CS 685, Spring 2024, UMass Amherst



Make sure to reload this page to ensure you're seeing the latest version. Readings should be done before watching the corresponding lecture videos. See this page for materials (videos / slides / reading) from the Spring 2023 offering.

Week 1 (2/5-7): introduction, language modeling

Week 2 (2/12-14): neural language models, backpropagation

Week 3 (2/21-22): attention mechanisms and Transformers

Week 4 (2/26-28): Transformers (cont'd): architecture, pretrain/finetune

Week 5 (3/4-6): Tokenization and efficient fine-tuning

Week 6 (3/11-13): LLM alignment

Week 7 (3/27): Decoding from language models

Week 8 (4/1-4/3): Prompt engineering and evaluation

Week 9 (4/8-4/12): Scaling LLMs, midterm review

Week 9 (4/22-4/24): Vision-language models, understanding in-context learning

Week 10 (4/29-5/1): LLM security, probing LLMs

Week 11 (5/6): Mamba/Griffin, no class 5/8