
This schedule is subject to change. Please check back frequently.

Date Topics and Readings Deadlines
Feb 2 Syllabus Discussion, Introduction
No required reading
Feb 7 Buffer Overflow
No Required reading
Feb 9 Control Flow Hijacking
Assigned Readings:
Return-Oriented Programming
The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls
Feb 14 Access Control Models
No Required Reading
Optional Readings:
Lattice-based access control models
Analyzing Integrity Protection in the SELinux Example Policy
Feb 16 Pitch your project to class! Project Proposal Due
Feb 19 1st MP release
Feb 21 Access Control and Reference Monitors
No Required Reading
Feb 23 Access Control in IoT
Assigned Readings:
Security Analysis of Emerging Smart Home Applications
Rethinking Access Control and Authentication for the Home Internet of Things (IoT)
Feb 28 Access Control in Distributed Systems
Assigned Readings:
Automatic Policy Generation for Inter-Service Access Control of Microservices
Shamon: A System for Distributed Mandatory Access Control
Mar 1 Access Policy Misconfigurations
Assigned Readings:
Detecting and resolving policy misconfigurations in access-control systems
Baaz: A System for Detecting Access Control Misconfigurations
Improving Logging to Reduce Permission Over-Granting Mistakes
Mar 4 1st MP due
2nd MP release
Mar 6 Information Flow Control
Assigned Readings:
A Decentralized Model for Information Flow Control
Mar 8 Dynamic Information Flow Control
Assigned Readings:
TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones
Secure Serverless Computing using Dynamic Information Flow Control
Mar 13 Information Flow Control in IoT
Assigned Readings:
FlowFence: Practical Data Protection for Emerging IoT Application Frameworks
Mar 15 Information Flow - Attack Detection
Assigned Reading:
Fear and Logging in the Internet of Things
UNICORN: Runtime Provenance-Based Detector for Advanced Persistent Threats
Mar 20 Spring Recess - No Class
Mar 22 Spring Recess - No Class
Mar 27 Cloud Security
Assigned Reading:
Hey, you, get off of my cloud: exploring information leakage in third-party compute clouds
MP2 due
Mar 29 Cloud Security
Assigned Readings:
Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing
Peeking Behind the Curtains of Serverless Platforms
Apr 3 Please work on your class projects
Apr 5 Midterm Project Progress Presentation Midterm project progress report due
Apr 10 Cloud Security
Assigned Readings:
Houdini’s Escape: Breaking the Resource Rein of Linux Control Groups
Security Namespace: Making Linux Security Frameworks Available to Containers
Apr 12 No Class
Monday class schedule will be followed
Apr 17 Sequence-based intrusion detection
Assigned Readings:
A Sense of Self for UNIX Processes
Mimicry Attacks on Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems
Apr 19 Endpoint Detection & Response
Assigned Readings:
HOLMES: Real-Time APT Detection through Correlation of Suspicious Information Flows
Tactical Provenance Analysis for Endpoint Detection and Response Systems
Apr 24 ML-based EDR
Assigned Readings:
DrSec: Flexible Distributed Representations for Efficient Endpoint Security
FLASH: A Comprehensive Approach to Intrusion Detection via Provenance Graph Representation Learning
Apr 26 Class on Zoom:
Guest lecture by Muhammad Adil Inam, UIUC PhD candidate
May 1 Student Presentations
Assigned Readings:
Security and Privacy Analysis of Samsung’s Crowd-Sourced Bluetooth Location Tracking System (presented by Evan)
Unveiling Internet Censorship: Analysing the Impact of Nation States’ Content Control Efforts on Internet Architecture and Routing Patterns (presented by Zach)
May 3 Student Presentations
Assigned Readings:
A blockchain based lightweight and secure access control framework for IoT-enabled supply chain (presented by Aarthi)
Understanding and Improving Security and Privacy in Multi-User Smart Homes: A Design Exploration and In-Home User Study (presented by Katie)
May 8 Final Project Presentations
May 10 Final Project Presentations
May 15 Final Project Reports due