Resources: HOWTO collection
- About
I find myself constantly looking up common scripts, workarounds and howtos on the internet for usual tasks in a research lab -- moving large files around from server to server, setting up SSH keys for BitBucket, etc. This is a dump of all those resources I picked up, starting out as a greenhorn at the UMass Vision lab.
- BitBucket and Git
SSH for BitBucket setup:
RSA key gen-
Generate SSH key at command line:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- Add an SSH key to an account [BitBucket permission denied due to no public key]: Walkthrough from StackOverflow answer
X11 forwarding
On some of the newer vision servers, after a git clone, we would get X-11 error messages. They turn out to be mostly warning messages and can be usually ignored. Some details on that.
Git branch/pull/add/etc. [under construction]
Git is really essential, and has something of a steep learning curve for first-timers. As usual, I studiously avoided it in the beginning but the initial time+effort investment always pays off in long-term productivity. I really intend to expand this portion to give short one-line answers and commands for specific tasks (instead of long-winded explanations some Git howtos throw up).
- Adding and removing Git branches: Git branches
- Adding files to a Git repo: Git Adding files
- Adding only untracked files to the repo: Add untracked files
Generate SSH key at command line:
- MatConvNet
- A quick introduction to setting up MatConvNet: slides
- Installation instructions: MatConvNet site
- Make sure the versions of CUDA and Matlab are matching before MEXing: MatConvNet issue 33
- Example compile command with the usual paths to Matlab and CUDA on the vision servers:
vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true, 'enableImreadJpeg', true, 'imreadJpegFlags', ... {'-I/usr/local/libjpeg/include/','-L/usr/local/libjpeg/lib','-ljpeg'}, ... 'cudaRoot', '/usr/local/cuda-6.5', 'matlabRoot', '/exp/comm/matlab');
- The path to CUDA must be exported before running Matlab and MatConvNet:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib64
- Shell Commands
A handy list of common shell commands.
- wget very large files:
wget --continue --progress=dot:mega --tries=0
Rsync remote files to current location:
rsync -azP source destination
With a single status bar, instead of scrolling down:
rsync -az --info=progress2 source destination
More on Rsync - Remove all files in folder:
rm -rf directoryname
- Tarball
Compress:tar -cvzf filename.tar.gz folder/
Extract:tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
- Printing from the command line:
Sometimes accessing colour printers from the local machine has some complications (Ubuntu older versions etc.). In such cases, one can use the printers setup on the newer vision servers for printing colour versions of papers/pdfs.lpr -P cscolor3 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge filename.pdf
LPSTAT for displaying printer info
CUPS options
- wget very large files:
- Linux Screen setup
Screen is a utiity that allows you to log off from a remote session and then resume it from another location or the same location at a later time. The programs continue running. Naturally, it is very handy when setting large tasks to run on the servers. The first link provides a really nice overview of the setup.- Screen setup
- Screen window by default does not have mouse scrolling enabled. The keyboard shortcuts are frankly rather hairy. Add mouse scroling support in .screenrc
- Kill a specific screen session
- LaTeX
Single LaTeX make command to generate PDF, keeping cross-references and bibtex correctly:latexmk -pdf mydocument.tex
Compressing PDF filesize
- Bit twiddling hacks
Awesome collection of bit-level hacks for all ages by Sean Eron Anderson :)
Bit Twiddling Hacks webpage