CMPSCI 891M: The UMass CMPSCI Theory Seminar
(18 Apr) Note further schedule changes --
next talk is 29 April.
The Theory Seminar is a weekly series of talks of
general interest to researchers and students of theoretical
computer science.
It is also a one-credit UMass graduate
course, in which each participating student will give one
of the presentations. Students planning to take the course
for credit should email Prof. Barrington with their plans
as to when to talk.
The current schedule is as follows. (Links, where available,
lead to abstracts of the talks.)
The following papers were among those suggested as possible
student topics by faculty (additions to this list are welcomed):
- Agrawal-Allender Datta, "On TC0, AC0, and Arithmetic Circuits",
12th IEEE Complexity, 1997. (Dave)
- Caussinus-McKenzie-Therien-Vollmer, "Nondeterministic NC1 Computation",
11th IEEE Complexity, 1996. (Dave)
- Etessami, "Counting Quantifiers, Successor Relations, and Logarithmic
Space", 10th IEEE Complexity, 1995. (Dave)
- Jenner-McKenzie-Toran, "A Note on the Hardness of Tree Isomorphism",
13th IEEE Complexity, 1998. (Dave)
- Lange-McKenzie-Tapp, "Reversible Space Equals Deterministic Space",
12th IEEE Complexity, 1997. (Dave)
Here are links to the theory seminar talks from Fall 2002:
- 17 Sept 2002 Brent Heeringa, "Promise Pruning"
- 24 Sept 2002: David Mix Barrington, "Grid Graph
- 1 Oct 2002: Bill Hesse, "Adding Shortcuts to
Directed Graphs"
- 8 Oct 2002: Arny Rosenberg, "How to Exploit a
Heterogenous Cluster of Workstations (Asymptotically) Optimally"
- 15 Oct 2002: Ying Gong, "Efficient Scattering
of Variable-Length Messages in Heterogeneous Clusters"
- 22 Oct 2002: Neil Immerman, "Descriptive
Complexity: Survey Plus New Directions"
- 29 Oct 2002: Kazu Hirata, "PRIMES is in P"
- 5 Nov 2002: Jody Fanto, "What's Wrong With Being Selfish?"
- 12 Nov 2002:
Matt Yurkewych, "Monadic NP versus Monadic co-NP"
- 19 Nov 2002:
Asa Ben-Hur, Stanford, "A Stability Based Method for Discovering Structure
in Clustered Data"
- 26 Nov 2002:
Audrey Lee, "Extracting Randomness: How and Why"
- 3 Dec 2002:
Qunfeng Dong, "Efficient Schemes for Probabilistic Packet Marking"
- 10 Dec 2002:
Sarah Weissman, "An Introduction to Zero-One Laws"
Last modified 18 April 2003