Virat Shejwalkar

Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
vshejwalkar (at) cs (dot) umass (dot) edu
Curriculum vitae

Hello! I'm a Ph.D. student at UMass Amherst advised by Professor Amir Houmansadr. Broadly, my research interests are in security and privacy of machine learning. The two specific areas I am currently working on are: 1) Exploiting and fixing the vulnerability of federated learning to various types of poisoning threats, 2) Developing private information inference attacks and defenses for the centralized and distributed learning algorithms.

Before joining PhD, I worked on developing FELICS, a performance benchmarking tool for lightweight cryptography hardware at CryptoLux group of University of Luxembourg under the guidance of Professor Alex Biryukov. I completed my undergraduate studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from IIT Bombay, where, for my thesis, I developed countermeasures against side channel attacks on AES hardware under the guidance of Professor Virendra Singh.


Copyright © Virat Shejwalkar 2020