CMPSCI 891M: The UMass CMPSCI Theory Seminar
The Theory Seminar is a weekly series of talks of
general interest to researchers and students of theoretical
computer science. It meets Tuesdays 4-5 p.m. in room 140 of the
Computer Science Building, though occasional talks might occur
at other times.
It is also a one-credit UMass graduate
course, in which each participating student will give one
of the presentations.
I am the coordinator for Fall 2009. Talks will be announced to
the "seminars" list and will appear on the department's weekly schedule.
The schedule below will be updated as needed throughout the term.
The seminar web page for Spring 2003, when I was last the coordinator,
is here. It has links to the titles and
abstracts of talks from that term.
Schedule for Fall 2009
- 8 September: No meeting, CNS convocation
- 15 September: Organizing meeting, no seminar
- 22 September: No seminar
- 29 September: David Mix Barrington, ACC0
versus CC0
- 6 October: Creidieki Crouch
- 13 October: no seminar, this is a Monday at UMass
- 20 October: Andrew McGregor
- 27 October: no seminar
- 3 November: Philipp Weis, The Power of One Star
- 10 November: Mark McCartin-Lim, Algorithms for
Finding Low Distortion Bijections
- 16 November: Department seminar, Sergei Vassilvitskii, Yahoo Research,
A Model of Computation for MapReduce
- 17 November: no regular seminar
- 24 November: Jon Machta, UMass Physics
- 1 December: Brandon McPhail
- 8 December: John Brattin
Suggested Seminar Topics:
Here are some recent papers that I think might make good talks:
- Mark Braverman, Poly-log Independence Fools AC0 Circuits, ECCC
- Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen and Michal Koucky, A New Characterization of
ACC0 and probabilistic CC0
(PDF) (Dave's
talk on 29 September),
- Cohn, Kleinberg, Szegedy, Umans, Group-Theoretic Algorithms for Matrix
(PDF), and
- Braverman, Cook, McKenzie, Santhanam, Wehr, Pebbles and Branching Programs
for Tree Evaluation,
Schedule for Spring 2009:
- 3 February: Louis Theran, Combinatorial Genericity
and Minimal Rigidity
- 10 February: David Mix Barrington, Uniform Circuits for Integer Division
- 17 February: No seminar!
- 24 February: Andrew McGregor, Space-Passes Tradeoffs in Stream Complexity
- 3 March: Ileana Streinu, How Far Can You Reach? A Tale of Geometry,
Robots, and Proteins (in room 151)
- 10 March: no seminar
- (spring break)
- 24 March: no seminar
- 31 March: no seminar
- 7 April: Alex Russell, UConn, Alex Russell, UConn,
Approximating the Permanent via Nonabelian Determinants
- 14 April: TBA
- 21 April: no meeting, this is Monday at UMass
- 28 April: Ben Rossman, MIT, Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse Games
- 4 May (Monday): Graham Cormode, AT&T, Finding Frequent Elements in Data
- 5 May: Mike Sindelar, UMass, An Introduction to
Mechanism Design
- 12 May: Brandon McPhail, UMass, Optimal Offline
Power-Down Scheduling
Last modified 9 November 2009