Project Guidelines

Students are expected to undertake a semester long research project related to information assurance. You should work with the instructor (through email or meeting) to choose a project topic. You should form teams of 2 students for projects (you can also make a team of 3, but then the expectations will be higher).

Project objective: For your project, you need to pick one (or multiple related papers) from a top-tier security conference, published during the past three years. You need to re-implement some of the experiments of the paper and compare the results to the original paper. Additionally, you may perform follow up experiments not done by the original paper.

  • You need to implement your own code. If the authors of the paper you have picked have released their code, you still need to write your own code, and compare the results.
  • The paper(s) you pick shoule have been published between 2015-2018 at one of the following conferences: (1) ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), (2) Networks and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS), (3) IEEE Security and Privacy (Oakland), (4) USENIX Security, (5) Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETs). You can find the full proceedings of these conferences online.


    1. Introduction day (Feb 12): Present your project idea in class (in 2-3 mins) and get feedback from the instructor and students.
    2. Project proposal due (Feb 15): Submit a 1-page project proposal on Moodle; it should include team members' names, the paper(s) you have chosen, and a summary of your plans and objectives.
    3. Project presenation (During the last two weeks of class): Each team should present their project at the end of the semester (about 15 minutes).
    4. Final report (May 8): At the end of the semester, each team should submit a report for the project, formated in double-column ACM format. The page limit is 6 pages.