Charles Weems

Lecture 6

Monday, February 10, 2020 3:49 PM

We concluded our look at the VLSI cost model, then saw how modern processor chips are mostly memory and circuitry that marshals data and instructions into the on-chip memory and then gets them to the computational units at the right time. Then we reviewed the nature of memory technology, seeing how a register bit is about 34 transistors, SRAM is 6 and DRAM is 1. Lastly we looked at the organization of DRAM and how various mechanisms to accelerate it work by taking advantage of the row buffers on the DRAM chip. 

Next time we will have project ISA presentations. You will have about 5 minutes to present the basics of your ISA and describe any special features, then a few minutes for questions. The projector uses HDMI, so be sure you have an appropriate converter, if your laptop doesn’t have an HDMI port, and you are planning to use it in yoru presentation (slides are NOT required). Please hand in a printed version of your ISA proposal report. 

Also, if you didn’t hand in your ISA worksheet and VLSI cost model worksheet today, remember to bring it on Wednesday.

Slides are here

CmpSci 535