

run_evosuite.pl -- generate test suites using EvoSuite.


  run_evosuite.pl -p project_id -v version_id -n test_id -o out_dir -c criterion [-b search_budget] [-a assertion_timeout] [-t tmp_dir] [-D] [-A]


-p project_id

Generate tests for this project id. See Project module for available project IDs.

-v version_id

Generate tests for this version id. Format: \d+[bf].

-n test_id

The id of the generated test suite (i.e., which run of the same configuration).

-o out_dir

The root output directory for the generated test suite. The test suite and logs are written to: out_dir/project_id/version_id.

-c criterion

Generate tests for this criterion using the default search budget. See below for supported test criteria.

-b search_budget

Set a specific search budget (optional). See below for defaults.

-a assertion_timeout

Set a specific timeout for assertion generation (optional). The default is 300sec.

-t tmp_dir

The temporary root directory to be used to check out the program version (optional). The default is /tmp.


Debug: Enable verbose logging and do not delete the temporary check-out directory (optional).


All relevant classes: Generate tests for all relevant classes (i.e., all classes touched by the triggering tests). By default tests are generated only for classes modified by the bug fix.


This script runs EvoSuite for a particular program version. Tests can be generated for 1) all classes touched by the triggering test or 2) all classes that were modified to fix the bug. The latter is the default behavior.

Supported test criteria and default search budgets

EvoSuite configuration

The filename of an optional EvoSuite configuration file can be provided with the environment variable EVO_CONFIG_FILE. The default configuration file of EvoSuite is: framework/util/evo.config.


By default, the script logs all errors and warnings to run_evosuite.log in the temporary project root. Upon success, the log of this script is appended to: out_dir/logs/project_id.version_id.log.

Test suites

The source files of the generated test suite are compressed into an archive with the following name: project_id-version_id-evosuite-criterion.test_id.tar.bz2


The test suite archive is written to: out_dir/project_id/evosuite-criterion/test_id
