Amirhossein Ghafari

Amirhossein Ghafari

Research assistant at Security and Privacy Lab undersupervison of Prof. Amir Houmansadr.

You can download my full resume here


PhD in Computer Science
University of Massachusetts Amherst
B.Sc. in Software Engineering
University of Tehran



Honors and Awards

Jim Gray Scholarship in Computer Science
July 2019
Sep. 2017
Ranked 6th in NSEC Capture The Flag (CTF)
Feb. 2016
Ranked 3rd in UTSEC CTF
Feb. 2015
Best Project Award
Final course project for Advanced Programming Awarded by IEEE Student Branch, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
May 2014
Ranked 3rd in Ants Artificial Intelligence Challenge
It's an artificial intelligence challenge that you have to write program for managing your ants' movement and taking over opponents' clony to get more score. University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Nov. 2013
Top 0.15% of the nationwide university entrance exam, among more than 250,000 students
Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, Tehran, Iran

Research Experience

Implemented reliable UDP with window size and flow control protocol in MassBrowser Implemented UDP NAT punching feature in MassBrowser Implemented a certificate installation script for adding MassBrowser certificate to our customized Firefox during the installation process using the latest Mozilla certutil. Implemented a customized version of Firefox for MassBrowser, a client to client censorship circumvention tool, to ease the installation process of the application. Under supervision of Prof. Houmansadr - University of Massachusetts Amherst
2018 - present
Research Assistant at Data Science Lab
Developing an Instagram crawler and analytics engine Developing productivity bots for Telegram messaging service Training junior undergraduate students as an internship mentor Under supervision of Prof. Bahrak - University of Tehran
2017 - 2018
Implemented a real-time stress detector system for autism children using bluetooth low energy(BLE) to collect output of galvanic skin response sensor and pulse sensor Under supervision of Prof. Kargahi - University of Tehran
2016 - 2017
Research Assistant at Intelligent Information Systems Lab
Created a news dataset by crawling top news websites such as Yahoo! News, Huffing-tonPost, CNN, New York Times, The Guardian, LA Times and implemented news category detection by supervised classification methods based on Category Classification and Topic Discovery of Japanese and English News Articles Under supervision of Prof. Shakery - University of Tehran
Summer 2016
Research Assistant at Intelligent Information Systems Lab
Created a custom data range tweets dataset by crawling Twitter and comparing search engines (google, yahoo, bing) performance by linking tweets to their top result of real events in the same date range. Under supervision of Prof. Shakery - University of Tehran
2015 - 2016
Research Assistant at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
Worked on the problem of minimizing the CPU time-span subject to power consumption constraint using integer linear programming. Under supervision of Prof. Khonsari - University of Tehran
Fall 2015

Working Experience

  • Increased code reliability and maintainability by refactoring the legacy code for Preferences web application React
  • Implemented GPU Technology Conference (GTC) registration page. React
  • Created reusable components for GeForce Now Components library. React
  • Increased the number of GeForce Now orders by implementing eCommerce B2B consolidated billing for bulk customers React
Web Developer Intern
July 2021 - Dec. 2021
Tap30 is a private-cab e-hailing platform providing standard and premium logistics services to companies and individuals.
  • Participated in early team decisions such as code styles, project templates, technologies to use and code management.
  • Increased number of rides per day by developing a new adaptive pricing system based on supply and demands (Surge Pricing). Node.js
  • Increased number of active corporate users by developing the new corporate web application. React/Redux
  • Facilitated the process of hiring a new drivers significantly by developing new web application for recruiters. React/Redux
  • Improved user experience for customer service associates by adding features and fixing bugs in older version back-office. React/Redux
  • Decreased the number of unnecessary support tickets by developing a new panel for drivers to modify their personal information instead of creating a ticket. React/Redux
  • Facilitated the process of sending personal messages to drivers by developing a panel for the general manager of each city. React/Redux
  • Improved city managers experience by redesigning the pricing panel. React/Redux
Frontend Developer
July 2017 - July 2018
Green & Silver Leaves
Implemented new version of the website. Vue.js
Frontend Developer
Dec 2017 - June 2018
Rouzbeh Cultural and Educational Institute
New grading website for Rouzbeh Elementary School - Cities XXl, Minecraft Rouzbeh Cultural and Educational Institute
Sysadmin and Webmaster
2013 - 2018

Teaching Experience

Designing assignments, grading and discussion classes Prof. Marius Minea - University of Massachusetts Amherst
Teaching Assistant
Fall 2018
Internet Engineering
Designing computer assignments and grading Prof. Khosravi - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2018
Computer Programming
Teaching computer basic concepts via Minecraft, MIT scratch, and MSW LOGO Rouzbeh Cultural and Educational Institute
Elementry School Instructor
Network Security
Designing computer assignments and grading Prof. Bahrak - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Fall 2017
Advanced Software Engineering
Designing computer assignments and grading Prof. Khosravi - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Fall 2017
Software Engineering
Designing computer assignments, grading, scheduling, and holding recitation classes Prof. Ghasemi - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2017
Operating Systems
Designing computer assignments and grading Prof. Kargahi - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2017
Cyber Physical Systems
Project mentor and holding recitation classes Prof. Kargahi - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2017
Design and Implementation of Compilers
Designing assignments and quizzes, grading, scheduling, and holding recitation classes Prof. Ghasemi - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Fall 2016
Artificial Intelligence
Designing homeworks and computer assignments, grading Prof. Asadpour - University of Tehran
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2016
Adobe Photoshop
ACM Student Chapter - University of Tehran
Summer 2014

Selected Projects

A virtual tour application of Electrical & Computer Engineering department of University of Tehran, using OpenGL to implement an FPS-like camera, lighting and loading the model and using Blender for designing the model.
When I started teaching at Rouzbeh Elementry school I came across a couple of problems which I could easily fix with my programming knowledge. These problems motivated me to learn Ruby on Rails and I made a web application which made our classes more interactive and grading much easier for teachers.
A flight ticket booking website written in java Advisor: Prof. Khamespanah - Internet Engineering
Spring 2017
A crawler for collecting two most famous Persian dictionaries using scrapy

Dataset and crawler available at my github repository

Spring 2017
A crawler for collecting most active usernames based on commenting on hot section using scrapy
Fall 2016
Web Dota
Web-Dota game implemented using sql db stored procedures and functions and views. Responsive web view using PHP and bootstrap University of Tehran
Ubuntu 15.04 Festival
Ubuntu 15.04 festival registration website ACM Student Chapter - University of Tehran
VAHED is an online service to help students to choose their courses and arrange their weekly plan easier, developed in Ruby on Rails. ACM Student Chapter - University of Tehran
2014 - 2015
Compiler for MOL (Object-Oriented Language)
A modular programming language compiler for MIPS written in Anltr4 and Java Advisor: Prof. Ghassemi - Design and Implementation of Compilers
Fall 2015
Implementing new policy for Linux scheduler
A Custom RR scheduler on users rather than tasks - Linux kernel 2.6. Advisor: Prof. Kargahi - Operating Systems Lab
Fall 2015
MINIFEET, AI contest platform ACM Student Chapter - University of Tehran
A Candy Crush clone implemented using SDL library. University of Tehran
A navigation application on Tehran map using A* and Quadtree written in Python Advisor: Prof. Faili - Data Structure
Spring 2014
A photo sharing social network inspired by Instagram written in C++/Qt Advisor: Prof. Khosravi - Advanced Programming
Fall 2014


Persian: Native English: Fluent IELTS: 7.5 (Listening: 8.5 - Reading: 8 - Writing: 6.5 - Speaking: 7)
Programming Languages
Proficient in Python, C/C++ Familiar with Ruby, Bash, LATEX, sql, PHP, javascript, verilog, java, and C#
Tools and Frameworks
Familiar with AWS, React, Redux, Flux, Ruby on Rails, scrapy, Bootstrap, Apache Lucene, wordpress, joomla, and angularJS


Watercolor Painting