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Table of Contents

1. Introduction, important definitions, and notes (Read this!)
2. Pure Functional Programming
3. Roadmap
4. Overview Examples
5. Direct Functoids
5.1. Issues with representing higher-order polymorphic functions
5.2. The past and the future
5.3. Defining a direct functoid
6. Indirect Functoids
6.1. Subtype-polymorphism
6.2. Relation to boost::function
7. Full Functoids
7.1. Currying
7.2. Infix Syntax
7.3. Lambda Awareness
7.4. Smartness
7.5. Return-type deduction
8. Effects and thunks
9. Lists and lazy evaluation
9.1. Interface to list
9.2. Writing lazy list functoids
9.3. Other details about lazy evaluation
10. Library
10.1. Nuts and bolts
10.2. Constants
10.3. Data types
10.4. Basic list functions
10.5. Haskell standard prelude
10.6. Operators
10.7. Currying, thunks, and effect combinators
10.8. General combinators
10.9. Functoid promotion
10.10. Other
10.11. Note about lambda/monads
11. Relationships with other libraries
11.1. Interfaces to STL
11.2. Relation to Boost
12. Lambda
12.1. Lambda in FC++
12.2. Naming the C++ types of lambda expressions
12.3. FC++ lambda versus boost::lambda
13. Monads
14. Applications
15. Performance
16. Limitations and future work
16.1. Limitations
16.2. Future work
17. Acknowledgements
18. To find out more...

1. Introduction, important definitions, and notes (Read this!)

FC++ is a library for doing functional programming in C++. The library provides a general framework to support various functional programming aspects, such as higher-order[1] polymorphic[2] functions, currying, lazy evaluation, and lambda. In addition to the framework, FC++ also provides a large library of useful functions and data types.

In FC++, we program with functoids, which are C++ classes or structs which overload operator() and obey certain other conventions. We will describe functoids in more detail in Section 5, Section 6, and Section 7. Functoids are simply our chosen representation for functions in C++; for now you may equate the terms "functoid" and "function" in your mind. Later we shall see what exactly a functoid is and why it is useful.

This document describes "Boost FC++". Prior to being "boostified", FC++ existed as a research project at Georgia Tech for a number of years [FC++]. This is the first document to describe the boostified version of FC++. It is important to note the changes made to the library between "FC++" and "Boost FC++", in order to understand the old documentation. The changes are mostly just a matter of naming conventions. In Table 1, we summarize the naming changes from FC++ to Boost FC++, by giving a sense of the general name changes as well as some particular examples. To avoid confusion, the reader of this document should at least be aware of this mapping before reading any of the prior documentation on FC++.

Table 1. Naming changes from FC++ to Boost FC++

Original FC++Boost FC++Example (orig)Example (Boost)
SomeType some_typeFull2 full2
SomeFunc_ some_func_x_typeBindM_ bind_m_x_type
MiscMiscRef,IRefboost::shared_ptr, boost::intrusive_ptr

The only other major change to the library is that now the fun_type class only takes one argument (the result type). That is, code which used to say

   template <class X, class Y>
   struct sig : public fun_type<X,Y,Something> {};
now reads
   template <class X, class Y>
   struct sig : public fun_type<Something> {};
See Section 5 for details.

2. Pure Functional Programming

Many of the functions and data types in the FC++ library are designed to mimic those in the Haskell programming language. Haskell is a pure functional programming language: there are no effects, global variables, or destructive updates in the language. Programming in this pure style ensures referential transparency.

The FC++ library uses this "pure" style for the most part. All parameters to FC++ functoids are passed by const& by default, for example. Nevertheless, since this is C++, you can use FC++ to create side-effecting functoids in a number of ways, which we will see later (Section 8). The introductory examples will all be effect-free, however.

3. Roadmap

Here we give an overview of what each section of the documentation covers.

Section 4 provides an overview of most of the major features of the FC++ library via a number of small examples.

The next few sections describe functoids in detail:

  • Section 5 describes direct functoids. Direct functoids are the way we represent most functions in FC++.
  • Section 6 describes indirect functoids. Indirect functoids are data types which can be used to create function variables which can be bound to different function values at run-time.
  • Section 7 describes full functoids. Full functoids are functoids which support all of the features of FC++, such as currying and infix syntax.

Section 8 describes how to include side effects in functoids, typically by using global variables, pointers, or "thunks".

Section 9 describes the FC++ "lazy list" data structure, as well as more general support FC++ has for lazy evaluation.

Section 10 gives a short description of all of the functoids and data types that are included in FC++ the library.

Section 11 describes the relationships and interfaces between FC++ and other libraries (STL and Boost).

Section 12 describes the FC++ lambda construct, for creating anonymous functions on-the-fly, as well as the rest of our lambda sublanguage.

Section 13 introduces monads and describes FC++'s support for them.

Section 14 provides larger example contexts which illustrate the utility of FC++.

Section 15 describes some aspects of the run-time (and compile-time) performance of the library.

Section 16 describes limitations of the library, as well as directions for future extensions.

Section 17 closes with some acknowledgements.

Section 18 describes ways to learn more about FC++.

4. Overview Examples

In this section, we provide an overview of many of the major features of the FC++ library, through a number of short, illustrative examples.

FC++ functoids can be simultaneously higher order (able to take functoids as arguments and return them as results) and polymorphic[2] (template functions which work on a variety of data types). For example, consider the library function compose(), which takes two functoids and returns the composition:

   // compose( f, g )(args)    means    f( g(args) )
We could define a polymorphic functoid add_self(), which adds an argument to itself:
   // add_self( x )    means    x + x
We could then compose add_self with itself, and the result would still be a polymorphic functoid:
   int x = 3;
   std::string s = "foo";
   compose( add_self, add_self )( x )    // yields 12
   compose( add_self, add_self )( s )    // yields "foofoofoofoo"
Section 5 describes the infrastructure of these "direct functoids", which enables this feature to be implemented.

FC++ defines a lazy list data structure called list. FC++ lists are lazy in that they need not compute their elements until they are demanded. For example, the functoid enum_from() takes an integer and returns the infinite list of integers starting with that number:

   list<int> li = enum_from( 1 );  // li is infinite list [1, 2, 3, ...]
A number of functoids manipulate such lists; for instance map() applies a functoid to each element of a list:
   li = map( add_self, li );  // li is now infinite list [2, 4, 6, ...]

The FC++ library defines a wealth of useful functoids and data types. There are named functoids for most C++ operators, like

   plus(3,4)       // 3+4      also minus, multiplies, etc.
There are many functoids which work on lists, including map. Most of the list functions are identical those defined in Haskell. Additionally, a number of basic functions (like the identity function, id), combinators (like flip: flip(f)(x,y)==f(y,x)), and data types (like list and maybe; maybe will be discussed in Section 13) are designed to mimic exactly their Haskell counterparts. We also implement functoids for C++ constructs such as constructor calls and new calls:
   construct3<T>()(x,y,z)   // yields T(x,y,z)
   new2<T>()(x,y)           // yields new T(x,y)
and many more.

Functoids are curryable. That is, we can call a functoid with some subset of its arguments, returning a new functoid which expects the rest of the arguments. Currying of leading arguments can be done implicitly, as in

   minus(3)      // yields a new function "f(x)=3-x"
Any argument can be curried explicitly using the placeholder variable _ (defined by FC++):
   minus(3,_)    // yields a new function "f(x)=3-x"
   minus(_,3)    // yields a new function "f(x)=x-3"
We can even curry all N of a function's arguments with a call to thunkN(), returning a thunk (a zero-argument functoid):
   thunk2( minus, 3, 2 )   // yields a new thunk "f()=3-2"

FC++ functoids can be called using a special infix syntax (implemented by overloading operator^):

   x ^f^ y        // Same as f(x,y).  Example: 3 ^plus^ 2         
This syntax was also inspired by Haskell; some function names (like plus) are more readable as infix than as prefix.

FC++ defines indirect functoids, which are function variables which can be bound to any function with the same (monomorphic) signature. Indirect functoids are implemented via the funN classes, which take N-1 template arguments describing the argument types, as well as a final template argument describing the result type. For example:

   // Note: plus is polymorphic, the next line selects just "int" version
   fun2<int,int,int> f = plus;  
   f(3,2);          // yields 5
   f = minus;
   f(3,2);          // yields 1
Indirect functoids are particularly useful in the implementation of callback libraries and some design patterns[Sma&McN02]. (Our indirect functoids are similar to boost::function objects; see Section 6.2 for a discussion of the differences.)

The FC++ library defines a few effect combinators. An effect combinator combines an effect (represented as a thunk) with another functoid. Here are some example effect combinators:

   // before(thunk,f)(args)  means  { thunk(); return f(args); }
   // after(g,thunk)(args)   means  { R r = g(args); thunk(); return r; }
An example: suppose you've defined a functoid write_log() which takes a string and writes it to a log file. Then
   before( thunk1( write_log, "About to call foo()" ), foo )
results in a new functoid with the same behavior as foo(), only it writes a message to the log file before calling foo().

FC++ interfaces with normal C++ code and the STL. The list class implements the iterator interface, so that lists can work with STL algorithms and other STL data structures can be converted into lists. The functoid ptr_to_fun() transforms normal C++ function pointers into functoids, and turns method pointers into functions which take a pointer to the receiver object as an extra first object. Here are some examples, which use currying to demonstrate that the result of ptr_to_fun is a functoid:

   ptr_to_fun( &someFunc )(x)(y)         // someFunc(x,y)
   ptr_to_fun( &Foo::meth )(aFooPtr)(x)  // aFooPtr->meth(x)

FC++ also has a lambda sublanguage for defining anonymous functions on-the-fly, but we hold off describing this feature until Section 12.

5. Direct Functoids

Direct functoids enable the creation of functions which are simultaneously higher-order and polymorphic. Consider the map() function described in the previous section: map() takes two arguments—a function and a list—and applies the function to every element of the list. In Haskell we would describe the type signature of map like this:

   map :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
The letters a and b are placeholder type variables (like the T in template <class T>). The signature says that map() takes two arguments—a list of a objects and a function from a objects to b objects—and returns a list of b objects. Thus map() is an example of a higher-order (it takes a function as an argument) polymorphic (it can be instantiated for all types a and b) function.

5.1. Issues with representing higher-order polymorphic functions

Representing such a function in C++ is non-trivial. Suppose we try to implement map ourselves, and we call our version mymap. There are two key issues. The first issue is this: if we represent mymap as a template function:

   template <class F, class T>
   ... mymap( F some_func, list<T> some_list ) { ... }
then the symbol mymap does not name a C++ object. This means we cannot pass mymap to another higher-order function:
   some_other_func( mymap, ... );  // illegal if mymap is template function
This problem is relatively straightforward to surmount using a function object:
   struct mymap_type {
      template <class F, class T>
      ... operator()( F some_func, list<T> some_list ) const { ... }
   } mymap;
Now mymap is an instance of struct mymap_type, which has a template member operator(). As a result, we can call mymap using the same syntax as before, but now the symbol mymap does name a C++ object, and thus it can itself be passed as a parameter.

The second issue has to do with the return type. What should the return type of mymap be? It should be a list<U>, where U is the result type of applying an F function to a T object. Since the C++ language lacks a typeof operator, we need to represent the return type information ourselves. By convention, in FC++, we represent the return type of a function using a nested template member struct named sig:

   struct mymap_type {
      template <class F, class L>
      struct sig {
         typedef list< typename F::template sig<
                           typename L::value_type >::result_type >
   } mymap;
More generally, the expression
   typename F::template sig<X>::result_type
   // F::sig<X>::result_type   without the "noise" words
represents the result type when a function of type F is applied to an argument of type X.

As a result, we could define mymap as

   struct mymap_type {
      template <class F, class L>
      struct sig {
         typedef list< typename F::template sig<
                           typename L::value_type >::result_type >
      template <class F, class T>
      typename sig< F, list<T> >::result_type
      operator()( F some_func, list<T> some_list ) const { ... }
   } mymap;
This is our first example of a functoid. A functoid is an instance of a struct which contains a (possibly templated) operator() method, as well as a nested template member struct named sig which works as a return-type computer.

To simplify naming return types, we have the RT helper. Rather than say

   typename F::template sig<X,Y>::result_type
we just say
   typename RT<F,X,Y>::result_type
That is, RT<F,A1,...An> computes the result type of a function of type F being applied to arguments with type Ai.

5.2. The past and the future

FC++ was the first C++ library to use this scheme as a general mechanism for representing higher-order polymorphic functions. Since then, a number of other libraries have arisen that all use variations of the same trick to enable return-type deduction.

A relatively new proposal standardizes the return-type deduction methods. It uses conventions and syntax different from FC++. FC++ "full functoids" (Section 7) ensure that functoids are forward-compatible with the new standard. At the same time, the RT type computer makes FC++ code backward compatible with functoids using the extant sig structures. As a result, FC++ interoperates with other libraries like boost::bind.

5.3. Defining a direct functoid

Now, with all of the explanation out of the way, we can finally show the definition of the mymap functoid (Figure 1). This is an example of a polymorphic direct functoid. It has a sig structure, which is a template over the parameter types which computes the result type, as well as a templated operator() function, which uses the sig to name its own result type. Note that, rather than defining the result_type typedef directly, we can inherit it from the fun_type class.

Figure 1. The mymap functoid

   struct mymap_type {
      template <class F, class L> struct sig : public fun_type<
         list<typename RT<F,typename L::value_type>::result_type> > {};
      template <class F, class T> 
      typename sig<F, list<T> >::result_type 
      operator()( const F& f, const list<T>& l ) const {
         // code to actually implement mymap() function elided
   } mymap;

The definition of mymap given here is what we call a basic direct functoid. In Section 7, we will show how to promote mymap into a full direct functoid, which adds useful capabilities.

Finally, it should be noted that monomorphic direct functoids can be defined without explicitly coding a sig structure, by inheriting from the c_fun_type template class. For example, here is the definition of a function that increments an integer:

   struct inc_type : public c_fun_type<int,int> {
      int operator()( int x ) const {
         return x+1;
   } inc;
The c_fun_type class defines a monomorphic sig structure which is inherited by the functoid directly. Note that the c_fun_type class takes (N+1) template arguments which represent the N parameter types and the result type.

6. Indirect Functoids

Indirect functoids are "function variables" which can be dynamically bound to any function with the right monomorphic type signature. Recall the example from Section 4:

   fun2<int,int,int> f = plus;  
   f(3,2);          // yields 5
   f = minus;
   f(3,2);          // yields 1
Here f is an indirect functoid, which can be bound to different functions (plus and minus, in the example) during its lifetime. Indirect functoids are declared as instances of the funN classes, where N is the arity of the function and the N+1 template arguments name the argument types and the return type.

Indirect functoids are necessarily monomorphic. This restriction is rooted in the implementation: indirect functoids are implemented using dynamic dispatch (virtual function call), and in C++, a virtual method cannot also be a member template. When an indirect functoid is initialized or assigned the value of a polymorphic direct functoid, the appropriate monomorphic function is selected. For example:

   std::string foo="foo", bar="bar";
   fun2<std::string,std::string,bool> sl = less;
   sl(foo,bar);    // yields false
   fun2<int,int,bool> il = less;
   il(2,3);        // yields true
Here we use the FC++ polymorphic functoid less (which has the general signature (T,T)->bool) to initialize two different indirect functoids. Each indirect functoid selects the appropriate monomorphic instantiation of the polymorphic functoid it is initialized with.

6.1. Subtype-polymorphism

Indirect functoids exhibit subtype-polymorphism (the dynamic polymorphism OO programmers are familiar with). This works in the expected way; indirect functoids are contravariant in their argument types and covariant in their return types. An example makes this clear: suppose there are two inheritance hierachies, one where dog is derived from animal and another where car is derived from vehicle. Then we can say

   fun1<dog*,vehicle*> f = ...; 
   fun1<animal*,car*> g = f;    // ok
   f = g;                       // illegal (type error)
f is effectively a subtype of g; wherever g is used, f can be supplied as a legal implementation, but not the other way around.

6.2. Relation to boost::function

Indirect functoids in FC++ are similar to boost::function objects. There are a few notable differences. First, indirect functoids must always be initialized with a function value (there is no default constructor or the equivalent of a "null" function). Second, indirect functoids have all the FC++ full functoids features (like built-in currying and infix syntax, described in the next section), whereas boost::function objects do not. On the other hand, indirect functoids always pass parameters by const&, whereas boost::function objects can have parameters passed by plain reference, allowing for mutation of arguments to the function object.

7. Full Functoids

In FC++, we use the term full functoid to describe functoids which are blessed with all of the special features of FC++. In this section we describe how to promote basic functoids (described at the end of Section 5) into full functoids, and we enumerate the added capabilities that full functoids have.

Full functoids are implemented using the fullN wrapper classes (as with the funN indirect functoid classes, N describes the arity of the function). Recall in Section 5 we defined mymap as a basic direct functoid like this:

   struct mymap_type {
      // a bunch of stuff
   } mymap;
Promoting mymap into a full functoid is straightforward:
   namespace impl {
      struct xmymap_type {
         // a bunch of stuff
   typedef full2<impl::xmymap_type> mymap_type;
   mymap_type mymap;
That is, rather than have mymap_type refer to the direct functoid struct we have defined, instead we make it a typedef for full2 instantiated with that type. (In FC++, we conventionally use a namespace called impl to store the actual definitions of basic direct functoids, and define the full functoids out in the main namespace. We also mangle the original name (prefixing an "x") in order to ensure that the basic functoid type will not be accidentally found instead of the full functoid type when various C++ name-lookup rules kick in.[3]) That's all there is to it.

Indirect functoids need no such promotion. Since the indirect functoid types (the funN classes) are defined by the library, they are already imbued with all of the full functoid features. We describe these features next.

(Now is a good time to mention that FC++ supports functoids of 0-3 parameters. The fullN, funN, and c_fun_type classes have only been defined for functions of up to three arguments.)

7.1. Currying

As described in Section 4, all full functoids exhibit built-in currying. For example, given a 3-argument full functoid "f", we can call it with any subset of its arguments, either by using underscores as placeholders, or by leaving off trailing arguments. Some examples:

   f(x,y,z)          // normal call
   f(x,_,z)          // yields a new unary functoid (expecting y)
   f(_,y,_)          // yields a new binary functoid (expecting x,z)
   f(x,y)            // yields a new unary functoid (expecting z)
   f(x)              // yields a new binary functoid (expecting y,z)
Additionally, all of the arguments can be curried, resulting in a "thunk" (a nullary functoid), by calling thunkN:
   thunk3(f,x,y,z)   // yields a new nullary functoid
Thunks will be described more in Section 8.

7.2. Infix Syntax

Binary and ternary full functoids can be called using a special infix syntax. This is syntactic sugar, as some functions "read" better using infix notation:

   plus(2,3)        // normal (prefix) function syntax
   2 ^plus^ 3       // FC++ infix syntax
For ternary functoids, note that infix syntax automatically invokes currying of the final argument:
   f(x,y,z)         // normal (prefix) function syntax
   f(x,y)           // as before: yields a new unary functoid (expecting z)
   x ^f^ y          // FC++ infix syntax (new unary functoid expecting z)
FC++ infix syntax was inspired by a similar construct in the Haskell programming language.

7.3. Lambda Awareness

Full functoids are lambda-aware. This means that they can be called with square brackets [] instead of round ones () to create lambda expressions. Lambda is discussed in Section 12.

7.4. Smartness

Full functoids exhibit another feature which we have chosen to label "smartness". Full functoids know how many arguments they can accept; a traits class provides access to this information. If F is a full functoid type, then these values are available at compile-time:

   functoid_traits<F>::template accepts<N>::args
   // A bool which says whether F can accept N arguments
   // An int which says what the most arguments F can accept is
and also this operation is available
   functoid_traits<F>::template ensure_accepts<N>::args()
   // A no-op call that compiles only if F can accept N args
to ensure that compilation halts with an error if the specified function does not accept the expected number of arguments.

We use a traits class to provide literate error messages (along the lines of [McN&Sma00][Sie&Lum00]) so that some common abuses (like passing an F that is not a full functoid to functoid_traits) are caught within the library and a helpful identifier is injected into the compiler error message.

7.5. Return-type deduction

C++ will eventually have a typeof operator, but in the meantime, the standards committee has come up a stop-gap solution to return-type deduction [ReturnType]. The standard solution will be to use, e.g.,

to determine the result of an object of type F being called with arguments of type X and Y. The result_of template knows how to work on function pointers, monomorphic function objects, and polymorphic function objects.

FC++ basic functoids use a different convention for defining return-type deduction within the FC++ framework (described in Section 5). However, full functoids implement the standard convention (using result_of) as well. As a result, FC++ full functoids interoperate with other template libraries that require return-type-deduction facilities.

8. Effects and thunks

FC++ is designed to be a library for pure functional programming. Nevertheless, this is C++, and it is reasonable to want to use effects. In this section, we describe how functoids with effects can be created.

There are three main ways to have effects inside an FC++ functoid:

  • use a global variable
  • use pointers
  • use a "thunk"
We show examples of each in turn.

First, a global variable:

   struct some_functoid_type : public c_fun_type<int,int> {
      int operator()( int x ) const {
         std::cout << "Hello from inside some_functoid";
         return x;
   } some_functoid;
   ...  some_functoid(4) ...
When the functoid is called, text appears on the standard output stream due to the effect on the global variable std::cout.

Second, using pointers:

   struct incr_type : public c_fun_type<int*,int> {
      int operator()( int* p ) const {
         return ++*p;
   } incr;
   int x;
   ... incr( &x ) ...
Here the functoid manipulates the value of variable x through a pointer.

Finally, thunks:

   // building off last example
   fun0<int> f = thunk1( incr, &x );   // thunk that returns a higher 
   f(); f(); f();                  // integer each time it is invoked
In pure functional programming, there is no reason to ever have a zero-argument function (it would effectively be the same as a constant value). As a result, nullary functoids (thunks) almost always represent functoids which have some side-effect.

9. Lists and lazy evaluation

In Section 4, we showed examples of using FC++'s lazy list data structure:

   list<int> li = enum_from( 1 ); // li is infinite list [1, 2, 3, ...]
   li = map( add_self, li );      // li is infinite list [2, 4, 6, ...]
In this section, we discuss the interface to the list class, and show how to implement lazy list functions. We also discuss the general topic of lazy evaluation.

9.1. Interface to list

The main interface to the list class is provided by just a few functoids:

   list<int> li;       // empty list (default constructor)
   li = cons(2,li);    // cons adds an element to the front of a list
   li = cons(1,li);    // li is now the list [1,2]
   int x = head(li);   // x is 1, the front element
   li = tail(li);      // li is the list [2] (tail==everything except the head)
   bool b = null(li);  // b is false; null() tests for the empty list
   li = cat(li,li);    // li is now [2,2]; cat() concatenates two lists
   li = NIL;           // li is now empty; NIL is the empty list constant
This is the typical interface offered for singly-linked lists common to many functional languages.

9.2. Writing lazy list functoids

In order to enable lazy evaluation, the list class has a special constructor which takes a thunk which returns a list. The second argument to cons() or cat() can also be a thunk-returning-a-list, rather than a list. For example, after

   list<int> li = thunk2(cons,2,NIL);
   list<int> li = thunk2(cons,1,li);
li is the list [1,2], except that none of the conses has been evaluated yet. This is not particularly interesting in itself, but now we can see how to write functions like enum_from(), which return infinite lists.

First, here is how we would write an eager (non-lazy) version of enum_from(), which goes into an infinite recursion when called. (For simplicity, we define it as a monomorphic functoid that works only on integers.)

   struct my_enum_from_type : public c_fun_type<int,list<int> > {
      list<int> operator()( int x ) const {
         return cons( x, my_enum_from_type()(x+1) );
   } my_enum_from;
Now, all we have to do to make this function lazy is to "thunk" the recursive call like so:
   struct my_enum_from_type : public c_fun_type<int,list<int> > {
      list<int> operator()( int x ) const {
         return cons( x, thunk1( my_enum_from_type(), x+1 ) );
   } my_enum_from;
This delays the recursive call so that it is stored in the "tail" portion of the cons, where it won't be evaluated until demanded. Here is an example that demonstrates the function being used:
   list<int> li = my_enum_from(1);
   for( int i=0; i<10; ++i ) {
      std::cout << head(li) << std::endl;
      li = tail(li);
This prints out the first 10 positive integers. We could print out as many as we like, as the list li is effectively infinite; none of the cons cells representing the list are created until they are demanded.

9.3. Other details about lazy evaluation

The discussion here provides a simple overview of lazy evaluation as implemented in the FC++ list class. We have elided a number of interesting details which can impact the performance of lists, most notably, the existence of the odd_list class and the caching ability of lists. To learn more about these details, the reader is referred to

  • Section 10 of [McN&Sma to appear], which describes caching in lists, as well as some other performance optimizations,
  • Section 11 of [McN&Sma to appear], which describes lists versus odd_lists and the efficient list interface, and
  • the FC++ web page [FC++], which has summary documentation on the topic.

Lists provide perhaps the most common and convenient way to utilize lazy evaluation; representing a (possibly infinite) stream of data which is computed "on demand" is an oft-used pattern. Nevertheless, any computation can be lazified. The by_need monad (see Section 13 for info about monads) illustrates a more general mechanism for lazifying any computation.

10. Library

In this section, we briefly describe each of the components in the library's interface.

10.1. Nuts and bolts

To use the Boost FC++ library, just add the line

   #include "boost/fcpp/prelude.hpp"
to the top of your program. This file includes all of the other header files. All of the library interface is in namespace boost::fcpp.

Note that, by default, the "lambda" and "monad" portions of the library are not enabled. This is both because some compilers cannot handle the crazy templates there, and also because they slow down compilation a little, even if they're not being used. To enable these portions of the library, say

before #include-ing the library.

The library comes with dozens of example client files (the .cpp files in the FC++ directory). When in doubt about how to use something, check the client examples, which exhibit coverage of most of the library's features.

There are a few other #define flags worth mentioning. These flags are all disabled by default.

   Throws an exception if you try to take the head() or tail() of 
   an empty list.  By default, these operations just result in 
   undefined behavior.
   Turns on various extra compile-time checking and custom error
   messages in lambda code.  This is useful for debugging type errors
   with lambda, but slows down compilation, which is why it is disabled
   by default.

   Makes all list destructors iterative, rather than recursive.  If you
   have a really long list, you may blow the stack when the list goes
   out of scope.  Setting this flag ensures against this problem, but
   degrades the overall performance of lists, which is why it is
   disabled by default.  If you just need to safely destroy one
   specific instance of a list, just do
      while(l) l = tail(l);   // iteratively destroys l
   Setting this flag makes all the functoids get declared as "extern"
   variables, but not defined.  You then need to link against a separate
   object file with the definitions.  Use this when you are using FC++
   in mutiple translation units, and you do not want each TU to have its
   own copy of all the functoids.
   Turns on the "lambda" and "monad" portions of the library, as
   described above.
   Deprecated flags; the first one switches to the old (deprecated) list
   implementation, and the second one turns on various debugging code
   for that implementation.

10.2. Constants

FC++ defines the following constants:

   _          // placeholder for currying
   empty      // an empty struct (empty tuple)
   NIL        // the empty list (zero of the list_m monad)
   NOTHING    // an empty maybe (zero of the maybe_m monad)

10.3. Data types

FC++ defines these data types:

   // Useful data types
   list             // for lazy lists
   maybe            // represents 1 or 0 elements of some type
   odd_list         // (see Section 9 for details)
   strict_list      // eager (non-lazy) version of "list"
   // Utility (see Section 5 and Section 7)
   RT               // Return type computer (e.g.  RT<F,X,Y>::result_type)
   functoid_traits  // for seeing how many arguments a functoid accepts
   c_fun_type       // typedefs for monomorphic functoids
   fun_type         // typedefs for polymorphic functoids
   monomorphic_traits  // for reading argument types from monomorphic functoids
   // Miscellaneous
   fullN            // full functoid wrapper classes (Section 7)
   funN             // indirect functoid classes (Section 6)
   fcpp_exception   // used, e.g., when taking head() of an empty list
Note also that every functoid has a corresponding data type. For instance, the map() functoid is an instance of type map_type.

10.4. Basic list functions

Here are the basic functions that work on lists.

   head           // first element
   tail           // all but first element
   cons           // add element
   null           // test for empty
   cat            // concatenate
   ==             // compare for equality
   <              // lexicographical ordering
as well as some other miscellaneous list functions:
   list_with      // helper for creating small lists
   force          // odd_list-ify       (see Section 9)
   delay          // (even) list-ify    (see Section 9)
   list_until( pred, f, x )
      // create a list of [x, f(x), f(f(x)), ...] until pred is true
      // Example:   list_until( greater(_,20), plus(3), 1 )
      // yields     [1,4,7,10,13,16,19]

10.5. Haskell standard prelude

A great many FC++ functions are borrowed from Haskell. See [Haskell] for their definitions.

   length    // Note: also used to force evaluation of an entire list
   // These approximate the corresponding Haskell functions

10.6. Operators

The following named functoids mimic C++ operators:

   // (T,T) -> T
   // (T) -> T
   // (T,T) -> bool
   // (T,T) -> bool    (where T is convertible to bool)
   dereference    // T -> U   (where U has typeof(*T) )
   address_of     // T -> T*
   delete_        // T* -> void

The following operators require extra explanation:

      // These are like operator<<() and operator>>(), but they take a
      // pointer to a stream as the left-hand side.  Examples:
      //    &cout ^out_stream^ x
      //    &cin ^in_stream^ y
      // The indirection is necessary to encapsulate the effects within
      // the library (see Section 8)
      // This is a family of functoids, templatized by the destination
      // type.  Example use:
      //    dynamic_cast_<dog*>()( an_animal_ptr )
      // Note that the functoid
      //    dynamic_cast_<T>()
      // has type
      //    dynamic_cast_x_type<T>::type
      // These call constructors.  Like dynamic_cast_ above, they define
      // a family of functoids.  Examples:
      //    construct2<std::pair<int,char> >()( 3, 'c' )
      //    new1<int>()( 3 )
      // Note that, e.g.,
      //    new3<T>()
      // has type
      //    new3_type<T>::type

10.7. Currying, thunks, and effect combinators

   const_   // Turns a value into a thunk
      // Ex:   const_(3)  yields a new function "f":  f()=3
   konst    // Turns a value into a constant unary function
      // Ex:   konst(3)  yields a new function "f":  f(anything)=3
   thunkN   // binds all N arguments of a function into a thunk
      // Ex:   thunk2(plus,1,2) yields a new function: f()=1+2
   no_op    // do-nothing thunk
   before   // before(f,g)(args) = { f(); return g(args); }
   after    // after(f,g)(args)  = { r = f(args); g(); return r; }
   emptify  // throws away a functions result, returning "empty" instead
      // Example use:
      //    length( map( emptify(effectFunctoid), someList ) )
      // applies effectFunctoid to each element of someList, even if
      // effectFunctoid returns void
   split_args  // split_args(f)(x,y,z)  means  f(x)(y)(z)
      // This is rarely useful, but occasionally necessary

10.8. General combinators

These are some generally applicable combinators.

   compose     // compose(f,g)(args)  means  f( g(args) )
   of          // same as compose, but also works on function pointers
               // Good for infix:   f ^of^ g
      // thunk_func_to_func(f)(args)  means  f()(args)
      // f is a thunk that returns a functoid; this combinator hides
      // the thunk.  This can be useful to break what would otherwise 
      // be infinite recursion in "letrec" expressions.
   duplicate   // duplicate(f)(x)     means  f(x)(x)
   ignore      // ignore(f)(x)(args)  means  f(args)

10.9. Functoid promotion

These functions promote non-functoids into functoids.

   make_fullN  // promotes an instance of a basic functoid into a full functoid
   stl_to_fun1 // promotes a std:: unary adaptable into a functoid
   stl_to_fun2 // promotes a std:: binary adaptable into a functoid
   ptr_to_fun  // converts C++ function/method pointers into functoids
   funify      // Converts function pointers into functoids, but is
               // the identity function on functoids.  Use this when
               // you're not sure exactly what "f" is, but you want it
               // to be a functoid.

10.10. Other

There are a few other miscellaneous functoids:

   make_pair      // creates a std::pair
   min            // lesser of two args
   max            // greater of two args
   inc            // returns ++x
   dec            // returns --x
   id             // identity function
   make_manip     // make_manip(aStream)(aManip) returns the manipulator 
                  // for that stream.  Necessary because names like
                  // "std::endl" are not C++ objects.  Ugh.
                  // Example: make_manip(cout)(endl)

10.11. Note about lambda/monads

We do not describe the interface to the FC++'s lambda and monad constructs here. See Section 12 and Section 13 for that info.

11. Relationships with other libraries

In this section we briefly describe the relationship between FC++ and other C++ libraries.

11.1. Interfaces to STL

The main interface to the STL is via iterators in the list class. FC++ lists, like STL containers, have a constructor which takes two iterators deliniating a range, so that the contents of an STL container can be (lazily) copied into a list. For example:

   std::vector<int> v = ...;
   fcpp::list<int> l( v.begin(), v.end() );
   // l is not yet evaulated; still holds iterators into v
   fcpp::length( l );  // force evaluation of entire list
   // now l has a true copy of the elements in v
Additionally, lists themselves have forward iterators:
   for( fcpp::list<int>::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i )
      cout << *i;      // print each element of list

In addition to fcpp::lists, there is also a class called fcpp::strict_list, which has the same structural interface as list, but does not do lazy evaluation. The library "list" functions work on any datatype which meets the FC++ "ListLike" concept, which includes list, odd_list, and strict_list. For many applications, strict_list may be the preferred datatype to use, as it avoids incurring the costs of lazy evaluation when that feature is not needed.

Monomorphic FC++ (unary or binary) functoids are STL "adaptables". The fcpp::ptr_to_fun() functoid promotes C++ function/method pointers into FC++ full functoids. The stl_to_funN functions turn STL adaptables into functoids.

11.2. Relation to Boost

FC++ is related to a number of Boost libraries.

11.2.1. boost::bind and boost::lambda

FC++'s lambda (see Section 12) and currying (Section 7) capabilities do approximately the same thing that boost::lambda and boost::bind do. These libraries were developed with different design rationales; for a description of the comparison, see [McN&Sma03].

Since FC++ supports the result_of method for return-type-deduction (see Section 7), FC++ interoperates with boost::lambda and boost::bind.

11.2.2. boost::function

FC++ indirect functoids (Section 6) are similar to boost::function objects. Indirect functoids have all of FC++'s full functoids capabilities (like currying and infix syntax; see Section 7) built in. Indirect functoids can only pass parameters by value (actually, const&), though (see Section 16 for discussion on this point).

11.2.3. Other Boost libraries

FC++ uses a number of other boost libraries in its implementation:
  • boost::intrusive_ptr in indirect functoids and lists, for automatic memory management
  • boost::is_base_and_derived and boost::is_convertible in a number of places
  • boost::addressof to implement the address_of() functoid
  • boost::type_with_alignment and boost::alignment_of in the implementation of the list and by_need datatypes
  • boost::noncopyable in a number of places

12. Lambda

In this section, we describe the interface to FC++'s lambda sublanguage. Those readers interested in the motivation and design rationale for FC++ lambda should read [McN&Sma03], which discusses those issues in detail.

12.1. Lambda in FC++

Here is what it looks like to do lambda in FC++. Figure 2 shows some examples of lambda.

Figure 2. Lambda in FC++

   // declaring lambda variables
   lambda_var<1> X;
   lambda_var<2> Y;
   lambda_var<3> F;
   // basic examples
   lambda(X,Y)[ minus[Y,X] ]       // flip(minus)
   lambda(X)[ minus[X,3] ]         // minus(_,3)
   // infix syntax
   lambda(X,Y)[ negate[ 3 %multiplies% X ] %plus% Y ]
   // let
   lambda(X)[ let[ Y == X %plus% 3,
                   F == minus[2] 
              ].in[ F[Y] ] ]
   // if-then-else
   lambda(X)[ if0[ X %less% 10, X, 10 ] ]   // also if1, if2
   // letrec
   lambda(X)[ letrec[ F == lambda(Y)[ if1[ Y %equal% 0,
                                           Y %multiplies% F[Y%minus%1] ]
              ].in[ F[X] ] ]    // factorial
There are a few points which deserve further attention.

Inside lambda, one uses square brackets instead of round ones for postfix functional call. (This works thanks to the lambda-awareness of full functoids, mentioned in Section 7.) Similarly, the percent sign is used instead of the caret for infix function call. Note that the alternate function-call syntaxes inside lambda correspond to the alternate semantics:

   f(x,y)   // execute this call now
   f[x,y]   // bind up this function and its args to call later
Note also that
   x ^f^ y   means   f(x,y)
   X %f% Y   means   f[X,Y]

Since operator[] takes only one argument in C++, we overload the comma operator to simulate multiple arguments. Occassionally this can cause an early evaluation problem, as seen in the code here:

   // assume f takes 3 integer arguments
   lambda(X)[ f[1,2,X] ]    // oops! comma expression "1,2,X" means "2,X"
   lambda(X)[ f[1][2][X] ]  // ok; use currying to avoid the issue
Unfortunately, C++ sees the expression "1,2" and evaluates it eagerly as a comma expression on integers.[4] Fortunately, there is a simple solution: since all full functoids are curryable, we can use currying to avoid comma. The issues with comma suggest another problem, though: how do we call a zero-argument function inside lambda? We found no pretty solution, and ended up inventing this syntax:
   // assume g takes no arguments and returns an int
   // lambda(X)[ X %plus% g[] ]   // illegal: g[] doesn't parse
   lambda(X)[ X %plus% g[_*_] ]   // _*_ means "no argument here"
It's better to have an ugly solution than none at all.

The if-then-else construct deserves discussion, as we provide three versions: if0, if1, and if2. if0 is the typical version, and can be used in most instances. It checks to make sure that its second and third arguments (the "then" branch and the "else" branch) will have the same type when evaluated (and issues a helpful custom error message if they won't). The other two ifs are used for difficult type-inferencing issues that come from letrec. In the factorial example at the end of Figure 2, for example, the "else" branch is too difficult for FC++ to predict the type of, owing to the recursive call to F. This results in if0 generating an error. Thus we have if1 and if2 to deal with situations like these: if1 works like if0, but just assumes the expression's type will be the same as the type of the "then" part, whereas if2 assumes the type is that of the "else" part. In the factorial example, if1 is used, and thus the "then" branch (the int value 1) is used to predict that the type of the whole if1 expression will be int.

12.2. Naming the C++ types of lambda expressions

Expression templates often yield objects with complex type names, and FC++ lambdas are no different. For example, the C++ type of

   // assume:  LambdaVar<1> X;  LambdaVar<2> Y;
   lambda(X,Y)[ (3 %multiplies% X) %plus% Y ]
is something awful like
   fcpp::Full2<fcpp::impl::XPlus> >,fcpp::fcpp_lambda::exp::CONS<
   fcpp_lambda::exp::Value<fcpp::Full2<fcpp::impl::XMultiplies> >,
   fcpp::fcpp_lambda::exp::NIL> >,fcpp::fcpp_lambda::exp::CONS<fcpp
   ::fcpp_lambda::exp::LambdaVar<1>,fcpp::fcpp_lambda::exp::NIL> >,
   fcpp::fcpp_lambda::exp::NIL> >,fcpp::fcpp_lambda::exp::CONS<fcpp
   ::fcpp_lambda::exp::LambdaVar<2>,fcpp::fcpp_lambda::exp::NIL> >,1,2> >

In the vast majority of cases, the user never needs to name the type of a lambda, since usually the lambda is just being passed off to another template function. Occasionally, however, you want to store a lambda in a temporary variable or return it from a function, and in these cases, you'll need to name its type. For those cases, we have designed the LE type computer, which provides a way to name the type of a lambda expression. In the example above, the type of

   lambda(X,Y)[ (3 %multiplies% X) %plus% Y ]
   // desugared: lambda(X,Y)[ plus[ multiplies[3,X], Y ] ]
   LE< LAM< LV<1>, LV<2>,   CALL<plus_type,
      CALL<multiplies_type,int,LV<1> >, LV<2> > > >::type 
The general idea is that
   LE< Translated_LambdaExp >::type
names the type of LambdaExp. Each of our primitive constructs in lambda has a corresponding translated version understood by LE:
   CALL            [] (function call)
   LV              lambda_var
   IF0,IF1,IF2     if0[],if1[],if2[]
   LAM             lambda()[]
   LET             let[].in[]
   LETREC          letrec[].in[]
   BIND            lambda_var == value
With LE, the task of naming the type of a lambda expression is still onerous, but LE at least makes it possible. Without the LE type computer, the type of lambda expressions could only be named by examining the library implementation, which may change from version to version. LE guarantees a consistent interface for naming the types of lambda expressions.

Finally, it should be noted that if the lambda only needs to be used monomorphically, it is far simpler (though potentially less efficient) to just use an indirect functoid:

   // Can name the monomorphic "(int,int)->int" functoid type easily:
   Fun2<int,int,int> f = lambda(X,Y)[ (3 %multiplies% X) %plus% Y ];

12.3. FC++ lambda versus boost::lambda

Whereas FC++'s lambda and boost::lambda superficially appear to do the same thing, they are actually quite different. FC++'s lambda uses explicit lambda syntax to create a minimal sublanguage with language constructs found in pure functional languages (e.g. letrec). On the other hand, boost::lambda supplies almost the entire C++ language in its lambda, overloading every possible operator in lambda expressions, which can be created implicitly just by using a placeholder variable (like _1) in the midst of an expression. For more discussion about the differences, see [McN&Sma03]. For more info about the lambda library, see [Jär&Pow03] or [Jär&Pow01].

13. Monads

Monads provide a useful way to structure programs in a pure functional language. The FC++ library now implements a few monads, and provides syntax support for "do-notation" and "comprehensions" in arbitrary monads.

Monads are a particularly abstract and difficult topic to explain. Rather than try to explain monads here (and double the size of this document), we refer the reader to the discussion of monads in [McN&Sma03], as well as the documentation about lambda and monads on the FC++ web site [FC++]. For information about monads in general (apart from FC++), a good starting point is this tutorial.

Please note that interface to the monad portion of the library is subject to change (as we gain more experience using monads in C++). This is the only portion of the FC++ library considered "unstable", in that future releases of the FC++ library are likely to break old clients of monads.

14. Applications

FC++ has a number of application areas, which we describe here briefly.

  • General: FC++ is useful for its handling of function objects in a general setting. The FC++ way of saying things is often more succinct than boost::bind or the standard library:
       FC++                   STL/boost::bind
       ====                   ===============
       fcpp::plus             std::plus<int>()
       minus(_,3)             std::bind2nd( std::plus<int>(), 3 )
       minus(_,3)             boost::bind( std::plus<int>(), _1, 3 )
    though for a number of small cases, boost::lambda provides the tiniest code:
       FC++                   boost::lambda
       ====                   =============
       minus(_,3)             _1 - 3
    FC++'s lambda syntax is explicit, which sometimes makes it easier to create complicated functions on the fly. Here is a somewhat contrived example (loosely based on a thread on the Boost mailing list):
       void g( std::string s, int x );
       void h( fcpp::fun0<void> f );
       fcpp::fun1<int,void> f = 
          lambda(X)[ ptr_to_fun(h)[
             lambda()[ ptr_to_fun(g)[ std::string("hi"), X ]
                ] ] ];
    which is relatively straightforward to express using FC++, but difficult to express using boost::{lambda,function,bind}.
  • Design patterns: FC++ is useful in the implementation of a number of OO design patterns. See [Sma&McN02] for details.
  • Lazy evaluation: FC++ is useful for functional programmers because it provides an alternative, commonly available platform for implementing familiar designs. An example of this approach is the XR (Exact Real) library [XR]. XR uses the FC++ infrastructure to provide exact (or constructive) real-number arithmetic, using lazy evaluation.
  • Parsing: In Haskell, "monadic parser combinators" are all the rage. FC++'s support for monads makes it possible to implement these libraries in C++. See [McN&Sma03] for more discussion, and the parser.cpp client file for an example (which will hopefully improve much in a future release).
  • Other applications: FC++ has been used as a basis on which to build other libraries as well. See the "customers" section of the FC++ web page [FC++] for details.

Prior to "Boost FC++", the main "audience" for FC++ was the functional programming research community. We hope that inclusion in Boost will help find more matches between the general C++ community's needs and the features provided by FC++.

15. Performance

FC++ uses a number of optimizations to improve the performance of its more "dynamic" features, like indirect functoids and lists. Sections 9 and 10 of [McN&Sma to appear] quantify the library's performance and discuss a number of the optimizations we have implemented.

For the most part, using FC++ means using direct functoids, which are templates which get instantiated (and possibily inlined) at compile-time; this use of FC++ implies no extra overhead.

FC++ is a large library, and #include-ing it is bound to slow down your compile-time a little. The lambda and monad facilities utilize expression templates, and expressions templates tend to slow down compile-times a lot.

16. Limitations and future work

In this section, we discuss the limitations of the library (and address some common questions people ask about the library), and also talk about future directions.

16.1. Limitations

The most obvious limitations have already been mentioned: functoids in FC++ are only supported for up to three arguments, and functoid parameters always have value semantics. In practice so far, the three-argument limit has not been an issue. There are no technical reasons that the framework cannot be extended to accomodate additional arguments if this is deemed valuable.

The choice of "value semantics" arguably requires some justification. Most functional languages are "by value", and indeed in many functional languages, most (if not all) objects are immutable, which makes reference semantics unnecessary. While reference parameters for functoids could be supported by FC++, these would complicate the implementation and provide no extra utility within FC++ (due to the absence of lvalues). Unfortunately, the choice of "value semantics" sometimes makes it hard to interface FC++ to extant C++ code that utilizes references. Simply put, FC++ was not designed with cases like these in mind, and thus (like all tools) FC++ is not the best tool for every job.

Functional programmers who desire a more technical discussion of the limitations of FC++ compared to functional programming languages and type systems should read Section 8 of [McN&Sma to appear]. It should also be noted that FC++ provides no support for the creation of algebraic datatypes or for pattern matching.

FC++ also does not provide any kind of "tuple" datatype. The commonest case, 2-tuples, are adequately met by std::pair. Users wanting a more general tupling mechanism should use boost::tuples.

As mentioned in Section 15, the "lambda" and "monad" portions of the library use expression templates, which can seriously degrade compile-time performance. Clients which make heavy use of lambda and monads take a long time to compile and require a lot of memory. Hopefully, in time, C++ compilers will get better at compiling expression-template code.

Finally, this document could use some improvement. Two things are notably absent: some medium-sized examples demonstrating the utility of the library, and an initial motivating example. One of the challenges of presenting such examples well is choosing the application domain—as described in Section 14, FC++ can be applied to a variety of domains. (If you have suggestions for improvement here, please let Brian know.)

16.2. Future work

Over time, the FC++ library has grown and evolved a lot in order to meet the needs of its users. Though we consider the bulk of the implementation infrastructure complete, there are still a number of interesting future directions to consider. These include

  • Adding more features from Haskell, such as functions like seq or datatypes like Either.
  • Providing a more general monadic interface to C++ containers or effects
  • Providing "policy" support for memory management
  • Use boost::mpl in the implementation
We also have plans to build a monadic parser combinator library (a la Parsec) client atop FC++.

By all means, if you have feature requests for FC++, contact the authors—especially in cases where you already have a real client application which demonstrates the need.

17. Acknowledgements

A number of people have helped us out along the way with FC++. Thanks to Jörg Striegnitz and Jaakko Järvi for a number of useful discussions about the library. In addition, Keith Briggs, Kresimir Fresl, Richard Grant, Mark Phillips, and Terje Slettebo helped by testing various releases of FC++ and contributing on the FC++ mailing lists. Thanks also go out the many people on the Boost developer mailing list who offered a number of constructive comments both about the library and its documentation.

18. To find out more...

To learn more about FC++, please visit the FC++ web page [FC++]. The web site has many documents describing (pre-Boost) FC++, info about how to join the "FC++ users" mailing list, and links to download the library.


[Jär&Pow03] Jaakko Järvi, Gary Powell, and Andrew Lumsdaine. The Lambda Library: unnamed functions in C++. Software: Practice and Experience . March, 2003.

[Jär&Pow01] Jaakko Järvi and Gary Powell. The Lambda Library: Lambda Abstraction in C++. October, 2001. Workshop on C++ Template Programming. 2. Tampa, Florida. .

[McN&Sma to appear] Brian McNamara and Yannis Smaragdakis. Functional Programming with the FC++ library. Journal of Functional Programming. to appear. Available from the FC++ web site.

[McN&Sma00] Brian McNamara and Yannis Smaragdakis. Static Interfaces in C++. October, 2000. Workshop on C++ Template Programming. 1. Erfurt, Germany. .

[McN&Sma03] Brian McNamara and Yannis Smaragdakis. August, 2003. DPCOOL. 1. Uppsala, Sweden. . Syntax sugar for FC++: lambda, infix, monads, and more. Available at the FC++ web site .

[Sie&Lum00] Jeremy Siek and Andrew Lumsdaine. Concept Checking: Binding Parametric Polymorphism in C++. October, 2000. Workshop on C++ Template Programming. 1. Erfurt, Germany. .

[Sma&McN02] Yannis Smaragdakis and Brian McNamara. FC++: Functional Tools for Object-Oriented Tasks. Software: Practice and Experience . August, 2002. A previous version of this paper is available from the FC++ web site.

[ReturnType] A uniform method for computing function object return types. Available at .

[1] A higher-order function is a function which takes another function as an argument or returns a function as a result.

[2] We use the term "polymorphism" to mean parametric polymorphism (e.g. templates). This is the usual definition in the sphere of functional programming. In object-oriented programming, the term "polymorphism" usually refers to dynamic dispatch (virtual function call). Please note the definition we are using. In contrast, a monomorphic function is a function which only works on one set of argument types.

[3] This seems ugly, but Brian can't find a better way to effectively hide the names of basic functoids. He invites email advice/discussion on the topic.

[4] Some C++ compilers, like g++, will provide a useful warning diagnostic ("left-hand-side of comma expression has no effect"), alerting the user to the problem.