Complete result settings for KDDCup 2000 dataset (table columns are sortable)
The experiments are described in Rooshenas and Lowd, Discriminative Structure Learning of Arithmetic Circuits, AIStats 16

Split Penalty Standard Deviation L1 Penalty Initial Evidence Train CLL Validation CLL Test CLL Node# Edge# Feature# Learning Time
5 0.5 1 10 -1.078995 -1.088640 -0.995593 22643 59784 1856 10935.890491
5 0.5 2 10 -1.081348 -1.088949 -0.997606 19751 54064 1692 12839.395114
5 0.5 2 20 -1.080664 -1.088697 -0.997964 22612 68351 1922 13555.941182
5 0.5 0.5 10 -1.078409 -1.088788 -0.997901 21185 54338 1876 14212.640349
5 0.5 0.5 20 -1.078493 -1.087824 -0.998464 18415 53410 2106 15351.403231
5 0.5 1 20 -1.080064 -1.088531 -0.996665 18828 53533 2030 16790.645433
5 0.5 0.1 10 -1.078166 -1.088258 -0.997804 25993 81854 1966 17972.829714
5 0.5 0.1 20 -1.078162 -1.087754 -0.996633 22585 67389 2154 18568.154211
5 0.5 1 1 -1.079491 -1.089552 -0.995207 33916 77686 1740 21944.800882
5 0.5 0.5 1 -1.078701 -1.088432 -0.996838 37316 84168 1818 21092.187499
5 0.5 2 1 -1.081112 -1.091148 -0.998154 36074 82020 1626 22455.531239
5 0.5 0.1 1 -1.077557 -1.089013 -0.996464 34861 78195 1914 28527.779117
2 0.5 2 10 -1.072888 -1.085493 -0.995874 31315 80272 2734 37269.117232
2 0.5 2 20 -1.073504 -1.083982 -0.994314 32730 106776 2894 45479.848011
2 0.5 1 20 -1.069892 -1.083113 -0.997730 36107 112336 3328 55139.193568
2 0.5 1 10 -1.069855 -1.083351 -0.995561 42797 117074 3186 56246.438241
2 0.5 1 1 -1.071590 -1.085235 -0.997214 21254 44465 3002 61228.735816
2 0.5 2 1 -1.073601 -1.086452 -0.995561 35400 78277 2740 61631.666561
2 0.5 0.5 1 -1.070255 -1.086714 -0.995773 18102 35803 3334 60891.361105
2 0.5 0.1 1 -1.072040 -1.089610 -0.996926 13371 24165 3382 60578.018740
2 0.5 0.1 20 -1.067233 -1.083919 -0.996149 23764 70357 3790 61246.038186
2 0.5 0.1 10 -1.067324 -1.085211 -0.998801 26971 67561 3622 61403.350271
2 0.5 0.5 20 -1.068785 -1.085347 -0.995546 33617 107117 3538 61736.188672
2 0.5 0.5 10 -1.068390 -1.083400 -0.997137 36078 99589 3384 62283.549460