HCW 2005 -- 14th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop
The Fourteenth International

HCW 2005--
Advance Program


To be held in
Denver, Colorado, USA, April 4, 2005
in conjunction with IPDPS 2005

Call for Papers



Advance Program

Previous Workshops



0800-0820: WELCOME
Andre van Tilborg: Director, Information Systems, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Science & Technology
The Challenge and Opportunity of Distributed Heterogeneous Computing
0920-1000: Session 1: ISSUES OF SCALE
Session Chair: Bradley Kuszmaul (MIT)
  1. Michela Taufer (Scripps Research Inst. and UC San Diego, USA),
    David Anderson (UC Berkeley, USA),
    Pietro Cicotti (UC San Diego, USA),
    Charles L. Brooks III (Scripps Research Inst. and UC San Diego, USA):
    Homogeneous Redundancy: A Technique to Ensure Integrity of Molecular Simulation Results Using Public Computing
  2. Arindam Mitra (Univ. Manitoba, Canada),
    Muthucumaru Maheswaran (McGill Univ., Canada),
    Shoukat Ali (Univ. Missouri-Rolla):
    Measuring Scalability of Resource Management Systems
1000-1030: BREAK
1030-1130: Session 2: ENABLING SYSTEMS
Session Chair: Franck Cappello (LRI, Univ. Paris-South)
  1. Dawid Kurzyniec (Emory Univ., USA),
    Vaidy Sunderam (Emory Univ., USA):
    Combining FT-MPI with H2O: Fault-Tolerant MPI across Administrative Boundaries
  2. Christian Engelmann (Oak Ridge National Lab., USA),
    G. A. Geist (Oak Ridge National Lab., USA):
    A Lightweight Kernel for the Harness Metacomputing Framework
  3. Janaka Balasooriya (Georgia State Univ., USA),
    Mohini Padye (Georgia State Univ., USA),
    Sushil K. Prasad (Georgia State Univ., USA),
    Shamkant B. Navathe (Georgia Inst. of Technology):
    BondFlow: A System for Distributed Coordination of Workflows over Web Services
Session Chair: Cynthia Phillips (Sandia Labs.)
  1. Ankur Kamthe (Auburn Univ., USA),
    Soo-Young Lee (Auburn Univ., USA):
    A Stochastic Approach to Estimating Earliest Start Times of Nodes for Scheduling DAGs on Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems
  2. Prasanna V. Sugavanam (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    H. J. Siegel (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Anthony Maciejewski (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Syed Amjad Ali (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Mohammad Al-Otaibi (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Mahir Aydin (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Kumara Guru (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Aaron Horiuchi (Hewlett-Packard, USA),
    Yogish G. Krishnamurthy (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Panho Lee (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Ashish Mehta (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Mohana Oltikar (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Ron Pichel (Hewlett-Packard, USA),
    Alan J. Pippin (Hewlett-Packard, USA),
    Michael Raskey (Hewlett-Packard, USA),
    Vladimir Shestak (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Junxing Zhang (Univ. Utah, USA):
    Processor Allocation for Tasks that is Robust against Errors in Computation Time Estimates
1210-1330: LUNCH
1330-1430: Session 4: MAPPING PROBLEMS
Session Chair: Alexey Lastovetsky (University College Dublin)
  1. Ioana Banicescu (Mississippi State Univ., USA),
    Ricolindo Carino (Mississippi State Univ., USA),
    Jaderick Pabico (Mississippi State Univ., USA),
    Mahadevan Balasubramaniam (Mississippi State Univ., USA):
    Overhead Analysis of a Dynamic Load Balancing Library for Cluster Computing
  2. Arnaud Legrand (ID, UMR 5132, France),
    Alan Su (ENS Lyon, France),
    Frederic Vivien (INRIA, France):
    Scheduling Divisible Requests on a Heterogeneous Collection of Databanks
  3. Alexey Kalinov (ISP, Russian Acad. of Sciences, Russia),
    Sergey Klimov (ISP, Russian Acad. of Sciences, Russia):
    Optimal Mapping of a Parallel Application Processes onto Heterogeneous Platform
1430-1500: BREAK
Session Chair: Ralph Castain (Los Alamos National Lab)
  1. Behdis Eslamnour (Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, USA),
    Shoukat Ali (Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, USA):
    A Measure of Robustness against Multiple Kinds of Perturbations
  2. Vladimir Shestak (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Edwin K. P. Chong (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Anthony Maciejewski (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    H. J. Siegel (Colorado State Univ., USA),
    Lotfi Benmohamed (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA),
    I-Jeng Wang (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA),
    Rose Daley (Johns Hopkins Univ., USA):
    Resource Allocation for Periodic Applications in a Shipboard Environment
1540-1620: Session 6: COMMUNICATION ISSUES
Session Chair: John Morrison (University College Cork)
  1. Jindong Hou (Univ. of Oxford, UK),
    D. C. O'Brien (Univ. of Oxford, UK):
    Adaptive Inter-System Handover for Heterogeneous RF and IR Networks
  2. Zhao Peng (University College Dublin, Ireland),
    Alexey Lastovetsky (University College Dublin, Ireland):
    Event Logging: Portable and Efficient Checkpointing in Heterogeneous Environments with Non-FIFO Communication Platforms
1620-1730: PANEL:
Moderator: Arnold L. Rosenberg (Univ. Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Jose Fortes (Univ. Florida)
  • Craig Lee (Aerospace Corp.)
  • Yves Robert (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon)
  • H.J. Siegel (Colorado State Univ.)