Stuff to turn in with Final Project

Study Notes for CS32 Final Exam

Final Exam is 2pm in Mudd 206 on Monday May 13th, 1996


This is what I consider to be the minimum acceptable working project that you can turn in for credit: Once all these items have been implemented, you should be able to run the Little Language program that plots out the state of Massachusetts (file on my web page) as a test and for minimum credit.

All options beyond the minimum that you managed to implement will be considered for additional credit. I will check off on my list those features that you implemented and could successfully demonstrate to me as operational, including (in rough order of complexity) simple geometric operators (rectangle, circle, ellipse), polygon fills (including user fills, line fills, and filled circles, ellipses, and rectangles), flood fills, Bezier curves, fonts, and dithering, etc.

This is what I expect turned in for your projects, when you submit them on Monday at the exam:

You must arrange to demonstrate your program to me sometime during the day on Monday. I will be on campus most of the day, starting around 11am or so. If you are running on a PC or on a Mac, you must also turn in to me:

Final Exam

Most of the exam will be based on material since the midterm. I will try to write a "stripped down" version of the exam, so that you can spend the bulk of your time working on the last minute details of your projects.

These are the topics that I expect you to think about. The exam will be a subset.

Final Comments

Finally, my thanks to you all for a very interesting and productive semester! I hope that you have learned as much from me as I have from you folks; you really kept me on my toes this Spring! Feel free to stay in contact with me in the future. I will be around all summer, and look forward to hearing from you.
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