Module Imp

module Imp: sig .. end
The IMP language.

type cmp = Imp_syntax.cmp = 
| Lt (*
less than
| Gt (*
greater than
| Eq (*
equal to
| Lte (*
less than or equal to
| Gte (*
greater than or equal to
Operators to compare integers.
type aop = Imp_syntax.aop = 
| Add
| Sub
| Mul
type aexp = Imp_syntax.aexp = 
| AConst of int
| AVar of string
| AOp of aop * aexp * aexp
type bexp = Imp_syntax.bexp = 
| BConst of bool
| BAnd of bexp * bexp
| BOr of bexp * bexp
| BNot of bexp
| BCmp of cmp * aexp * aexp
type cmd = Imp_syntax.cmd = 
| CSkip
| CAbort
| CAssign of string * aexp
| CIf of bexp * cmd * cmd
| CWhile of bexp * bexp * cmd
| CSeq of cmd * cmd
val from_string : string -> bexp * cmd * bexp
from_string string produces (pre, cmd, post), where the first and last assertions in the program are interpreted as pre- and post-conditions respectively.
val from_file : string -> bexp * cmd * bexp
Reads the contents of a file. See from_string for more information.
val bexp_to_string : bexp -> string
Prints a string that represents a boolean expression.