role: PI in collaboration with Georgia State, U. Maryland, Northeastern U.

Title: Collaborative Research: CI-ADDO-NEW: A Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER)

Amount: $80,001 (UMass portion out of $1,345,936)

Duration: 9/1/2012 - 8/31/2017

Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-CCF

Role: Sole PI

Title: Workshop for Updating and Broadening the Parallel and Distributed Processing Curriculum for Undergraduate Education

Amount: $41,827

Duration: 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016

Supporting Agency: NSF-CISE-CCF

Role: Sole PI

Title: SHF:Small: Solving the Problem of Scalable Multi-Precision Matrix Arithmetic on GPUs

Amount: $450,000

Duration: 6/1/12 – 5/31/16

Supporting Agency: NSF-CNS

Role: Co-I with PI Eliot Moss

Title:  Describing the Operating System for Accurate User Mode Simulation

Amount: $200,000

Duration: 9/15/2009 - 8/31/2012

Supporting Agency: NSF CNS Computer Systems Research

Role: Co-I with PI Eliot Moss

Title: CoGenT: Co-Generating Tools for Modeling Next Generation Systems

Amount: $312,000 (Includes 2 REUs)

Duration: 6/15/2006 – 5/31/2009

Supporting Agency: NOAO

Role: Participant

Title: Astronomy Research-Based Science Education, program travel grant

Amount: $1200

Duration: 6/19/08 -- 6/30/08

Supporting Agency: NSF CCR Compilers and OS Program

Role: Co-I with PI Eliot Moss

Title: Bridging the Compiler-Simulator Gap

Amount: $299,999 + $6000 REU supplement

Duration: 8/15/2003 – 7/31/2007

Supporting Agency: NSF NGS program

Role: Co-I with PI Eliot Moss

Title: Supporting Compiler/Simulator Co-Evolution for Architectural Exploration and Evaluation

Amount: $50,000

Duration: 9/1/2002 – 8/31/2003

Supporting Agency: NSF ITR

Role: Co-I with PI Eliot Moss, Kathryn McKinley, et. al.

Title: Dynamic Cooperative Performance Optimization

Award Amount: $3M, plus $65,000 per year UMass matching

Duration: 9/1/2000 – 8/31/06

Supporting Agency: National Science Foundation

Role: Co-I with PI Kathryn McKinley

Title: Compilers as Cartographers and Architectures as Navigators

Award Amount: $180,000

Duration: 11/1/99 – 10/31/01

Supporting Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (via Univ. of Utah)

Role: Co-I with PI Kathryn McKinley

Title: Compiling for an Impulse Memory Controller

Award Amount: $1,091,435

Duration: 5/31/99 – 12/31/01

Supporting Agency: Technology Reinvestment Project (via ARPA)

Role: Chief Scientific Advisor, Member of Consortium

Title: Commercialization of DoD IUA Vision Computer

Award Amount: $9,200,000, UMass Subcontract, $180,000

Duration: 10/1/94 - 12/31/99

Supporting Agency: Advanced Research Projects Agency (via ONR)

Role: Sole PI

Contract Number: N00014-94-1-0742

Title: Specification of Hardware and Software for Computer Vision Accelerator Systems

Award Amount: $990,968

Duration: 6/1/94 - 8/31/98

Supporting Agency: U.S.Army Research Office

Role: Co-I (see note below)

Title: Supplemental Student Support for Research on the Image Understanding Architecture

Award Amount: $96,808

Duration: 7/1/93 - 6/30/96

Supporting Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (via ARL)

Role: Co-I (see note below)

Contract Number: DAAL02-91-K-0047

Title: Image Understanding Architecture Prototype Evaluation and Development

Award Amount: $1,575,000

Duration: 3/29/91 - 3/24/95

Supporting Agency:  National Science Foundation

Role:  Co-I with PI Janice Cuny

Title: CISE Research Instrumentation: A Proposal for a Connection Machine

Award Amount: $273,000

Duration: 3/15/90 - 8/31/91

Supporting Agency:  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (via U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories)

Role: Co-I (see note below)

Title:  Image Understanding Architecture Prototype Evaluation and Development

Award Amount: $600,000

Duration:  9/12/89 - 9/11/92

Supporting Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Role: Co-I (see note below)

Title: Image Understanding Architecture Prototype Evaluation and Development

Award Amount: $200,000

Duration: 9/12/89 -- 5/11/91

Supporting Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (via U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories)

Role:  Co-I (see note below)

Contract Number: DACA76-86-C-0015

Title:  The Image Understanding Architecture

Award Amount: $2,631,683

Period Covered by Award: 9/23/86 -- 3/22/91

Supporting Agency: Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Role:  Co-I (see note below)

Title: Intermediate Level Computer Vision Processing Algorithm Development for the Content Addressable Array Parallel Processor

Amount: $197,000

Duration: 9/1/84 - 8/31/86

Note: On all grants and contracts prior to joining the tenure track in 1992, unless otherwise noted, I was running the project as the PI, but departmental rules at the time did not allow research scientists to formally hold that role. Thus, in most cases, Edward Riseman served as the PI of record and I was listed as Co-I.