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Materials that I create for educational and outreach workshops/presentations are usually made available afterwards. These range from slides to tutorials and sometimes videos. Due to sorting by topic, some resources may appear multiple times.
Go to topic: LaTeX Scratch Processing Computer Science Education


Freedman, Richard G.. "LaTeX Commands for Common Buttons in Microsoft Word." A chart displaying LaTeX commands for common buttons used in Microsoft Word menus for formatting. It was distributed at the "Writing Scientific Documents in LaTeX" workshop. 2016. [pdf]

Freedman, Richard G. and Thomas, Philip S. "A Super Brief, Yet Super Awesome, LaTeX Cheat Sheet." A short introduction to using LaTeX and an overview of some of the useful commands; the .tex file is the source code that generated the .pdf file. 2011, updated in 2013. [pdf] [tex]


Freedman, Richard G. "Loot Troop." A demo game I wrote as the teaching assistant for the Creative Game Design and Development (CMPSCI 397G) course to present examples of multiple design concepts and development features. The code is open source and the project description contains a sample critique with programming extension challenges. 2015. [project page]

Freedman, Richard G. "Creative Writing with a Fork in the Road." A lesson plan to introduce younger students to nonlinear thinking and cause-and-effect using Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories. It was written for Scratch 1.4, but it may also be used with Scratch 2.0. Presented at the Wake@Hanes Google CS4HS Teacher Workshop 2012 at Wake Forest University. 2012. [lesson plan] [Scrath demo]


Freedman, Richard G. and Jones, Marvin C. "Graphics Programming with Processing." An introduction to programming and to simple computer graphics with the Processing programming language. Presented at the New England Regional Developers (NERD) Summit 2015 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2015. [code examples] [video]

Computer Science Education

Freedman, Richard G. and Jones, Marvin C. "Graphics Programming with Processing." An introduction to programming and to simple computer graphics with the Processing programming language. Presented at the New England Regional Developers (NERD) Summit 2015 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2015. [code examples] [video]

Freedman, Richard G. "Higher/Lower Guessing Game: Winning via Efficient Searching." A presentation that teaches binary search through a fun children's game. Presented at the Wake@Hanes Google CS4HS Teacher Workshop 2012 at Wake Forest University. 2012. [Slides]

Freedman, Richard G. "Creative Writing with a Fork in the Road." A lesson plan to introduce younger students to nonlinear thinking and cause-and-effect using Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories. It was written for Scratch 1.4, but it may also be used with Scratch 2.0. Presented at the Wake@Hanes Google CS4HS Teacher Workshop 2012 at Wake Forest University. 2012. [lesson plan] [Scrath demo]

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