
Deepak Ganesan

School of Computer Science, UMass Amherst
Address: A343 Lederle Graduate Research Center (LGRC), Amherst, MA, 01003
Email: dganesan AT cs DOT umass DOT edu
Ph: (413) 545 2450
Admin: Karren Sacco

Deepak Ganesan is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at UMASS Amherst. He is the Director of the Massachusetts AI and Technology Center for Connected Care in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (MassAITC), a multidisciplinary initiative spanning UMass Amherst, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brandeis University and Northeastern University and also directs the Center for Personalized Health Monitoring (CPHM) at UMass Amherst. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA in 2004 and his bachelors in Computer Science from IIT, Madras in 1998. He is an ACM Fellow.


My current research focuses on ultra-low power wireless communication, novel platforms and algorithms for mobile and wearable health sensing, learning and inference on multi-modal sensor data, and micro-powered sensors. My current projects include sensing via smart textiles, smart eyeglasses, backscatter communication, and mobile health. I co-lead the MOSAIC Research Group.

Recent Publications

Click here for a complete list.


Current: Ali Kiaghadi, Addison Mayberry, Soha Rostaminia, Mohammad Rostami, Annamalai Natarajan, Xingda Chen, Jin Huang

Alumni: Pengyu Zhang (Postdoc, Stanford), Abhinav Parate (HP Labs, Palo Alto), Jeremy Gummeson (Disney Research, Pittsburgh), Tingxin Yan (Asst. Professor at U. Arkansas), Ming Li (IBM T.J. Watson Research), Devesh Agrawal (IBM), Purushottam Kulkarni (Asst. Professor at IIT Bombay), Gaurav Mathur (Founded 3LM)

Recent Professional activities

Program Chaig: ACM MobiSys 2017, HotWireless 2014
Program Committees: SIGCOMM 2018, NSDI 2017, Sigcomm 2016, MobiSys 2016