Week 13


Self-assessment Monday.

Problem set (really, just a reminder to do the Forward FOCUS survey!) due Tuesday.

Programming assignment due Tuesday.

Final exam Friday!

I am going to drop the lowest self-assessment and programming assignment! So if you’re overwhelmed, just skip this week’s. But if you have time, go ahead and do them to improve your grade.


We’ve done a ton of stuff this semester. I’ve made you write all kinds of code. You’ve learned about many parts of the Java Collections API, which not coincidentally are the data structures you’ll build many useful programs out of in the future. We’ve thought formally (at least a little) about algorithm design and analysis, testing and correctness, and even how to implement some of these useful data structures.

This week, I thought we’d put it all together in another worked example. To spice things up a little, though, I thought we’d do it more than once. No, I have not lost my marbles. Well, maybe a few of them.

Broadening your horizons

In 121 (or AP CS) you learned some things about computer science, and some things about programming. Almost certainly, then, the programming language you have the most experience with is Java. It may come as a surprise to some of you that Java is maybe not my mostest favoritestest of programming languages. In fact, the primary reason I write anything at all in Java these days is only because our introductory curriculum is structured to use it.

I’m often banging on about weird little aphorisms, like that “names have power, choose them wisely” – people who come to my office hours know what I’m talking about. And a problem with aphorisms is that they sometimes sound trite. But names do have power, because they shape how we think. If you name a variable i it doesn’t mean much, though from context and convention we’ll usually assume it’s the iteration counter (or maybe just a short-lived integer). If you name a variable messageCount that’s pretty clear. If you name a variable c that’s, uhh, less clear, but context might help. If you name a variable thisAssignmentSucks, well, I guess that might help your state of mind temporarily, but it isn’t going to help you understand the code you’re writing.

In the same way, your choice of language will influence how you go about solving a problem. The designers of the Java language (and its standard libraries) were solving a problem (really, a large set of them): How do you write code that’s human readable, that ultimately is executable by a machine? At its lowest levels, a machine doesn’t provide much in the way of abstraction: you can execute instructions linearly, you can read and write bytes and “words” (collections of bytes) from memory, you can operate on them with basic arithmetic and logical operation, and you can “branch” (or “jump”) to another instruction either conditionally or unconditionally. And that’s about it. No loops, no objects, no classes, no types.

Yet James Gosling and his colleagues ended up with Java: a language that resembled imperative languages of the day (C, C++) syntacticly: curly braces for blocks of code, if and switch for conditionals, for and while for loops, infix operators, prefix functions, parenthesis for arguments and precedence, semicolons to end lines. There are other choices it made too: it’s essentially an “imperative” language: “do this, then do this, then do this”, in other words, programs are mostly composed of statements (which in turn are composed of expressions, many of which have side effects).

They also made choices about bigger things: for example, in Java, everything is scoped to a class; there’s no such thing as a free-standing method (sometimes called a function, procedure, or subroutine in other languages). Everything’s an object. (Well, except for primitives.) There’s a strict inheritance hierarchy among classes (Well, there’s also interfaces). There are generic types (that get erased after compilation). And so on.

But these aren’t the only possible ways to design a programming language, and the choices your language designer makes influence, in turn, how you might think about or write a program yourself. There’s a whole universe of other languages out there whose designers made different choices, and thus work differently.

For example, consider Python, a “scripting” language that many people find looks like executable pseudocode. Much like Java, it’s a mostly imperative language. It supports classes and inheritance, but unlike Java, doesn’t require them. It has syntax support for lists, maps, and sets so you can write them quickly and concisely. It uses whitespace rather than braces to denote blocks.

Or, consider Lisp (there are many “Lisps”; well-known ones include Common Lisp, Scheme, and these days, Clojure). There is almost no syntax in classical Lisp: it’s parenthesis all the way down. The original motivation for this is choice is a little weird. When a compiler or interpreter parses your program, it transforms it into something called an “abstract syntax tree”. You can represent a tree as a nested group of expressions – so you could, say, use a list of nested parenthetical (symbolic) expressions called s-exprs. Lisp was originally going to have more syntax than this – the designer started with the parenthetical expressions, with the intention of adding syntax later. But it turns out that if your program’s syntax trivially maps to its structure, then it’s trivial to write programs that manipulate programs. This is called metaprogramming and enables all sorts of wonderful things.

Or, consider the ML-family of languages. Suppose you want to formally verify, like, with math, that your program “works”, for some definition of works. One way to define this is to say there will be no runtime errors of various categories. Another is to say there will be no type errors. Or bounds errors. With a formal enough type semantics, you can encode these requirements into a type system, and prove that any program that typechecks correctly will not have these problems.

You get the idea – and there’s lots more where that comes from. But this isn’t a course in programming language design, so let’s get down to our example, first in Java and then in some other ways.

Markov models for text generation

Markov models are a way of modeling a random process. At their simplest, they’re a graph (oh yeah) where the vertices are states and the directed edges are transitions between the states, annotated with the probability that the transition is taken. (A/B example on board.)

OK, how might we use this for text generation? Let’s take a look at a short sentence fragment:

a man a plan a canal a

(I heard you did some palindrome stuff in 186, so I got you some more.)

Suppose this is a representative sample of text. How might we characterize it? We could treat each word as a state, the choice of successor of each word as an edge. (On board)

And we could assign probabilities on the basis of what we observe in this text: equiprobably (p = 13) from “a” to each other word, and back to “a” (p = 1) from each word.

If we “walked” around on this graph we’d generate text each time we took a step: (on board).

In a nutshell, that’s it. We could fancy it up somewhat (and we will in a bit), but that’s the idea.

One question remains though: how do we build the graph? The answer is we read in a text, and use the actual frequencies of words and their successors to build the graph. If you sample a large enough text (it turns out a half-dozen words isn’t really large enough, but a few thousand works fine), then you can start to output meaningful-ish data.

Building a Markov text generator

So how do we generate text? What’s the generation algorithm?

So what does our model need to support? The answer is a fast lookup of a word, and its associated successors, in a format that supports an easy random choice. So how might we build one?

How do we build our model? By reading an input string (“training data”), splitting it on spaces, and then updating our model: for each word in the string, add its successor to the list of successors for that word in the model. We will end up adding words more than once to the list, but that’s OK (and in fact, exactly what we want), since we want the choice to be weighted. For example, if the word “zebra” shows up only once in our training data after the word “the”, it should be correspondingly rare in our generated output.

How do we choose a successor for a word? Choose a word from the list at random – since there is more than one copy of more common words, they will correspondingly be chosen more at random.

This choice of data structure is somewhat wasteful of space, in that we needn’t actually store multiple copies of each word (or references), but it does make the random choice easy. I’ll leave it as an exercise to you how to build something that would be more efficient space-wise but still also efficient when making the random choice.

Notice that nothing we’ve written so far is actually specific to Java. That’s a good thing, in that you’ve been learning to think computationally, and that Java is just a way to express those thoughts concretely. Let’s do so next.

Building our generator in Java

To map words to lists of words, we’ll use an appropriate map. And this structure is essentially the only state (and thus, instance variable) the class will need:

public class MarkovTextGenerator {
	private Map<String, List<String>> model;
	public MarkovTextGenerator() {
		model = new HashMap<>();

How do we add a word to the model? Trick question! We need to add the word and its successor.

public void add(String word, String successor) {
    if (!model.containsKey(word)) {
        model.put(word, new ArrayList<>());

Does this thing work? Let’s add a toString method:

public String toString() {
    return model.toString();

and test it in a main method:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String[] words = "a man a plan a canal".split("\\s+");
    MarkovTextGenerator generator = new MarkovTextGenerator();
    for (int i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++) {
        generator.add(words[i], words[i + 1]);

Looks good:

{a=[man, plan, canal], man=[a], canal=[a], plan=[a]}

Now let’s write a method to add every word in a file:

public void addToModel(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
    if (!scanner.hasNext()) {
    String successor = scanner.next();
    while (scanner.hasNext()) {
        String word = successor;
        successor = scanner.next();
        add(word, successor);

Does it work?

generator = new MarkovTextGenerator();
generator.addToModel(new File("/Users/liberato/canal.txt"));

Yup. Now let’s do the text generation:

public String generateText(int n) {
    Random random = new Random(1);
    // choose the first word at random
    List<String> words = new ArrayList<>(model.keySet());
    String word = words.get(random.nextInt(words.size()));

    // build the list of strings
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(n);
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        List<String> successors = model.get(word);
        String successor = successors.get(random.nextInt(successors.size()));
        word = successor;
    // return a single string
    return String.join(" ", result);    

OK, let’s point it at something more real. How about some Sherlock Holmes via Project Gutenberg?

generator.addToModel(new File("/Users/liberato/sherlock.txt"));

That’s pretty neat. One last tweak. Here, each word has one word of context. What if we make each successor based upon the previous two words? Let’s adjust our model to keep a list of words as predecessors, rather than a single word. (We have to be careful here – you cannot change mutable objects if they’re keys in a map without breaking the map; fortunately, our algorithm doesn’t require us to do so.)

public class MarkovTextGeneratorTwo {
    private Map<List<String>, List<String>> model;
    private Random random;

    public MarkovTextGeneratorTwo() {
        random = new Random(1);
        model = new HashMap<>();

    public void add(List<String> words, String successor) {
        if (!model.containsKey(words)) {
            model.put(words, new ArrayList<>());

    public String toString() {
        return model.toString();

    public void addToModel(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
        if (!scanner.hasNext()) {
        List<String> words = new ArrayList<>();

        while (scanner.hasNext()) {
            String word = scanner.next();
            add(new ArrayList<>(words), word);

    private List<String> randomWords() {
        List<List<String>> words = new ArrayList<>(model.keySet());
        return words.get(random.nextInt(words.size()));

    public String generateText(int n) {
        // choose the first words at random
        List<String> words = randomWords();

        // build the list of strings
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(n);
        for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
            List<String> successors = model.get(words);
            while (successors == null) {
                words = randomWords();
                successors = model.get(words);
            String word = successors.get(random.nextInt(successors.size()));

        // return a single string
        return String.join(" ", result);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        String[] words = "a man a plan a canal".split("\\s+");

        MarkovTextGeneratorTwo generator = new MarkovTextGeneratorTwo();

        generator = new MarkovTextGeneratorTwo();
        generator.addToModel(new File("/Users/liberato/canal.txt"));

        generator = new MarkovTextGeneratorTwo();
        generator.addToModel(new File("/Users/liberato/sherlock.txt"));

Building the generator in Python

So, you may have heard of a language called Python. It’s pretty popular in some circles, and for good reason: it makes writing easy programs ridiculously easy. There are various (somewhat hidden) costs involved though. For example, the lack of a static type system makes it harder to build large programs correctly. And Python’s bytecode is not terribly amenable to JIT compilation, and Python is notoriously “slow”. Slow is relative, of course, but if you have a large, computationally-intensive job, plain-old-python without native extensions is not always the right choice.

Syntactically, it’s very similar to Java, but with a few major changes. Semicolons are optional:

print("hello world")

does what you’d expect, for example. Next, types are dynamic (determined at runtime), not static, so you don’t include them in your programs!

i = 4
i += 1;

s = "hello"

print(s, i)

Another important difference is that it has a REPL (read-eval-print loop), which lets you program interactively. (Java9+ has one of these, called JShell.) Many newer programming languages have REPLs, and they’re surprisingly useful in helping you by letting you quickly test small snippets of code without going through the compile-run-debug loop. python is one, but there’s an enhanced one that basically everyone uses called ipython, which also has a web front-end called jupyter. (demo)

Python has classes, but we’re going to build the generator using just standalone methods (Python calls them “functions”, though they’re not guaranteed to be “pure”). You define a function with def:

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

print(add(2, 2))

Notice a few things: no type declarations. No braces; the : says “what follows is the method”, and the amount of indent is used to indicate what’s part of this method and what’s not. You can already see that python is more concise than Java, without any real loss in readability. One tradeoff of not including type information at compile-time is that you won’t see type errors until runtime:

def div(x, y):
    return x / y

def do_it():
    print(div(12, 'three'))

“compiles” (that is, can be loaded by the interpreter) just fine. But when you actually invoke it:


you get a TypeError – at runtime, not at load time.

Enough of that. Let’s rewrite our generator in Python. The equivalent of a Map in python is a dictionary. You can create one with either the built-in dict function, or a dictionary literal: {}

model = {}

You can look up the value corresponding to a key k in a dictionary d using the d[k].

A list in Python has a similar list() function and [] syntax support; you can access the ith element of a list l with l[i].

Now let’s write the function to add to the model. This function will modify the model dict in-place:

def add_to_model(model, word, successor):
    if word not in model:
        model[word] = [successor]

or maybe:

def add_to_model(model, word, successor):
    if word not in model:
        model[word] = []

Though it turns out we can make a shorter version of this using one of dict’s many helper methods:

def add_to_model(model, word, successor):
    model.setdefault(word, []).append(successor)

And let’s test it:

model = {}
words = 'a man a plan a canal a'
word_list = words.split()
for i in range(len(word_list) - 1):
    add_to_model(model, word_list[i], word_list[i + 1])


And build the generator:

def generate(model, n):
    result = []
    word = random.choice(list(model.keys()))
    for _ in range(n):
        word = random.choice(model[word])
    return ' '.join(result)

and test it:

print(generate(model, 20))

Now let’s write a function to add words from a file:

def add_file_to_model(model, path):
    with open(path) as f:
        data = f.read()
        words = data.split()
        for i in range(len(words) - 1):
            add_to_model(model, words[i], words[i + 1])

and test it:

model = {}
add_file_to_model(model, '/Users/liberato/sherlock.txt')
print(generate(model, 100))

So that’s a first cut. I won’t do the update to the two-word model, but it’s pretty straightforward.

Building the generator in OCaml

OCaml is an old language (as old as Java) that comes from different roots; it has a quite different syntax and semantics. It’s a dialect of ML, which is a functional language. C (and Java, and Python) are imperative; in some sense they mirror a particular model of computation – the Turing machine, where we say “do this, then do this, then do this…”. Function languages like OCaml more closely mirror the lambda calculus, where we think about repeated-function-evaluation rather than a sequence of instructions.

One knock-on effect of this is that you write things in terms of functions that evaluate to other functions. (Though you can string together more than one function with the ; operator, so it “looks like” imperative programming.)

The various ML dialects make (more) clear why recursion is natural. OCaml has a REPL called utop that we can use; we need to append ;; to the end of statements because utop doesn’t know when expressions end, but actual OCaml code does not require this ;; operator.


Notice that OCaml knows the type (int) of this value (12). The utop interpreter “feels like” python but it’s actually compiling the code, and doing typechecking. Let’s define an add function:

let add x y = x + y;;

add 5 6;;

Some things:

We use let to bind a name to a value. Here, the value is add, which is a function of type int -> int -> int, which means, sorta, that this is a function that takes two ints and returns an int.

OCaml invokes functions on arguments as shown; no parenthesis!

OCaml can do if/thens just like most programming languages:

let rec fact n =
  if n < 2
  then 1
  else n * fact (n - 1);;

Notice that we have to tell OCaml that this is a recursive function.

We can also write this in a more mathematical style:

let rec fact = function 
  | 0 -> 1
  | 1 -> 1

Oops! We forgot the recursive case. Here's the first hint of how powerful OCaml's typecheck is. It tells us we missed at least one case (n = 2). We could add it, then find we've forgotten n = 3, and so on. How do we say "otherwise"? The "match anything" case comes last, and we can re-use the already-bound value n:

ocaml let rec fact = function | 0 -> 1 | 1 -> 1 | n -> n * (fact (n - 1)) ;;

Perhaps that gives you a hint of why recursion might be more useful in other languages. OCaml is in some ways more conceptually different from Java than Python, so I'm going to gloss over (more) details than I did when I did the Python version.

So now let's turn to our text generator again. OCaml, like most modern languages, comes with a `Map` built in to its standard library (though unlike Python it has no special language support):

ocaml let add model word successor = let successors = match (Map.find model word) with Some l -> l | None -> [] in
Map.add model word (successor :: successors)

Here, we lookup the word in the map; if it's there we bind `successors` to it (`Some l`), otherwise we bind `successors` to an empty list. Then we add the successor to this list `(successor :: successors)` (`::` is the prepend operator on a list), and return a new map, based upon the old one, with this new successor list added.

Why don't we modify the list in place? OCaml, like most functional languages, defaults to *immutable* data structures. You "modify" them by calling a function that returns a changed *copy* of the data structure. They are implemented in a way that shares structure (that is, it is memory efficient as each potentially list shares nodes with other lists). Normally, this would be terrifying in a language like Java, where aliased references result in hard-to-track-down bugs. But if your structure is immutable, it doesn't matter if it shares structure with others, since they can't change it!

Turns out you can do this in one line, though, taking advantage of built-in support for multimaps:

ocaml let add model word successor = Map.add_multi model ~key:word ~data:successor

OCaml does actually support imperative programming; it has the ability to declare mutable variables, and do iteration and other imperative things when you need to. It also has a full object system (hence the "O").

Let's write the generator now:

ocaml let random_word model = let words = Map.keys model in List.random_element_exn words

let generate model n = let rec aux word i = let successor = match List.random_element (Map.find_multi model word) with | Some word -> word | None -> random_word model in if i = 0 then [successor] else successor :: (aux successor (i - 1)) in aux (random_word model) n

A recursive aux(iliary) method, which "counts down" using i, returning just the successor for the base case, and the current successor appended to the recursive call's result.

Now let's test it:


let split s = String.split_on_chars ~on:[ ‘ ’ ; ‘\t’ ; ‘\n’ ; ‘\r’ ] s |> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> x <> “”)

let () = let phrase = “a man a plan a canal a” in let words = split phrase in let model = ref String.Map.empty in for i = 0 to (List.length words - 2) do model := add !model (List.nth_exn words i) (List.nth_exn words (i + 1)) done; print_endline (String.concat ~sep:” “ (generate !model 20))

OCaml doesn't by default have an "all-whitespace" splitter like Python, so we wrote one here. This is also our first use of actual mutable variables; the variable `model` is a `ref`erence, which we can dereference with `!` and update with `:=`.

What if we want to read from a file? Same as before, let's write a function:

ocaml let add_from_file model path = let words = In_channel.read_all path |> split in let model = ref model in for i = 0 to (List.length words - 2) do model := add !model (List.nth_exn words i) (List.nth_exn words (i + 1)) done; !model

Here we read the file in, then pass that directly as input to the `split` function using the `|>` function (an infix operator just like `+` or `-`).

and let's try it on a short input:

ocaml model := add_from_file String.Map.empty “/Users/liberato/test.txt”; print_endline (String.concat ~sep:” “ (generate !model 20));

works fine. What about for Sherlock?

ocaml model := add_from_file String.Map.empty “/Users/liberato/sherlock.txt”;

print_endline (String.concat ~sep:” “ (generate !model 20));

Huh, that's funny. It's taking a long time. Maybe we've gone...accidentally quadratic? `List.nth` has to traverse the list. But unlike Python lists which are O(1) lookup, OCaml lists are actually linked lists, so that's no good. Let's convert that list to an array so the lookups are faster:

ocaml let add_from_file model path = let words = In_channel.read_all path |> split |> Array.of_list in let model = ref model in for i = 0 to (Array.length words - 2) do model := add !model words.(i) words.(i + 1) done; !model ```

The syntax for array lookup of the i-th element is .(i). And run it!

OCaml is more clunky than Python, but (once you get used to the syntax) arguably better (or at least no worse) than Java. There’s also a new front-end for it that presents a very Javascripty-feel, called “Reason” that you might check out if you’re curious.

OCaml’s main benefits are its speed (it compiles to native code), the awesome power of its type system (if programs typecheck, they are often correct; in other words, you can specify constraints much more tightly in OCaml than Java), and its module system which we didn’t look at at all –it is much more powerful than Java’s or Python’s (you can write functions that take not just functions as inputs, but modules!).

Languages to look at

Other things you might want to peruse:

High-level languages: Python, Ruby, Julia, Swift

Java-ish languages: C#, Go, C++ (sorta)

Low-level languages: C, Rust, C++ (sorta)

Languages with Real Type Systems: OCaml, Haskell, C++ (sorta)

Lispy things: Racket, Clojure, Common Lisp, Scheme

Final exam: What should I study?


More seriously, if I were you, I’d look over the self-assessments and problem sets. That’s what I’ll be doing when formulating questions. Expect to see questions you’ve seen before (or more likely, slight variants of them).

What you want, when going over the old stuff, is not to memorize the answers but to understand them. One way to do this is staring at them and rubbing your chin, but it’s likely working with a study buddy will be more fruitful. Ask each other questions, and then make sure you can explain the answer to your pal(s). Your buddy can be a rubber duck if necessary, but a small focused group session might be helpful.

For questions that involve coding, think about what the given solutions does and why — like, what are the cases it deals with? Why are they all necessary? What happens if you omit one or more of them?

Some more specifics

I expect you to be totally fluent in control flow and in use of the various data structures we’ve covered (arrays, sets, lists, maps).

Make sure you understand how to write and use generic methods and classes.

Know how to implement an interface, and how to extend a base class, and what the difference is.

For questions that involve, say, linked structures, make sure you can draw out the structures before and after an operation (like, a linked list that backs a stack) and understand why the code to push or pop looks the way it does. For array-based structures, understand how the index into the array helps create the abstraction (for example, how the top index in an array-backed stack works). It would be wise to know how to write these methods.

For things like graph and search, understand the basic terminology and operations – how does a BFS work? Which nodes does it expand, and in which order?

Know how to do our discount asymptotic analysis: you should be able to judge whether a given method runs in linear, quadratic, or constant time in the size of something (usually its input).

Minimally you should know how to write a simple test case (a la the “smoke tests”), which is just a method with the @Test decorator that uses the assertEquals (or similar) method to check that another method behaves as it should.

Understand recursion enough to identify the base and recursive case in a recursive method, and whether a recursive method is correctly implemented (and thus will terminate) or not. Be able to write simple recursive methods as we did in class.

Yes, but what are you going to ask on the exam?

The self-assessments are the best guide to the style and content of the final – expect something very similar, with about 10–12 questions instead of about three.

Questions may ask you to do the following:

What next?

Holy cats, look at that list there. Think about all the stuff we learned this semester, the data structures (and a little bit about how they’re implemented), the breadth of the projects, the amount of code you’ve written. That’s a lot!

Completing this class is kinda like getting your black belt or your driver’s license or the like, in that you know have the skills to do stuff. In terms of programming prowess, you’ve now got the fundamentals, and in terms of program design and data structures, you could handle most junior software engineering jobs. You might need to learn more about particular domains: HTML / CSS for web development, or HIPAA for medical records, or whatever, but you know how to write code that does stuff now.

And that’s kind of magical. You know have the insight and knowledge to know that you can tell a computer to do things and it will do them – and if it won’t, you know how to figure out why. Like any programmer, you need to decide what you want the computer to do, but (I hope) you now trust that, with some work and perseverance, you can do it. As you’ll probably see in the coming years, this is a superpower, and it’s one that will grow as you nurture it.

The worst vice is advice, but I’m going to indulge in it anyway now for a moment.

Don’t squander this power, and don’t misuse it. To paraphrase Burke, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. The world needs your programming skills, it needs your many other skills and talents, it needs your idealism, and it needs your ethics. Whether this is your first CS course or your last one, you’re gonna have a choice as to what you when you get outta this place. And what the world almost certainly does not need is more precisely targeted advertising, more addictive Facebook newsfeeds, more dark patterns online, more anonymous assassination markets, more ways to build neural networks to synthesize fraudulent videos, more “disruptive” technologies that exist only to circumvent the rule of law, and so on.

It needs thoughtful, informed citizens, not consumers, who are considerate about their use and creation of technology. And make no mistake, you are a technology creator now. Use this power wisely.

A few final words

Soon we must say goodbye. Well, at least until the final exam in a couple weeks. Many of you plan to go on to 187; many others are going to move on to various INFO courses, others have other plans.

Regardless, you’re always welcome to drop by and visit my in my office hours – maybe even in person some day! Maybe because you have questions for another class, like, say, 187 next semester. That’s fine, I’m happy to help, though I will probably ask if you’ve at least checked in with your TA or professor. Maybe just to chat, which is fine too.

In any event, it has been my pleasure and my privilege to run this class. Thank you so much for sticking it out!