INFO 150: A Mathematical Foundation for Informatics

Prof. Peter J. Haas

Fall, 2022

This is the W3 home page for INFO 150, an introductory undergraduate course in discrete mathematics and the mathematical method. It has been developed for use in the Informatics degree program in the College of Information and Computer Sciences, which focuses on the application of computational principles and techniques to advance other disciplines. The intended audience for this course comprises students who intend to pursue computing, perhaps in programming courses for majors like CMPSCI 121 and 187, but could use more exposure to mathematical thinking first.

The actual home page is located on Moodle, and will be available to students shortly before the first day of class.

Instructor Contact Info: Peter J. Haas, 204 CMPSCI building, email.

Prerequisites: The material of the course does not overlap much with that of the conventional pre-calculus and calculus courses, but it will demand some basic skill in calculation and algebra. There is no formal prerequisite, but an average high-school math background will be useful, e.g., the University's R1 gen-ed requirement. (This course does not carry gen-ed credit itself.) On the opposite end of the spectrum, someone who has taken MATH 132 or CMPSCI 187 probably has too much mathematical maturity to be in the appropriate audience for this course.

Last modified 24 March 2022