I want a color where R=215, G=37, B=250 For each primary, divide the decimal number by 16, save both the quotient and remainder. Those values will be between 0 and 15, and map directly onto hexadecimal characters. 215 / 16 = 13 R 7 = D7 37 / 16 = 2 R 5 = 25 250 / 16 = 15 R 10 = FA #D725FA ------------------------------------------- I give you an HTML color #CEB91F Red = CE = High = C*16 + E = 12*16+14 = 206 Green = B9 = High = B*16 + 9 = 11*16+9 = 185 Blue = 1F = Low = 1*16 + F = 1*16+15 = 31