Sabrina Zaman Ishita

PhD Student

Computer Science

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Massachusetts, USA


About me:

I am a PhD student in Computer Science, University of Massachussetts Amherst. I started my PhD in Fall 2021. I have completed my MSc and BSc in Computer Science from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.My research interests revolve around promoting fairness and equality within technological systems, understanding user perspectives and human perception, and ensuring that these insights are integrated into the development and alignment of systems with human preferences and judgments. I want to focus on the well-being of individuals to create technologies that not only meet user needs but also foster a more just and equitable society. I am currently working under the supervision of Ravi Karkar.


PhD in Computer Science [Fall, 2021 – Present]
College of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA

M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering [2017 – 2018]
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
CGPA: 3.94/4.00 (Position: 1st among 12 students)

B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering [2013 – 2016]
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
CGPA: 3.82/4.00 (Position: 1st among 60 students)


PID Research Intern
ETS -Educational Testing Service (
Worked on aligning Large Language Models with human judgments.

Teaching Assistant [Spring'22, Fall'23-Fall'24]
CS250: Introduction to Computation
UMass Amherst

Research Assistant [Fall'21, Summer'22-Summer'23]
UMass Amherst

Lecturer [May 2019 – August 2021]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
BRAC University, Dhaka, Banglades

Past Publications

  • Ishita S.Z., Ahmed C.F. Leung C.K. New Approaches for Mining Regular High Utility Sequential Patterns. Appl Intell (2021).
  • Ishita S.Z., Ahmed C.F., Leung C.K., Hoi C.H.S. (2019) Mining Regular High Utility Sequential Patterns in Static and Dynamic Databases. In: Lee S., Ismail R., Choo H. (eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM) 2019. IMCOM 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 935. Springer, Cham.
  • Ishita S.Z., Noor F., Ahmed C.F. (2018) An Efficient Approach for Mining Weighted Sequential Patterns in Dynamic Databases. In: Perner P. (eds) Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects. ICDM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10933. Springer, Cham.

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