The schedule is tentative and subject to change! Always check the assignments the week before each class. Here is the class schedule from last offering for your reference.

Date Details
09/05 Orientation and logistics
Review assignment:
• None! Please make sure to attend class, as important logistics will be discussed!
Suggested reading:
Introduction to Information Assurance
09/07 Essential Crypto
Review assignment:
• None! You can work on your project proposals!
09/12 Essential Crypto (Continued)
Review assignment:
• None! You can work on your project proposals!
Homework 1 released after class. Due in two weeks!
09/14 Overview of USENIX Security'23
Review assignment:
• Pick a paper from USENIX Security'23 program and submit a review. We will be overviewing the program. Make sure to follow the suggested review format.
09/19 Anonymous Communications
Review assignment (pick one for each session; the order of papers is arbitrary!):
Locating Hidden Servers
Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks
RAPTOR: Routing Attacks on Privacy in Tor
Dissent: Accountable Anonymous Group Messaging
Other useful resources:
Original Tor Design
A decent collection of anonymity-related papers
09/21 Anonymous Communications (Continued)
Pick another paper from last class (above) and review!
09/26 Censorship, Surveillance, and Wiretapping
Review assignment:
The Parrot is Dead: Observing Unobservable Network Communications
Quack: Scalable Remote Measurement of Application-Layer Censorship
Can They Hear Me Now? A Security Analysis of Law Enforcement Wiretaps
Other resources:
A decent collection of censorship papers
Homework 2 released after class. Due in two weeks!
09/28 Project Proposal Day
• Introduce your project in class in 2-3 minutes to get feedback and suggestion from others.
• Submit your 1-page project proposal on Canvas (by 10/03)
10/03 Data Privacy
Review assignment:
BLENDER: Enabling Local Search with a Hybrid Differential Privacy Model
Private Information Retrieval
Quantifying Location Privacy
10/05 Privacy Leakage in Machine Learning
Review assignment:
Membership Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models
Model Inversion Attacks that Exploit Confidence Information and Basic Countermeasures
Stealing Machine Learning Models via Prediction APIs
Optional reading:
Privacy Risk in Machine Learning: Analyzing the Connection to Overfitting
Machine Learning with Membership Privacy using Adversarial Regularization
MemGuard: Defending against Black-Box Membership Inference Attacks via Adversarial Examples
10/12 Machine Learning Security
Review assignment:
Manipulating Machine Learning: Poisoning Attacks and Countermeasures for Regression Learning
DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems
Machine Learning Models that Remember Too Much
Optional reading:
Certified Robustness to Adversarial Examples with Differential Privacy
Homework 3 released after class. Due in two weeks!
10/17 Trustworthy Federated Learning
Review assignment:
Comprehensive Privacy Analysis of Deep Learning: Stand-alone and Federated Learning under Passive and Active White-box Inference Attacks
How To Backdoor Federated Learning
Back to the Drawing Board: A Critical Evaluation of Poisoning Attacks on Production Federated Learning
Ditto: Fair and Robust Federated Learning Through Personalization
10/19 Bitcoin and Blockchain
Review assignment:
• None!
10/26 Bitcoin and Blockchain (Continued)
Review assignment:
Hijacking Bitcoin: Routing Attacks on Cryptocurrencies
Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin’s Peer-to-Peer Network
Catena: Efficient Non-equivocation via Bitcoin
10/31 Covert Channels + Side-Channel Attacks
Review assignment:
Side-Channel Leaks in Web Applications: a Reality Today, a Challenge Tomorrow
Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud
Exploiting a Thermal Side Channel for Power Attacks in Multi-Tenant Data Centers
11/02 Authentication
Review assignment:
The Tangled Web of Password Reuse
Multi-touch Authentication Using Hand Geometry and Behavioral Information
TrustBase: An Architecture to Repair and Strengthen Certificate-based Authentication
11/07 Online Social Networks
Review assignment:
Social Networking with Frientegrity: Privacy and Integrity with an Untrusted Provider
Detecting Fake Accounts in Online Social Networks at the Time of Registrations
Automated Crowdturfing Attacks and Defenses in Online Review Systems
Optional reading:
Investigating Ad Transparency Mechanisms in Social Media: A Case Study of Facebook’s Explanations
11/09 IoT/Embedded Systems Security
Review assignment:
From the Aether to the Ethernet—Attacking the Internet using Broadcast Digital Television
Understanding the Mirai Botnet
Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile
Security Analysis of Emerging Smart Home Applications
11/14 Malware
Review assignment:
Data Breaches, Phishing, or Malware? Understanding the Risks of Stolen Credentials
MAMADROID: Detecting Android Malware by Building Markov Chains of Behavioral Models
Sunrise to Sunset: Analyzing the End-to-end Life Cycle and Effectiveness of Phishing Attacks at Scale
Click Trajectories: End-to-End Analysis of the Spam Value Chain
11/16 Law and Privacy
Guest lecure by Prof. Eskhita Radwan (HSLU)
Reading assignment (Pick one paper and write a ~one page summary):
Apply or not to apply? A Comparative View on Territorial Application of CCPA and GDPR
11/28 Final Project Presentations
11/30 Final Project Presentations
12/05 Final Project Presentations
12/07 Final Project Presentations