CS590CC: Cloud Computing
Fall 2021






The schedule of topics below is tentative and may be changed as deemed appropriate. Dates on topics will be updated as they are covered.
  Topics (spanning 2-4 lectures each) Tutorials Class videos Lecture notes, assignments (posted on Gradescope), and other readings

[Sep 1] Class overview; introduction to cloud computing; introduction to distributed systems;

Writing a simple distributed client-server program

[java] , [python]

Message queues

RPC/RMI: [java: tutorial, code] [python: tutorial, code] [C: tutorial, code]


TS Ch.1

Sockets slides


Distributed time and coordination
Clock synchronization; Lamport clocks; vector clocks; totally-ordered multicast

Mutual exclusion, leader election, consistent snapshots
Intro. to AWS EC2


TS Ch. 6 (2e, 3e)



PA1: Time synchronization protocol

Distributed snapshot(optional reading)


Consistency and replication 
Consistency models and data replication; replicated data stores

Amazon Dynamo case study (consistent hashing, version vectors, sloppy quorums, hinted handoffs, gossip, merkle trees, etc.)

Case study systems: Amazon DynamoDB, Apache Cassandra (Facebook)


TS Ch. 7 (2e, 3e)


Dynamo SOSP'07 paper (required reading)

PA2: Distributed key-value service

Fault tolerance and consensus
Fault and network models; distributed commit protocols; byzantine agreement




TS Ch. 8 (2e, 3e)

  In-class midterm   no lecture  
Consensus (cont'd), replicated state machines, primary backup, byzantine fault tolerance


Consensus and RSMs

Paxos Made Simple

The original Paxos paper "in Greek" (optional reading)


Case study systems (cont'd) Case study systems: Yahoo! ZooKeeper (Yahoo), Chubby (Google), Spanner (Google)


Required reading papers:

PA3: Consensus and RSMs


Optional reading papers:

  • (OSDI'04) Chubby lock service (one of the earliest production deployment experience reports of Paxos)
T7 Datacenter network architectures: virtualization, Clos topologies, optical  

Datacenter networking notes

Required reading papers:


T8 Public cloud platforms: Amazon EC2, Google AppEngine, Microsoft Azure 



PA4: Public cloud environments




  Take-home final (TBD)  
  Additional topics subject to time availability  

Security and privacy issues in public clouds
  Software-defined networking