miscellaneous stuff

a veritable plethora of potentially useful and not-so-useful stuff
for graduate students
The Task of the Referee - a guide to reviewing papers
How to Do Research at the MIT AI Lab - an old but still useful guide
Advice to systems researchers, compiled by Mike Dahlin (Texas)
Similar notes from CMU
Slides from a talk on how to write papers by Ray Mooney (Texas)
Simon Peyton-Jones's "How to Give a Good Talk"
Dave Patterson's famous "How to Give a Bad Talk"
Daniel Jimenez's awesome talk on his job search experiences (local access only)
Tips on writing papers: OOPSLA and SOSP

On-line papers and more: ACM's digital library and Google Scholar.
You might also try The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.
A great resource for memory management papers is The Garbage Collection Bibliography.
UMass miscellany
My UMass Amherst CS PowerPoint template
UMass Amherst CS Letterhead template
A cover sheet for sending faxes from UMass (also in PostScript)
The University seal, in TIFF format
software timer.h, my C++ class that permits high-resolution timing across many platforms
a cross-platform timer package, including the above and C wrappers
more significant software packages, including Hoard, are linked from my home page

random tidbits

UMass is an unusually collaborative environment - here's a cool graph I put together that shows just how collaborative it is

the Dijkstra font, so you can write your own EWD's

when I moved to Barcelona from Austin, I had invitations for a going-away party done up by Shannon Wheeler, of Too Much Coffee Man fame - Invite to a Movable Feast

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