Course Description

Course Description:
The health care systems of many industrialized nations, including the US, are facing daunting challenges such as a clear trend towards an aging of the population. This large elderly population having complex health conditions is beginning to severely stress the Medicare system. Researchers, health service providers and government leaders are seeking technological solutions to this problem in order to expand the capabilities of the healthcare system. In this seminar, we will discuss the current state-of-the-art and emerging on- and off-body sensors and mobile technologies, and their applications in clinical sciences. Various topics will be covered, including 1) different types of body sensors and mobile technologies that are motivated by practical medical needs, 2) construction of appropriate clinical trials using technological outcome measures, 3) analysis of the obtained data to quantify patients conditions, and 4) validating the system s clinical efficacy. This course will primarily involve reading and discussing papers (1 credit), and a final project (3 credit). 1-3 credits.

Instructor: Sunghoon Ivan Lee (email: silee at cs).

Class: TBD

Eligibility Restriction:
CS majors only. If CS minor, applicants-on-contract, and other not meeting eligibility, or students needing special permission must request overrides via the on-line form:

Credit: 1 credit (paper readings) or 3 credits (project).

Course Objectives:

  • To learn about different body sensors and mobile technologies used in clinical studies
  • To learn about how to construct clinical trials to validate the technologies
  • To learn about how to analyze the obtained data to validate the technologies


To be added.


To be added.


Biomedical Journals

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
IEEE Trans. Biomedical Circuits and Systems
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
IEEE Life Sciences Letters
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development
Medical Engineering & Physics

Mobile Systems Conferences and Journals

IEEE Systems Journal
IEEE Pervasive Computing
IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing