Co-Director, Autonomous Learning Lab
Associate Editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research

Research Areas:  
Artificial Intelligence  
Machine Learning   
Markov Decision Processes & Reinforcement Learning   
Representation Discovery  

My research interests and experience span many areas of artificial intelligence, cognitive science, decision-making, and machine learning. A core interest in the past few years is on methods for automatically constructing representations using unsupervised statistical learning methods based on modeling data manifolds. My recent work has also focused on combining unsupervised representation discovery with learning and planning, including decision-theoretic planning and reinforcement learning, supervised learning, and transfer learning. Currently funded research projects include algorithms for transfer learning based on aligning learned manifold representations; methods for automatically constructing basis functions in Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning; and multiscale "wavelet"-based algorithms for extracting hierarchical features.

Contact Information

Sridhar Mahadevan 
Department of Computer Science   
140 Governor's Drive 
University of Massachusetts  
Amherst, MA 01003 
Administrative Assistant: Gwyn Mitchell,  

VOICE: (413)545-3140  
FAX: (413) 545-1249  

EMAIL: mahadeva AT cs DOT umass DOT edu