CMPSCI 691GM : Graphical Models
Spring 2011
Homework #2: Undirected Graphical Models
Due Dates:
Thursday February 24, 2011: Email working source code
Tuesday March 1, 2011: Email report and revised source code
In this homework assignment you will implement and
experiment with undirected graphical models and write a short report
describing your experiences and findings. We will provide you with
simulated "optical word recognition" data; however, you are
welcome to find and use your own data instead.
Optical Word Recognition
We will be studying the computer vision task of recognizing words
from images. The task of recognizing words is usually decomposed to
recognition of individual characters from their respective images
(optical character recognition, OCR), and hence inferring the word.
However character recognition is often a very difficult task, and since
each character is predicted independent of its neighbors, its results
can often contain combinations of characters that may not be possible
in English. In this homework we will augment a simple OCR model with
additional factors that capture some intuitions based on character
co-occurences and image similarities.

The undirected graphical model for recognition of a given word is
given in the figure above. It consists of two types of variables:
- Image Variables: These are observed images that we need to
predict the corresponsing character of, and the number of these image
variables for a word is the number of characters in the word. The value
of these image variables is an observed image, represented by an
integer id (less than 1000). For the description of the model,
assume the id of the image at position i is represented
by img(i).
- Character Variables: These are unobserved variables that
represent the character prediction for each of the images, and there is
one of these for each of the image variables. For our dataset, the
domain of these variables is restricted to the ten most frequent
characters in the English language ({e,t,a,o,i,n,s,h,r,d}[citation]),
instead of the complete alphabet. For the discussion below, assume the
predicted character at position i is represented by char(i).
The model for a word w will consist of len(w)
observed image ids, and the same number of unobserved character
variables. For a given assignment to these character variables, the
model score will be specified using three types of factors:
- OCR Factors,
These factors capture the predictions of a character-based OCR system,
and hence exist between every image variable and its corresponding
character variable. The number of these factors of word w is len(w).
The value of factor between an image variable and the character
variable at position i is dependent on img(i) and char(i),
and is stored in ocr.dat file described in the data section.
- Transition Factors,
Since we also want to represent the co-occurence frequencies of the
characters in our model, we add these factors between all consecutive
character variables. The number of these factors of word w is len(w)-1.
The value of factor between two character variables at positions i
and i+1 is dependent on char(i) and char(i+1),
and is high if char(i+1) is frequently preceded by char(i)
in english words. These values are given to you in trans.dat
file described in the data section.
- Skip Factors,
Another intuition that we would like to capture in our model is that
similar images in a word always represent the same character. Thus our
model score should be higher if it predicts the same characters for
similar images. These factors exist between every pair of image
variables that have the same id, i.e. this factor exist between
all i,j, i!=j such that img(i)==img(j). The value of
this factor depends on char(i) and char(j), and is 5.0
if char(i)==char(j), and 1.0 otherwise.
Given these factors, the probability of an assignment to the
character variables of a word w according to our model will be
given by:

where Z is the normalization constant as defined using sum over
all possible assignments to character variables of the word.
You can download all the data here.
The archive contains the following files:
- ocr.dat: Contains the output predictions of a pre-existing
OCR system for the set of thousand images. Each row contains three tab
separated values "id a prob" and represents the OCR system's
probability that image id represents character a (P(char=a
| img=id) = prob). Use these values directly as the value of the
factor between image and character variables at position i,
char(i)=a) = prob. Since there are 10 characters and 1000 images, the
total number of rows in this file is 10,000.
- trans.dat: Stores the factor potentials for the transition
factors. Each row contains three tab-separated values "a b value" that
represents the value of factor when the previous character is "a" and
the next character is "b", i.e.
char(i+1)=b) = value. The number of rows in the file is 100 (10*10).
- data.dat (and truth.dat): Dataset to run your experiments
on (see Core Tasks below). The observed dataset (data.dat)
consists observed images of one word on each row. The observed images
for a word are represented by a sequence of tab-separated integer ids
("id1 id2 id3"). The true word for these observed set of images is
stored the respective row in truth.dat, and is simply a string
("eat"). For the core task (3) below, you should iterate through both
the files together to ensure you have the true word along with the
observed images.
- Extra files (bicounts.dat, allwords.dat, allimagesX.dat):
These files are not necessary for the core tasks, but may be useful for
further fun and your own exploration. allwords.dat and allimagesX.dat
are larger versions of data.dat and truth.dat, i.e.
they contain all possible words that can be generated from our
restricted set of alphabet, and five samples of their observed image
sequences (one in each file). You can run inference on these if you
like, but is likely to take 15-20 times longer than the small dataset. bicount.dat
is in the same format as trans.dat, but instead of storing
inexplicable potentials, it stores the joint probability of the
co-occurences of the characters.
Core Tasks (for everyone)
- Graphical Model: Implement the graphical model
containing the factors above. For any given assignment to the character
variables, your model should be able to calculate the model score.
Implemention should allow switching between three models:
- OCR model: only contains the OCR factors
- Transition model: contains OCR and Transition factors
- Combined model: containing all three types of factors
Note: To avoid errors arising from numerical issues, we
suggest you represent the factors in the log-space and take sums as
much as possible, calculating the log of the model score.
- Exhaustive Inference: Using the graphical model, write
code to perform exhaustive inference, i.e. your code should be able to
calculate the probability of any assignment of the character and image
variables. To calculate the normalization constant Z for the
word w, you will need to go through all possible assignments to
the character variables (there will be 10len(w) of
- Model Accuracy: Run your model on the data given in the
file data.dat. For every word in the dataset, pick the
assignment to character variables that has the highest probability
according to the model, and treat this as the model prediction for the
word. Using the truth given in truth.dat, compare the accuracy
of the model predictions using the following three metrics:
- Character-wise accuracy: Ratio of correctly predicted
characters to total number of characters
- Word-wise accuracy: Ratio of correctly predicted words to
total number of words
- Average Dataset log-likelihood: For each word given in data.dat,
calculate the log of the probability of the true word according to the
model. Compute the average of this value for the whole dataset.
Compare all of the three models described in (1) using these three
metrics. Also give some examples of words that were incorrect by the
OCR model but consequently fixed by the Transition model, and examples
of words that were incorrect by the OCR, partially corrected by the
Transition model, and then completely fixed by the Combined model.
Further Fun
Although not required, we hope you will be eager to experiment
further with your model. Here are some ideas for additional
things to try. Of course, you may come up with some even more
exciting ideas to try on your own, and we encourage that. Of
course, be sure to tell us what you did in your write-up.
- Varying the Potentials: Since the only constraint on the
factors is that they should be positive, one can imagine different
values of these potentials can result in a higher accuracy. Is it
possible for you to look at some of the errors and change the
potentials to get a better accuracy? You should not change individual
parameters given to you in the file, but instead think of relative
effect of the various types of factors. For example, what happens if
you scale all the transition factor potentials by 2, or square all the
OCR potentials? Instead of directly "switching on" the skip factors,
what if you plot the accuracy of the model as you slowly increase the
relative strength of the skip factors? Is it possible to substantially
increase the likelihood without affecting the accuracy as much? Explore
other such changes to the relative strengths of the factors, describe
the thought process you used to change the potentials, its effect on
accuracy and likelihood, and give examples of improvements, if any.
- Directed Model: Implement a directed version of our
Transition undirected model. The directed model will be a chain of
character variables, with the previous character generating the next
character. Each of the character variables will also be generating its
respective image variable. You may also consider alternative directed
models, such as ones that incorporate skip factors, etc.
We are providing a few files to help you estimate the parameters
of the model. The provided file bicounts.dat provides the joint
distribution over character co-occurences, i.e. each row "a b prob"
gives the joint probability P(ithChar=a,(i+1)Char=b). This file can be
used to calculate the conditional probabilities of the form P((i+1)Char
| ithChar) that form the edges in the directed model. To get the prior
on the first character of the word, use the words listed in allwords.dat.
To calculate the image generation probabilities P(image|char), we have
provided P(char|image) in ocr.dat, and you will need to
calculate P(char) using allwords.dat and P(image) using all of
the files to apply the Bayes rule.
Run the directed model on the dataset for undirected models (data.dat),
and compare the accuracy and likelihood obtained using the truth (truth.dat).
Note that a lot of the code of the previous homework may be reused for
- Your own ideas!...
What to hand in
The homework should be emailed to
before 5pm Eastern time on the due date.
- You should provide a short (1-3 page) report describing your
explorations and results. Include a description of the implementation
of your model. Compare the three models on the three metrics, and
discuss the relative improvements by showing examples. Mention the
running time of the model on provided dataset. Also include details of
the optional tasks you did.
- Include the complete source code of your implementation.
The assignment will be graded on (a) core task completion and
(b) effort and creativity in the optional extras (c) quality and
clarity of your written report.
Please ask! Send email to or come to the
office hours. If you'd like your classmates to be able to help answer
your question, feel free to use