Complete result settings for Accidents dataset (table columns are sortable)
The experiments are described in Rooshenas and Lowd, Discriminative Structure Learning of Arithmetic Circuits, AIStats 16

Split Penalty Standard Deviation L1 Penalty Train LL Validation LL Test LL Node# Edge# Feature# Learning Time
10 0.1 2 -26.898108 -26.845574 -27.108686 848586 1942166 2324 10474.272667
10 0.5 2 -26.846354 -26.813322 -27.064223 806399 1845762 2468 10990.166240
10 0.1 0.1 -26.897186 -26.869559 -27.145097 876455 1985915 2584 11418.163174
10 0.1 1 -26.823333 -26.799051 -27.054149 841055 1938354 2596 12020.128662
10 0.5 1 -26.532924 -26.541107 -26.745268 826889 1907546 2430 13427.401724
10 0.5 0.1 -26.724506 -26.716752 -26.974291 844719 1944001 2768 15664.155685
5 0.5 2 -26.433275 -26.455820 -26.661766 837626 1939594 3336 18263.365546
5 0.1 1 -26.635540 -26.620367 -26.826297 810668 1853028 3522 24051.010689
5 0.1 2 -26.734733 -26.715399 -26.939615 787253 1799486 3092 21985.071760
5 0.5 1 -26.435426 -26.421289 -26.666847 860243 1971557 3342 25950.858869
5 0.5 0.1 -26.456208 -26.465928 -26.720061 863965 1956320 4002 33831.061896
5 0.1 0.1 -26.688105 -26.714681 -26.928418 828126 1896012 4120 33046.192214
2 0.1 2 -26.486440 -26.541165 -26.763255 804037 1842765 4440 43860.915126
2 0.1 1 -26.474492 -26.531669 -26.754195 841284 1912415 4814 45932.934132
2 0.5 2 -26.287916 -26.328886 -26.571006 840961 1916274 4780 55238.842418
2 0.5 1 -26.230223 -26.238895 -26.558994 838835 1908961 5182 56192.081504
2 0.1 0.1 -26.338022 -26.374233 -26.648498 834779 1900359 6342 67838.374998
2 0.5 0.1 -26.332793 -26.407210 -26.679666 618018 1375714 6214 76698.253093