Complete result settings for MSWeb dataset (table columns are sortable)
The experiments are described in Rooshenas and Lowd, Discriminative Structure Learning of Arithmetic Circuits, AIStats 16

Standard Deviation L1 Penalty Train CLL Validation CLL Test CLL Node# Edge# Feature# Learning Time
0.1 0.5 -1.334217 -1.387998 -1.360029 570558 1287389 3390 18792.748067
0.1 1 -1.334571 -1.388364 -1.360456 570558 1287389 3390 20948.377362
0.5 1 -1.322157 -1.380853 -1.354765 570558 1287389 3390 68877.274062
0.1 0.1 -1.334250 -1.388124 -1.360100 570558 1287389 3390 23624.068595