There is rapidly increasing interest in the field of face recognition in image and videos; while there has been a great deal of progress in the past 10 years, much of the work is restricted to
constrained settings in which one or more of the many variables that affect appearance, such as lighting, pose, or facial expression, has been controlled. We believe that focusing specifically on ‘real-life’ data sets will foster the development of new and more general techniques, and will
ultimately result in more flexible face recognition systems. This is a new and interesting emergent direction, and we will make this workshop the right place for discussion and for the sharing of ideas on this topic.
One aim of the workshop is to encourage collaboration between researchers who do face
detection and recognition but may not be familiar with more general object recognition
techniques, and those who do object recognition work but have not considered the application of their methods to the face recognition problem. It is interesting to note that one of the best known algorithms for unconstrained face recognition using random forests does not appear on the “Face Recognition Web Page”. This is probably because the algorithm is known as a generic object recognition algorithm. We want to bring together people from the “object recognition”
community and the “face recognition” community, and try to understand if they are distinct only
for historical reasons or if they rely on different foundations. |