Charles Weems

Lecture 22

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 10:39 AM

Demos today. Everyone is making good progress, given the circumstances of our times. We decided that the next demo will be Monday the 27th, and I will want to see draft reports then so that I can give you feedback quickly and answer questions in our last class. The revised draft will be due on the Thursday of Finals Week, and remember that its grade replaces the grade for the draft. Again, there is no final exam, and in its place, we are doing more in-class exercises that will count for that part of the grade. 

We also started looking at vector processing, taking a look at the historically significant Cray architecture, and the challenges that were overcome in building it. Next time we will quickly look at some more history, then take a closer look at modern vector machines as embodied in GPU architectures.  

Slides are here

CmpSci 535