CMPSCI 187: Programming with Data Structures

Marc Liberatore and John Ridgway
Spring 2015 (archived)


We did not plan to assign written homework in this course, but due to the unusually large number of snow days, we have assigned two so far to make up for a missed discussion section.

  1. Written Homework for Discussion 02: References
  2. Dog Teams — to work with elementary linked lists.
    The discussion document for use as a homework assignment. It is due on Tuesday 2/17/2015 at the beginning of your discussion section.
    The code we're giving you to start with.
  3. Sorting with Stacks — to work with stacks.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.
    The code we're giving you to start with.
  4. Implementing Stacks — to build a stack using a linked list.
    The discussion document.
    The code we're giving you to start with.
  5. Fibonacci Numbers — recursive and iterative generation of Fibonacci numbers.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.
    The code we're giving you to start with.
  6. Using Deques — double-ended queues.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.
  7. A Guessing Game — using binary search.
    The discussion document, the response sheet, and the
    GuessANumber.class file.
  8. Doubly-Linked Lists — using DLLs.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.
  9. Traversing Binary Trees — getting around using pointers.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.
  10. Unit Testing a Graph Package — finding errors.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.
    The starter project.
  11. Sorting — finding a lower bound.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.
  12. Hash Functions — thinking about hash codes.
    The discussion document and the response sheet.