def Command_Open(): # These are "stub" functions: return # Functions that currently don't # do anything, but eventually they def Command_Save(): # will. There is one function return # for each "command" in the # command processor. def Command_Print(): # If the stub functions were not return # present, the program would crash # trying to call a function that def Command_New(): # did not exist. Once we figure return # out what to do, we will fill in # all the stubs with the correct code. def Main(): MoreToDo = True while MoreToDo: Command = input("Enter a command --- ") if Command == "QUIT": MoreToDo = False elif Command == "OPEN": Command_Open() # Call stub elif Command == "SAVE": Command_Save() # Call stub elif Command == "PRINT": Command_Print() # Call stub elif Command == "NEW": Command_New() # Call stub else: print ("Illegal Command") return