Complete result settings for MSNBC dataset (table columns are sortable)
The experiments are described in Rooshenas and Lowd, Discriminative Structure Learning of Arithmetic Circuits, AIStats 16

Standard Deviation L1 Penalty Train CLL Validation CLL Test CLL Node# Edge# Feature# Learning Time
0.1 0.5 -1.544084 -1.548626 -1.559523 213127 431453 10034 5889.945591
0.5 0.5 -1.544084 -1.548626 -1.559523 213127 431453 10034 8058.626902
0.5 1 -1.544085 -1.548627 -1.559522 213127 431453 10034 8886.637025
0.1 2 -1.544086 -1.548627 -1.559521 213127 431453 10034 9531.093053
0.5 2 -1.544086 -1.548627 -1.559521 213127 431453 10034 9189.547976
0.1 1 -1.544085 -1.548627 -1.559522 213127 431453 10034 11632.259627
0.5 0.1 -1.544083 -1.548625 -1.559521 213127 431453 10034 9017.567120
0.1 0.1 -1.544083 -1.548625 -1.559521 213127 431453 10034 9809.807682