The Secure, Private Internet Research Group (SPIN)
Welcome to the SPIN research group!
Our goal is to make Internet communications secure and private.
Towards this, we analyze the security and privacy provided by existing network protocols, tools, and services,
based on which we propose design adjustments to regain users' security and privacy, or devise clean-slate
Internet communication tools.
Our work combines the development of practical systems with rigorous theoretical analysis and incorporates
techniques from various
disciplines such as computer networking, cryptography, and statistics. Particular problems we have explored in
the past include
Internet censorship resistance, network traffic analysis, network situational awareness, social network malware,
mobile security, and multimedia information hiding.
Associate Professor
PhD Students
Traffic Obfuscation, Anti-censorship, Privacy
Internet Censorship, Traffic Analysis
AI/ML Security and Privacy
AI/ML Security and Privacy
AI/ML Security and Privacy
Trustworthy AI, Adversarial ML
Traffic Analysis, Network Security
AI/ML Security and Privacy
Trustworthy AI and ML, Privacy
Trustworthy AI and ML, Privacy
PhD Alumni
PhD (2024), Microsoft
PhD (2023), Google
PhD (2023), Oracle Labs
PhD (2022), Deepmind
PhD (2021), Snap
- Masters Alumni: Paras Doshi (2015), Rufina Chettiar (2015), Shreyas Mishra (2019), Hadi Zolfaghari (2018, Google), Amirhossein Ghafari (2021, NVIDIA)
- Undergraduate Theses: Kevin Feveck (Honors Thesis, 2015), John Holowczak (2014-2015), Derek
Costigan (Honors Thesis, 2016), Joseph Lew (Honors Thesis, 2017), John Geenty (Honors Thesis, 2018), Yudong
Diao (Honors Thesis, 2019), Matthew Hickey (Honors Thesis, 2019), Milo Cason-Snow (Honors Thesis, 2020), Jonah
O'Brien Weiss (Honors Thesis, 2021)
- Visitors: Sajjad Amini (2023-2024), Pedro Henrique (2024-2025)
Active Research Topics
We always strive to explore emerging, impactful research problems in the area of security and privacy. The
following are our active research topics:
- Privacy-enhancing technologies
- Trustworhty AI
- Network traffic analysis
- Privacy in next-generation networks
- Covert communications
- IoT and location privacy
Selected Media Coverage