This page is a master list of all assignments and due dates for the course. It will be updated as assignments are made available.
Assignments are due at 4:00pm (the start of class), unless otherwise noted. I may make them due slightly later in Gradescope to account for upload delays, last-minute problems, and whatnot, but ultimately you are responsible for setting aside enough time to complete and upload each assignment on time.
Solutions, when available, are password-protected. Don’t use your SPIRE username, it won’t work. The username and password you need are on the course’s Moodle site.
Start assignments early so the course staff will have time to clarify points of confusion for you, and to give you time to overcome unexpected difficulties.
Final Exam Dec 19 Thu 3:30pm–5:30pm in Goessmann Lab. Add Room 64 (our classroom).
Yes, this is the last possible time for a regularly-scheduled exam. I don’t like it either. Unfortunately, I cannot change the time or let you take it early.