Homework 11: HashSets and TreeSets

Suppose you are writing a program to manage shipments of bananas. You choose to represent the shipments as an object, using the following class definition:

public class BananaShipment {
	final long serialNumber;
	double weight;
	String variety;

Each BananaShipment is uniquely identified by its serialNumber; the other instance variables are not guaranteed to be immutable or unique.

You realize you want your BananaShipment objects to be able to participate in the Collections API; in particular, you’d like to to be able for it to work correctly and efficiently when creating sets of BananaShipments – either HashSet<BananaShipment> or TreeSet<BananaShipment>.

(3 points) Show the full class definition of BananaShipment (including any required changes to the class declaration) that is required.