CMPSCI 691LL: Networked Information Systems


A paper review should summarize concisely the main contributions of the paper. It should also identify the limitations of the paper if any. Please feel free to include discussion questions (perhaps on something that you found confusing or about the strategies or assumptions of the paper).


Please email paper reviews to the instructor by midnight before each class. Send reviews in the body of the message. Do not send them as attachments. The paper reviews will account for 30% of the course.

Complete list of readings

[SH05] Michael Stonebraker and Joseph Hellerstein. What Goes Around Comes Around. Red Book, Chapter 1, the first paper.

[HNP95] Joseph M. Hellerstein, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Avi Pfeffer. Generalized Search Trees for Database Systems. Proc. VLDB, 1995, 562-573.

[BKSS90] Norbert Beckmann, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Ralf Schneider, and Bernhard Seeger. The R*-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 1990, 322-331.

[CD97] Surajit Chaudhuri and Umeshwar Dayal. An Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology. SIGMOD Record, 26(1), 1997, 65-74. The paper review is optional.

[OQ97] Patrick E. O'Neil and Dallan Quass. Improved Query Performance with Variant Indexes. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 1997, 38-49.

[GCB+97] Jim Gray, Surajit Chaudhuri, Adam Bosworth, Andrew Layman, Don Reichart, Murali Venkatrao, Frank Pellow, and Hamid Pirahesh. Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-by, Cross-Tab, and Sub Totals. Data Min. Knowl. Discov., 1(1), 1997, 29-53.

[AS94] Rakesh Agrawal and Ramakrishnan Srikant. Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases. Proc. VLDB, 1994, 487-499.

[ZRL96] Tian Zhang, Raghu Ramakrishnan, and Miron Livny. BIRCH: An Efficient Data Clustering Method for Very Large Databases. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 1996, 103-114.

[DG92] David J. DeWitt and Jim Gray. Parallel Database Systems: The Future of High Performance Database Systems. Commun. ACM, 35(6), 1992, 85-98.

[ML86] Lothar F. Mackert and Guy M. Lohman. R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Distributed Queries. Proc. VLDB, 1986, 149-159.

[BZN05] Peter A. Boncz, Marcin Zukowski, Niels Nes. MonetDB/X100: Hyper-Pipelining Query Execution. CIDR 2005, 225-237.

[SAB+05] Mike Stonebraker, Daniel Abadi, Adam Batkin, Xuedong Chen, Mitch Cherniack, Miguel Ferreira, Edmond Lau, Amerson Lin, Sam Madden, Elizabeth O'Neil, Pat O'Neil, Alex Rasin, Nga Tran and Stan Zdonik. C-Store: A Column Oriented DBMS. VLDB, 2005, 553-564.

[SLR96] Praveen Seshadri, Miron Livny, Raghu Ramakrishnan. The Design and Implementation of a Sequence Database System. Proc. VLDB, 1996, 99-110.

[SZZA04] Reza Sadri, Carlo Zaniolo, Amir Zarkesh, and Jafar Adibi. Expressing and optimizing sequence queries in database systems. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 29(2), 2004, 282-318. The paper review is optional.

[GW97] Roy Goldman and Jennifer Widom. DataGuides: Enabling Query Formulation and Optimization in Semistructured Databases. Proc. VLDB, 1997, 436-445.

[ZND+01] Chun Zhang, Jeffrey F. Naughton, David J. DeWitt, Qiong Luo, and Guy M. Lohman. On Supporting Containment Queries in Relational Database Management Systems. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 2001, 425-436.

[CDTW00] Jianjun Chen, David J. DeWitt, Feng Tian, and Yuan Wang. NiagaraCQ: A Scalable Continuous Query System for Internet Databases. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 2000, 379-390.

[HCH+99] Eric N. Hanson, Chris Carnes, Lan Huang, Mohan Konyala, Lloyd Noronha, Sashi Parthasarathy, J. B. Park, and Albert Vernon. Scalable Trigger Processing. Proc. ICDE, 1999, 266-275. The paper review is not required.

[AH00] Ron Avnur and Joseph M. Hellerstein. Eddies: Continuously Adaptive Query Processing. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 2000, 261-272.

[CCC+02] Donald Carney, Ugur Çetintemel, Mitch Cherniack, Christian Convey, Sangdon Lee, Greg Seidman, Michael Stonebraker, Nesime Tatbul, and Stanley B. Zdonik. Monitoring Streams - A New Class of Data Management Applications. Proc. VLDB, 2002, 215-226.

[CCD+03] Sirish Chandrasekaran, Owen Cooper, Amol Deshpande, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong, Sailesh Krishnamurthy, Samuel Madden, Vijayshankar Raman, Frederick Reiss, and Mehul A. Shah. TelegraphCQ: Continuous Dataflow Processing for an Uncertain World. Proc. CIDR, 2003.

[MWA+03] Rajeev Motwani, Jennifer Widom, Arvind Arasu, Brian Babcock, Shivnath Babu, Mayur Datar, Gurmeet Singh Manku, Chris Olston, Justin Rosenstein, and Rohit Varma. Query Processing, Approximation, and Resource Management in a Data Stream Management System. Proc. CIDR, 2003. The paper review is optional.

[OJW03] Chris Olston, Jing Jiang, and Jennifer Widom. Adaptive Filters for Continuous Queries over Distributed Data Streams. Proc. SIGMOD 2003, 563-574.

[DRF04] Yanlei Diao, Shariq Rizvi, and Michael J. Franklin. Towards an Internet-Scale XML Dissemination Service. Proc. VLDB, 2004, 612-623.

[CXY06] Badrish Chandramouli, Junyi Xie, Jun Yang. On the database/network interface in large-scale publish/subscribe systems. Proc. SIGMOD Conference 2006, 587-598.

[BBPV00] Christophe Bobineau, Luc Bouganim, Philippe Pucheral, Patrick Valduriez. PicoDMBS: Scaling Down Database Techniques for the Smartcard. VLDB 2000, 11-20.

[MFHH02] Samuel R. Madden, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, and Wei Hong. TAG: a Tiny AGgregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks. Proc. OSDI, December 2002.

[MFHH03] Samuel R. Madden, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, and Wei Hong. The Design of an Acquisitional Query Processor for Sensor Networks. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 2003.

[DGM+04] Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Samuel Madden, Joseph Hellerstein, and Wei Hong. Model Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks. Proc. VLDB 2004.

[CLKB04] J. Considine, F. Li, G. Kollios, and J. Byers. Approximate Aggregation Techniques for Sensor Databases. Proc. ICDE, 2004.

[FJK+05] Michael J. Franklin, Shawn R. Jeffery, Sailesh Krishnamurthy, Frederick Reiss, Shariq Rizvi, Eugene Wu, Owen Cooper, Anil Edakkunni, Wei Hong. Design Considerations for High Fan-In Systems: The HiFi Approach. Proc. CIDR, 2005, 290-304.

[JGF06] Shawn R. Jeffery, Minos Garofalakis, Michael J. Franklin. Adaptive Cleaning for RFID Data Streams. Proc. VLDB, 2006.

[WDR06] Eugene Wu, Yanlei Diao, and Shariq Rizvi. High-Performance Complex Event Processing over Streams. Proc. SIGMOD Conference, 2006.

[Wid05] J. Widom. Trio: A System for Integrated Management of Data, Accuracy, and Lineage. Proc. CIDR, 2005. The paper review is optional.

[BSHW06] O. Benjelloun, A. Das Sarma, A. Halevy, and J. Widom. ULDBs: Databases with Uncertainty and Lineage. Proc. VLDB, 2006.

[DS04] Nilesh Dalvi and Dan Suciu. Efficient Query Evaluation on Probabilistic Databases. Proc. VLDB, 2004.