Workshop on Computer Vision and Human Computation
Monday, June 23, 2014, Columbus, Ohio, CVPR 2014
C 114-115, Columbus Convention Center (getting here)
News · Schedule · Accepted Papers · Program Committee · Organizers

Human computation and crowdsourcing have emerged as exciting new frontiers for computer vision research. On one hand, engaging humans is crucial for advancing computer vision. We rely on humans for data collection, annotation, evaluation, and knowledge extraction in general. Important engineering insights often arise from studying humans visual systems. On the other hand, computer vision systems and humans can collaborate to break new grounds and accomplish challenging tasks.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the intersection of computer vision, human computation and crowdsourcing. The workshop will feature invited talks and poster presentations. Topics include but are not limited to the following:

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0920 Opening Remarks
Invited Talk
Larry Zitnick, Microsoft Research
Building Large Datasets to Represent the World
1005 Morning Break
Invited Talk
Devi Parikh, Viginia Tech
Beyond Mindless Labeling: *Really* Leveraging Humans to Build Intelligent Machines
Talk slides
1105 Spotlights and Posters
1200 Lunch Break (Exhibit Hall C)
Invited Talk
Jeffrey Bigham, CMU
Quickly Answering General Visual Questions
Keynote Talk
Sebastian Seung, Princeton University
EyeWire, A Game to Map the Brain
1500 Afternoon Break
Invited Talk
James Hays, Brown University
Crowd One Shot Learning
Invited Talk
Serge Belongie, Cornell Tech.
Visipedia Tool Ecosystem for Dataset Curation and Annotation
Talk slides

Accepted Papers

One author from each paper will be given 90 seconds during the spotlight session to present their work. This will be followed by the poster session extending into the lunch break. Below is the list of accepted papers:

Similarity Comparisons for Interactive Fine-Grained Categorization
Catherine Wah, Grant Van Horn, Steven Branson, Subhransu Maji, Pietro Perona, Serge Belongie
abstract / poster / extended paper
Visual Abstraction for Zero-Shot Learning
Stanislaw Antol, Larry Zitnick, Devi Parikh
abstract / poster
Interactive Image Search with Attribute-based Guidance and Personalization
Adriana Kovashka, Kristen Grauman
abstract / poster
Beyond Comparing Image Pairs: Setwise Active Learning for Relative Attributes
Lucy Liang, Kristen Grauman
abstract / poster / extended paper
Using Human Knowledge to Judge Part Goodness: Interactive Part Selection
Ejaz Ahmed, Subhransu Maji, Gregory Shakhnarovich, Larry Davis
abstract / poster
A User Friendly Crowdsourcing Task Manager
Tomas Matera, Jan Jakes, Munan Cheng, Serge Belongie
abstract / poster
Cost-Effective HITs for Relative Similarity Comparisons
Michael Wilber, Sam Kwak, Serge Belongie
abstract / poster / extended paper
Learning to Identify Local Flora with Human Feedback
Stefan Lee, David Crandall
abstract / poster
JAABA: An interactive machine learning system for biologists
Kristin Branson, Mayank Kabra, Alice A. Robie, Marta Rivera-Alba, Steven Branson and Adam Hantman
abstract / poster / extended paper
Generating Gold Questions for Difficult Visual Recognition Tasks
Diane Larlus, Florent Perronnin, Pramod Kompalli, Vivek Mishra
abstract / poster
Predicting Sufficient Annotation Strength for Interactive Foreground Segmentation
Suyog Jain, Kristen Grauman
abstract / poster / extended paper
Interactive Segmentation as Supervised Classification with Superpixels
Han Sang Lee, Jiwhan Kim, Sun Jeong Park, Junmo Kim
abstract / poster
Acquiring Visual Classfiers from Human Imagination
Carl Vondrick, Hamed Pirsiavash, Aude Oliva, Antonio Torralba
abstract / poster

Program Committee
