Lab #1 Rubric

Lab Assignments are 10 points.

The entire final code should be (with student name instead of mine):

        <TITLE>Bill Verts</TITLE>

        <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
            BODY {background-color:#00FFFF}

            H1 {text-align:center}

            Welcome to Bill Verts'
            Web page!
        <A HREF="">
            <IMG SRC="Button_Dr_Bill.png">

Remove 1 point for each of the following infractions:

That's a total of 8 possible infractions. The minimum score for any page that does *something* is thus 2 points.

As you grade, make a note (A-H) of the infraction(s) incurred - this will be part of the feedback to the students. Write this code on the sheet next to the score.

For example, Fred Smith's page basically works, but the background isn't cyan (A), the indentation is bad (E), and the button bevels are wrong (F). Fred's score would be 7/10, and the note code for Fred will be AEF.