Charles Weems

Lecture 14

Monday, March 9, 2020 10:38 AM

We continuted our look at superscalar architecture today by extending instruction issue to include multithreading. We also took a quick look at predication to see how we can reduce the number of branches that are issued. Lastly, we began examining virutal memory, reviewiing basic paging, segmentation, paged segmentation, and inverted page tables. This material will not be on the midterm.

The midterm is on Wednesday, in class, and will look very much like the sample, plus a question similar to the G-share branch predictor exercise we did in class. It is open book, open notes, and you will need a calculator. You will be able to use your laptop to access the slides, online text, and calculator by turning around so that the proctor can see your screens. I will be running a workshop that day. 

Remember that you can only get partial credit on a midterm question if you try to answer it. Blank questions will get no points. Most of the questions are equal in point value, but ones that involve many parts (pipeline schedule, cache trace) will be more. 

Slides are here

CmpSci 535