Jikes IR
Lecture 1, Introduction
Lecture 2, Control Flow
Lecture 3, Data Flow Analysis
Lecture 4, Data Flow Implementation
Lecture 5, Liveness and Constant Propagation
Lecture 6, Dominance
Lecture 7, SSA Form
Lecture 8, Using SSA Form
Lecture 9, Loop Optimizations
Lecture 10, Garbage Collection
Lecture 11, Common Subexpression Elimination
Lecture 12, Partial Redundancy Elimination
Lecture 13, Register Allocation
Lecture 14, Instruction Scheduling
Lecture 15, Balanced Scheduling
Lecture 16, Interprocedural Analysis
Lecture 17, Pointer Analysis
Lecture 17, part II: Client-Driven Pointer Analysis, and more
Lecture 18: Reconsidering Custom Memory Allocation