CS 590M: Introduction to Simulation

Prof. Peter J. Haas

Spring, 2020

Course Policies and Procedures


Your grade will be based on the following:

Online Discussion Forum

We will be using Piazza for online discussion; you can sign up for Piazza here. Class announcements will be transmitted via Piazza. Here are some ground rules for using Piazza:

Academic Honesty Policy

The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), the world's largest professional computing society, recently released an updated Code of Ethics, and with good reason. Given the dominant role of computer technology in our society, ethical lapses can have disasterous consequences. Ethical behavior begins here at UMass. The following discussion pertains to academic honesty from the perspective of this course.

All work submitted must be your own in presentation. How much outside help is allowed depends on the course component.

For more information about what constitutes academic dishonesty, please see the Dean of Students’ website for the general UMass academic honesty policy. Since students are expected to be familiar with this policy and the commonly accepted standards of academic integrity, ignorance of such standards is not normally sufficient evidence of lack of intent. You can take a quick online quiz to check your "academic integrity quotient (AIQ)".

Disability Statement

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to making reasonable, effective and appropriate accommodations to meet the needs of students with disabilities and help create a barrier-free campus. If you are in need of accommodation for a documented disability, register with Disability Services to have an accommodation letter sent to Prof. Haas. It is your responsibility to initiate these services and to communicate with Prof. Haas ahead of time to manage accommodations in a timely manner. For more information, consult the Disability Services website at http://www.umass.edu/disability/.

Last modified 14 January 2020