FROM VERMONT, JUNE, 2004 and 2005

In the late springs of 2004 and 2005 I joined the VINS researchers on Stratton Mountain (June 7, 8, and 17, 2004) in southwestern Vermont and East Mountain (June 8 and 9, 2005) and Mount Mansfield (June 10, 2005) in northern Vermont. Stratton was reasonably productive and I recorded five Bicknell's Thrushes, most of whom had repertoires of six song types. Bird number 2 was very cooperative and I was able to record around twenty minutes of his singing, thus assuring a good estimate of his repertoire size and contents. In 2005 I first joined the researchers on East Mountain, where the conditions were perfect for recording. The Bicknells, however, sang intermittently, allowing me to record only one bird's songs (BIEM01). I went with Chris Rimmer from East Mountain to Mount Mansfield, where the conditions were bad, rain, wind, and what was a strong radio signal that, I believe, messed up the MKH microphone, which uses radio frequency to operate internally. However, there were many birds singing and I was able to record two birds (BIMA01 ans 02). All three of these northern Vermont birds had repertoires comprising four song types. Below you have access to the spectrograms of all the song types along with 8 bit wav files for listening.

2004: FROM STRATTON MT. A song sequence (1.88 MB) from Bird 2, light green, light green. Songs of Bird 2 are the best recordings.

Bird 1 songs 1 - 3 Bird 1 song 4 Bird 2 songs 1 - 3
Bird 2 songs 4 - 6 Bird 3 songs 1 - 3 Bird 3 songs 4 - 6
Bird 4 songs 1 - 3 Bird 4 songs 4 - 6 Bird 4 song 7
Bird 5 songs 1 - 3 Bird 5 songs 4 - 6 growl


East Mt songs 1 - 3 East Mt song 4
Mt Mansfield 1, songs 1 - 3 Mt Mansfield 1, song 4
Mt Mansfield 2, songs 1 - 3 Mt Mansfield 2 , song 4

Description of the way in which song types are delivered.

Compare with Grey-cheeked Thrush

Swainson's Thrush songs (3.17 MB) for comparison

Comparing Bicknell's and Grey-cheeked