I am a PhD student at the Autonomous Learning Lab at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I am advised by Bruno Castro da Silva and Philip Thomas. I am interested in applying reinforcement learning in practical applications, and my research focuses on addressing the challenges associated with this. To that end, I focus on problems like robust policy evaluation and model learning under the omnipresent setting of partial observability.

Previously, I was a master’s student at Carnegie Mellon University in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. During my time there, I worked on reinforcement learning with Prof. Ben Eysenbach and bandit algorithms with Prof. Gauri Joshi. I recieved my Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras, where I worked on reinforcement learning with Prof. L.A. Prashanth.

In my free time, I enjoy climbing, trail running and playing as well as watching football (soccer).
