Charles Weems

Lecture 18

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 10:33 AM

Demos today, showing progress for most teams, and then we finished the section of the slides from last time on flash memory. So there are no new slides today.

Because of all that is going on, demos are running a bit behind, so we agreed that the demo for next Wednesday would be more of a bridge between the demo for today and what is expected then. Try to get your pipeline and cache integrated, so you can run in the four different modes, and have enough instructions from your ISA impelmented to be able to run a simple exchange sort program (one teaam is already there), and get enough of a UI working so that we can follow the execution through the pipeline, and see the changes in the registers and memory. The schedule calls for an assembler to be working on the 8th, and you may find that having one makes it much easier to write the sort, but it won’t be required at that point. 

CmpSci 535