Index of values

add [Smtlib]
add e1 e2 produces (+ e1 e2).
and_ [Smtlib]
and e1 e2 produces (and e1 e2).
array_sort [Smtlib]
array_sort dom range produces (array dom range)
assert_ [Smtlib]
assert_ solver term runs the command (assert term)

bexp_to_string [Imp]
Prints a string that represents a boolean expression.
bool_sort [Smtlib]
The expression Bool for the solver.
bool_to_term [Smtlib]
bv [Smtlib]
bv n w produces a bit-vector of width w that represents the integer n.
bv_sort [Smtlib]
bv_sort n produces (_ BitVec n).
bvadd [Smtlib]
bvand [Smtlib]
bvashr [Smtlib]
bvlshr [Smtlib]
bvmul [Smtlib]
bvnand [Smtlib]
bvneg [Smtlib]
bvnor [Smtlib]
bvnot [Smtlib]
bvor [Smtlib]
bvshl [Smtlib]
bvsmod [Smtlib]
bvsrem [Smtlib]
bvsub [Smtlib]
bvurem [Smtlib]
bvxnor [Smtlib]

check_sat [Smtlib]
check_sat solver runs the command (check-sat)
command [Smtlib]
command solver sexp sends a command to the solver and reads a response.
const [Smtlib]
const x produces Const (Id x), which represents a reference to a variable declared with (declare-const x sort)

declare_const [Smtlib]
declare_const solver x sort runs the command (declare-const x sort)

equals [Smtlib]
equals e1 e2 produces (= e1 e2)

from_file [Sketching]
from_file [Imp]
Reads the contents of a file.
from_file [Typeinf.Implicit]
from_string [Sketching]
from_string [Imp]
from_string string produces (pre, cmd, post), where the first and last assertions in the program are interpreted as pre- and post-conditions respectively.
from_string [Typeinf.Implicit]

get_model [Smtlib]
gt [Smtlib]
> e1 e2 produces (> e1 e2).
gte [Smtlib]
gte e1 e2 produces (>= e1 e2).

implies [Smtlib]
implies e1 e2 produces (=> e1 e2).
int_sort [Smtlib]
The expression Int for the solver.
int_to_term [Smtlib]
ite [Smtlib]
ite e1 e2 e3 produces (ite e1 e2 e3)

lt [Smtlib]
lt e1 e2 produces (< e1 e2).
lte [Smtlib]
lte e1 e2 produces (<= e1 e2).

make_solver [Smtlib]
make_solver path produces a handle to a Z3 process.
mul [Smtlib]
mul e1 e2 produces ( * e1 e2).

not_ [Smtlib]
not e produces (not e).

or_ [Smtlib]
or e1 e2 produces (or e1 e2).

pop [Smtlib]
pop solver runs the command (pop)
print_exp [Typeinf.Explicit]
Prints the expression.
print_typ [Typeinf.Explicit]
Prints the type.
push [Smtlib]
push solver runs the command (push)

sexp_to_string [Smtlib]
sexp_to_string sexp returns the s-expressions as a string.
string_of_exp [Typeinf.Explicit]
Produces a string that represents the expression.
string_of_typ [Typeinf.Explicit]
Produces a string that represents the type.
sub [Smtlib]
sub e1 e2 produces (- e1 e2).

to_string [Sketching]